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Rosetta Stone

Have you tried "social-ed" every single day of a whole week? I just did. I'M TOASTED!!
I could have gone for the TSA nightmarket thing at HUB, but I had to have a dinner with some poeple from Wisconsin. But the plus was that we went to a cool all-you-can-eat restaurant in Bellevue. The trade is that I have to eat with 2 prof. from Uni of Wisconsin, Madison + 2 UW prof. And 2 of them are in the library & informational science field, 1 in the bioinformatics, and the other 1 is in the accounting & statistical informatics. (Now you see the POWER if informatics la~~~) And they tried so hard to persuade me into working in the world of informatics. I believe with my chem + biochem + whatever background I have, I can make a bomb of it, but I'll have to see if I really like it.
Anyway, the dinner was tiring but interesting, we talked alot about the things they won't even teach in a lecture. I can have a peep of what a prof. is like when they are not in a class setting.... Some of thier viewpoints are quite interesting, and they argue too. (muwahahahaha~~ I saw 2 honorable UW prof. arguing right in front of my face....)
I've never tried a funny dinner like that, but yeah~~ tiring. So I went to bed at about 11:30pm lo~~

There is a party waiting for me, (tired, God.) so, yeah~~ I'll blog more later lo!!

Viv, I might call you later.
Jack, I might call you too.

posted by Biochemie on 2:23 下午 1 comments


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不要看太多商業片, 看商業片中其量只能了解誰比較紅, 誰片酬高之類的市場取向, 那些其實不看也知道.....
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