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Rosetta Stone

原來, 花錢也是很累的.
今天在網上找遍了所有的site, 就是為了"花錢" (聽起來好像是閒錢太多, 花不完).
不過, 終於找到我人生偉大的目標 ---- 買東西不用看price tag. (What a cheap dream. 不過我想我如果要達成這個夢想, 還要努力很久.)
Anyway, 反正今天也小小享受到不必考慮價錢的shopping. 2001年的Vegas之旅我選了Luxor, 而今年我要住Paris. (果然有敗家女的氣勢!!)

posted by Biochemie on 9:27 下午 2 comments


Today was a crazy day!!!!
AMAZINGLY, I got up and work this morning at 10:00. By the time I got Wes' e-mail, I was outside somewhere already.....
I did some more of that translation today, and found some more interesting things that I can write a book about. (So, we should start with a book right, Viv?) I was deeply into the whole story so that I needed to spend some time on doing other things to allow myself to get out of that "sadness mode", I decided that I should watch some of that cool HK-drama ---- 駁命老公追老婆, starred 方中信(廖媽的最愛, 傳說中Anjeli的老爸), 陳豪(暨Danny之後的新偶像). (女生不重要, 就不提了....哈哈哈!!) Anyway, so then Connie came to my place for some stuff, 情急之下害我還穿性感小短褲就衝出去了...>.<"
And tennis class today!! (該死的西雅圖下了好幾天的雨, 害我好久沒打) 所以感謝我的老師 ---- Wes, 要不是他call我出去打, 我還真找不到人跟我這個"肉腳"打說.....
之後, 見識到男人shopping的功力 ---- 3分鐘之內保證搞定!!(自認為shopping已經夠man的我, 當場立刻投降.)當然還是選了我今年發現的夢幻水晶店, Swarovski, (就是坤庭家代理的那家天鵝水晶店)買了一個禮物給Yang. 縱使早就知道她喜歡什麼東西, 不過幫女生買東西還真是困難. 不過我跟Wes只持著一個原則, Mimi不喜歡的東西=Yang喜歡的東西. 因為發現其實我比較喜歡的東西其實還都真的怪怪的, 不像一般女生. Brookstone啦, Swatch啦, 都算是在我的list上. 不過, Swarovski是少數幾家considered to be more girly的店在我的list上. 自從上次跟Tim一起買禮物給媽媽之後, 我就愛上那家店了. 不僅東西夢幻, 價錢也沒有我想像中的貴.
Anyway, the party at Yang's was great, wonder if I should have one too after I move to my new place? It might be a good idea.....

Time for relaxing!! I swear to God that I'll be doing the Japanese research tomorrow. Maybe some shopping with Connie on Monday??? (But man~~ families are comin'....)

posted by Biochemie on 11:52 下午 0 comments


party太多就來病到快掛了, 還偏偏又給我下了幾天大雨
明天一大早還要上班, 真懷疑我起不起得來
(據說都快final了, 怎麼越搞越忙)

在clinic服務了30年的Dr. Van Belle 今天是最後一天上班
想到以後看不到Dr. Van Belle在醫院幫人看病

posted by Biochemie on 11:14 下午 0 comments

Luxor Vegas, 進攻!!

posted by Biochemie on 10:37 下午 0 comments


I need to go boxing.

posted by Biochemie on 1:04 上午 0 comments

God, I never apply what I learned from class to my real life.....
I was so nervous when I saw one of the TJP prof. today, and I said sth really bad/stupid to him.... >.<" Hope he doesn't remember who I am.... And my heart is lo-lo-luin right now since the grades are not yet out....It'll be great if I can take the TJP classes, but I'm afraid that I won't even have time for the extra classes besides my stupid chem classes.

Peace Corps really holds a strict rules about the volunteers. Height, weight, vision, and plus...... Ran into Wilber at the clinic today, (and of course, the gossip MAs thought he's my XX again...)and I really really don't think he's chubby, not at all, but according to PC's rules, he is OVERWEIGHT + probable 腰太粗(poor thing....). He'll be heading to Alaska for his friend's wedding right after the ceremony, sounds like a cool trip. But he's friend is only his age, humm.... will it be a bit young to get married??

I feel so so so tired today cuz my DEAR VIV chatted with me all the way 'til 3:00am last night. God, I now have this severe jet-lag again. (I can probably call it a "phone-lag" instead.)

I swear that I'll finish my JAPAN 499 research paper this weekend, otherwise I'll kill myself. I swear to God.

posted by Biochemie on 12:16 上午 0 comments


今天Hall Health (UW on-campus clinic)進來一位疑似SARS病患來求診, 真是太恐怖了. 我的小感冒頓時也讓我覺得毛骨悚然了起來.... I'll have more follow-up after getting the lab result on that patient.
今天也幫一個香港的華裔人士做書信翻譯. (還真好賺, 不用寫, 不用打字, 只要對著錄音機念一念就可以了. 時薪還真不錯~~)那些是1950年代的書信, 相信是他在整理他媽媽遺物時的發現, 只是他看不懂中文 (別說他看不懂, 那些"草書"我都快看不懂了). 在那些書信之中, 我看到的不只是人與人之間的關懷與溝通, 更看到了當時時代的動盪. 戰爭影響下的時空, 使得人們不得不離鄉背井, 到美國發展..... I will be doing some more of the the translation these days, and you know what, I believe the materials can be written as a really good script. We'll see about that.
More Japanese translation awaits too.

Gotta call Viv, laters~~

posted by Biochemie on 1:12 上午 0 comments




What the hell is that f***ing FAPA?? Who the hell are they?
對於中華民國的事情, 凡是持有國外(非中華民國)護照的傢伙都給我收聲!! 外交事務不容許"立場不堅定"的死東西插手!!(God, 此話一說, 一半以上的朋友都被我罵到了....對不起對不起...)但是我非說不可.
要派35000人海軍陸戰隊是吧!? 那我們不是要唱空城記了嗎? 說什麼如果我軍派出35000人支援伊拉克前線, 假使同一時間中華人民共合國對我們發動武力侵犯, 美軍就會派軍來支援我中華民國. 你白痴啊!? 美國幹嘛不自己派軍隊到伊拉克, 反到要欠我們一個人情!? 吃飽沒事做喔!?
35000人, 你以為我們有嗎!? 現職海軍陸戰隊20000人不到耶!! 不夠的15000人到哪裡生出來呀!? 你生給我看啊!? 說要用徵招的, NTM徵的到就有鬼了咧, 這不是擺明送死嗎!? 那好啊, 你那些支持阿扁的人, 讓你的兒子去前線啊, 支持他就要幫他實現諾言啊~~ PK, 一堆腦子裝豆花的死蠢.....
不要說我是泛藍思想, 520總統就職典禮我可是有去幫忙的, 一事歸一事, 有不對的就該罵. 不要隨便丟出一個題目, 看看"市場反應", 大家反對就不敢做, 沒人出聲就偷偷行事. 還有, 別想企圖蓋過"驗票"的新聞, 我已經不吃你這一套了.

posted by Biochemie on 12:05 上午 2 comments


this is an audio post - click to play

posted by Biochemie on 12:33 上午 0 comments


Have you tried "social-ed" every single day of a whole week? I just did. I'M TOASTED!!
I could have gone for the TSA nightmarket thing at HUB, but I had to have a dinner with some poeple from Wisconsin. But the plus was that we went to a cool all-you-can-eat restaurant in Bellevue. The trade is that I have to eat with 2 prof. from Uni of Wisconsin, Madison + 2 UW prof. And 2 of them are in the library & informational science field, 1 in the bioinformatics, and the other 1 is in the accounting & statistical informatics. (Now you see the POWER if informatics la~~~) And they tried so hard to persuade me into working in the world of informatics. I believe with my chem + biochem + whatever background I have, I can make a bomb of it, but I'll have to see if I really like it.
Anyway, the dinner was tiring but interesting, we talked alot about the things they won't even teach in a lecture. I can have a peep of what a prof. is like when they are not in a class setting.... Some of thier viewpoints are quite interesting, and they argue too. (muwahahahaha~~ I saw 2 honorable UW prof. arguing right in front of my face....)
I've never tried a funny dinner like that, but yeah~~ tiring. So I went to bed at about 11:30pm lo~~

There is a party waiting for me, (tired, God.) so, yeah~~ I'll blog more later lo!!

Viv, I might call you later.
Jack, I might call you too.

posted by Biochemie on 2:23 下午 1 comments


What a party~~~
原來一整夜, 我眼睛所見到的不是senator就是governor, 全部都是大人物來著!! (只是可能從身高看不太出來....)
而我呢, 則做了一整夜西雅圖經濟文化辦事處處長的小跟班. 理論上是一直跟在他的身後, 隨時接應他的指示. 只是, 他真的很給他忙著social, 畢竟他是駐西雅圖的最高代表, 所以所有的來賓都一定要上前跟他social一下. 那微小的我咧, 只好自動自發地給他閃到一邊去支援其他的服務同學. 可是, 縱使我身在小角落helping other guests, 我神聖的"接應"工作還是必須持續不段地進行. 我的眼神真是一刻都沒離開過處長一眼, 只差個耳機, 我就是個不折不扣的FBI agent了. 處長也真是經驗老到, 也頗能隨時掌握我的行蹤.....當他向我使一個眼神, 我就知道我又有任務了 ---- "請你幫我找戴組長過來" "請你幫我倒一杯水"....(天啊~~這是多麼神聖的任務呀~~)......
其實我是心不甘情不願的, 我的朋友都清楚的知道我不欣賞陳水扁, 所以我今天其實是去臥底的.....哇哈哈哈哈~~~~ 臨走的時候, 我還偷偷地跟在hotel大門抗議的人比出"耶"的手勢....

陳水扁, 去仆街啦!!
等驗票驗出你要"下台"的那一天, 那個酒會就算不被徵招, 我也一定去參加!!

posted by Biochemie on 11:45 下午 0 comments


I'm almost there....
I'm almost there....

posted by Biochemie on 10:11 下午 0 comments

Busy busy day!!!
Since Cherry and Ella are calling off for about 2 months + MAs are taking turns taking days off, we now have a extremely chaos situation where MAs have to cover for each other and work with all the providers. (10 providers : 4 MAs) As a result, I become the most important person who covers for all the MAs. I started to do things I don't usually do + my routine work. It sounds fairly fine to me. But in the real life setting, NO!! It's totally not the case!! A little carry-on notebook is not enough to write down the things I have to do anymore. I have at least 6 routine work in hand (on both sides of the clinic, that makes it 6x2), plus some emergency business needs to be taken care of right away after getting the order.
So, I just basically "lamed" around the clinic doing all those jobs...... (but yeah~~ I'm happy to do so for my paycheck!!)

posted by Biochemie on 5:37 下午 0 comments


posted by Biochemie on 1:00 下午 0 comments

Vince is now in Taiwan, and I just had a nice loooong chat with him on the phone. (You are so funny, Vince!!)
Hope you can find Vivienne at the theater, and maybe you can try to do the XXXXX thing (the phrase you told me, but I'll have to double check it with you mom to get the meaning of it. :P)

Good luck on your job-hunting, and I'll keep an eye on the jobs here for you!! 唔好俾太多壓力自己, 你得個!! 唔使擔心!!

**And I had my Christmas trip planned (if certain conditions met)---- Toronto that is!! A total snowy Christmas this time!!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:35 上午 0 comments


What a day~~
There is not much chance to see Mimi in a mini-skirt, but yeah~~ today was the day. Mimi in mini-skirt.
I went for a concert as a volunteer tonight, and saw so many uncles and aunts that we used to work with, and it's kinda hard to explain the feelings at the moment...... So happy to see all of them, and Secretary Chen was actually talking to me with all his "crappy" Cantonese, wahahaha~ He's the coolest secretary I ever seen!!

My air-bed comes in!! Man~~ I'm so gonna inflate it tonight and try it myself!! (plus some HK-drama~~ wahahaha~~)

And for those of you who read my blog, please keep your finger crossed, and wish me luck on my TJP test.

PS. Sorry gays, all the gmail accounts I have are taken~~

posted by Biochemie on 11:29 下午 0 comments


Wes, I can't agree with you more.

"I realized that the closer I get to know somebody, the lower the tolerance I have for them." ~ Wes

posted by Biochemie on 10:18 下午 0 comments

請大家猜一猜, what would the question be with these given answers?

1. better to have some physical training daily
2. safety equipment required
3. better to work in pair
4. don't forget to light up a cigarette after you "get there".

posted by Biochemie on 8:50 下午 0 comments



1. male, age 78
2. history of diabetes and cardiopathy
3. GCS 7
4. Medulla Oblongata hemorrhage
5. low blood calcium
6. low globin

What do you do?

posted by Biochemie on 10:41 下午 2 comments

Holly Crap!!!!!!!
My lower back is hurting like !@#$%^&..... I can neither bend nor walk with my usual pace. Now I walk like 1/4 of the speed as I usually do. Late for class and work almost every single day. (I now totally look like an o-ba-san. >.<") I don't think I can go to that once-in-a-year U-District StreetFair :( God it really hurts......... (快哭出來了)

posted by Biochemie on 9:32 下午 1 comments

this is an audio post - click to play

posted by Biochemie on 1:37 下午


What a amazing feeling!!

I just offered my mom (YES!! I OFFER HER) a credit card. Wow!! Never know I can do this, letting my mom use my credit account..... (She'd better use it wisely.)

posted by Biochemie on 4:46 下午 1 comments


My lower back is about to snap.....
The only thing I want to do now is just to lie flat on the floor, and hopefully I can stretch the back a bit...and relax..
The tennis was real fun today, and the weather is sooo nice!!
I shall blog later. Take off for shower~~

posted by Biochemie on 6:57 下午 0 comments

第一次看到有人穿formal dress像把窗簾穿在身上....

posted by Biochemie on 1:41 下午 0 comments

搞gay才是潮流!! Trend that is!!

Arto!! 你在幹麻!?
平常不敢說, 今天自爆內幕哄!?


posted by Biochemie on 2:08 上午 0 comments


Happy happy~~~ (雖然說付我的天文數字credit card還是不夠數)
原來要計算trip expenses和meet credit line真的很令人抓狂~~~

posted by Biochemie on 9:23 下午 0 comments

Wow!! New Blogger features are on!!
See any change I made on the webpage?
Watch out!! More will be coming!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:21 上午 0 comments

The Glasgow Coma Scale is the most widely used scoring system used in quantifying level of consciousness following traumatic brain injury. It is used primarily because it is simple, has a relatively high degree of interobserver reliability and because it correlates well with outcome following severe brain injury.
It is easy to use, particularly if a form is used with a table similar to the one above. One determines the best eye opening response, the best verbal response, and the best motor response. The score represents the sum of the numeric scores of each of the categories. There are limitations to its use. If the patient has an endotracheal tube in place, they cannot talk. For this reason, many prefer to document the score by its individual components; so a patient with a Glasgow Coma Score of 15 would be documented as follows: E4 V5 M6. An intubated patient would be scored as E4 Vintubated M6. Of these individual factors, the best motor response is probably the most significant.
Other factors which alter the patients level of consciousness interfere with the scale's ability to acurately reflect the severity of a traumatic brain injury. So, shock, hypoxemia, drug use, alcohol intoxication, metabolic disturbances may alter the GCS independently of the brain injury. Obviously, a patient with a spinal cord injury will make the motor scale invalid, and severe orbital trauma may make eye opening impossible to assess. The GCS also has limited utility in children, particularly those less than 36 months. In spite of these limitations, it is quite useful and is far and away the most widely used scoring system used today to assess patients with traumatic brain injury.

Best Eye Response. (4)
1. No eye opening.
2. Eye opening to pain.
3. Eye opening to verbal command.
4. Eyes open spontaneously.

Best Verbal Response. (5)
1. No verbal response
2. Incomprehensible sounds.
3. Inappropriate words.
4. Confused
5. Orientated

Best Motor Response. (6)
1. No motor response.
2. Extension to pain.
3. Flexion to pain.
4. Withdrawal from pain.
5. Localising pain.
6. Obeys Commands.

· 90% less than or equal to 8 are in coma
· Greater than or equal to 9 not in coma
· 8 is the critical score
· Less than or equal to 8 at 6 hours - 50% die
· 9-11 = moderate severity
· Greater than or equal to 12 = minor injury

posted by Biochemie on 12:14 上午 0 comments


Sundays don't really mean anything to me now ----- cuz EVERYDAY IS SUNDAY FOR ME NOW!!!
I haven't touched my textbook for the past week, and I probably won't touch it again next week.... (except for Ohta's reading. Oh speak of that, the course pak is somewhere at Tim's?? I wonder..)
I can smell the fact that this/next month will be a crazy month.... (or even the life after). As I told, I'll be moving this summer, and you know what!? Everyone is moving into the same building!! Gee!! Tim and Jeff will be in #301, and I'm in #304 (pending), Wei-Liang will be the next to move in, then William, and Ricca, so do Rodger and Chi-Yu possibily. God....Can you imagine the life like that?
Anyway, it's been a busy weekend, and I'll have to go down to the stupid SAFECO for some grand tickets (you know those expensive-to-death tickets...), pay for the resorts (我的卡一定爆!! I've never seen such a X-digit number of any of the payment on my bills.....) And the summer trip is gonna be a crazy one I can foresee....
Oh well.... Gotta enjoy the life now or there will be no life afterwards. (I'm no kidding!!) No more being-late, no more class-skipping, no more sleepy-eyes + more grading, more talking...but as ong as I get the darn money, I'm happy. :)

posted by Biochemie on 10:56 上午 0 comments

It's hella fun last night.
I was so @#$%^&* at dinner since one of us was keeping say some crazy word like "高潮", "high", "小弟", and stuff like that...... And I just laughed so hard and almost fell off from the chair..... ^.^" (and I can hardly breathe......)
I didn't get drunk after all....... (maybe I should, huh?)

posted by Biochemie on 10:30 上午 0 comments


該死. 從來沒試過咁ㄩ/, 好似個豬頭咁.

posted by Biochemie on 6:40 下午 0 comments


我的朋友都是weirdo, I assume.....
一個人生的方向太多 (就變成沒有方向)
也許我也很怪吧, 不然怎麼會同他們friend左??

好吧, 捨命為君子, 上了!!

posted by Biochemie on 10:18 下午 0 comments




我會教到uncle William的兒子 (希望他很帥, 這樣我上課起碼也"賞心悅目"一點....)

posted by Biochemie on 10:39 下午 0 comments

家埋莊公公腦出血 (希望佢沒事先好)

nite nite

posted by Biochemie on 12:13 上午 0 comments


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