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Rosetta Stone

你今天, 喝酒了嗎!?


硬是喝下一支Smirnoff ice 12 FL.OZ.的酒.
想不到我這次更猛, 才喝了一半我的全身就像燙蝦一樣 ---- 紅晒!!

這樣回台灣才可以去泡夜店 (真是個春秋大夢)
希望喝喝酒可以 induce my enzymes
acetalaldehyde dehydrogenase
xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
還有, 沒有那該死的enzyme就是沒有
它就是沒有!! (氣~~)

posted by Biochemie on 6:27 下午 2 comments



posted by Biochemie on 10:21 下午 0 comments

10大主因 了解為何沒人愛
【聯合新聞網 特約記者 吳佩樺/專題報導】











我個人獲得7項提名......... XD

posted by Biochemie on 9:06 下午 3 comments


是怎樣!? 都一把年紀了上課還要人去"監視"喔!?
監看哪個該死的傢伙遲到早退, 哪個上課讓手機狂響, 哪個上課竊竊私語......
所有的TA都會被怨死吧!? 就像小人那樣被學生打......


posted by Biochemie on 5:45 下午 0 comments

(either 夢到帥哥/美女, or 夢到好吃的東西正在流口水....)

God, 我看明早8:30am的課也不用上了......

posted by Biochemie on 4:11 上午 0 comments

I hate my schedule

Why things all come in the same week? And they all pile up in 4 days only??
My students' midterm: Monday
My students' lab BB: Monday
My students' lab BG: Wednesday
My students' midterm grade due: Wednesday

And I thought I can go shopping right after my stupid midterm, but NO!! I got an e-mail from my charges asking if I can check their lab report before they turn them in. (I was like!#$%^&*)
I was really nice to them because the report was officially due today in lab, but I noticed that they'd have a midterm on the same day, so I made the due day to this Friday. And they are resposible to figure out the concept BEFORE the midterm, but they don't. I guess they kinda wonder if I can just shoot out the answer. (geeez... Your brain is there for a reason......)

posted by Biochemie on 12:13 上午 0 comments


受夠了甚麼"自我成長"之類的鬼東西, 也受夠了"要善用時間"的鬼話.
我不利用時間"充實自己", 並不代表我會虛度我的光陰.

我這一輩子最想做的就是, 用我空閒的時間去醫院做義工, 到深山裡做老師, 跟著 peace corp 遊走 (雖然我並不 qualified).......
對我來說, 所謂的"善用時間", 是可以對這個社會做出一點點的小貢獻, 一些些有意義的事.
(因為我知道自己不可能長期呆在不屬於城市的地方, 所以才想放假的時候做)
別說我癡人說夢, 人類因夢想而偉大, 不是嗎!?

posted by Biochemie on 8:02 下午 5 comments

The Emancipation of Mimi

(聽起來真的很像A片的感覺, 而且好像是我拍的一樣.....)
拜科技(以及Steve)所賜, 我竟然已經有了Mariah Carey這整張CD的歌曲.
說實在, 還不錯啦. 只是我無從比較, 因為我很少聽英文歌.
不過聽起來怪怪的, 因為好像每一首歌都是一直重複一直重複 --- 有點騙錢的感覺.....

14首新歌中我最喜歡 I wish you knew

I've got to see you
Wherever you are
And I've got to be there
I'm wishing on stars
I've got to reveal what's inside of my heart
But the words escape me
And I'm paralyzed
So helpless when I
Look into your eyes

And how I wish you only knew
What I feel inside for you
You probably haven't got a clue
But I wish you knew
How I love you baby

Honestly I know it's silly of me
To want you so badly
But keep it concealed
See my inferiority complex kicks in
And the words escape me
And I'm paralyzed
So helpless when I
Look into your eyes

And how I wish you only knew
What I feel inside for you
You probably haven't got a clue
But I wish you knew
How I love you baby

posted by Biochemie on 2:24 上午 1 comments


It's getting hotter in Seattle.
It's 62F (~17C) today, and I start to sweat like a pig already.... (Maybe my room is more like a bakery somehow, and I keep wondering if it is indeed hot like how i feel.)

~so, I *follow my schedule* (省的又有人說我"執行力不佳") and get down to my virology study.... 忽然之間鼻子好癢, 打了個噴涕. 怎知等"信期剛過"的我雙手從口鼻拿開 ---- SHIT!!! 看書看到*流鼻血*!? (我真的是看virology textbook, 不是鹹書 or anything like that!!) 拖著一雙血淋淋的雙手去浴室沖洗, 心裡想:"好險手有遮住, 如果不是, 那我的書桌+書就變成一片血海了說~~~~"

一定是天氣太熱, 一定是天氣太熱....................

posted by Biochemie on 3:37 下午 0 comments


~ Savage Garden

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe I won't be surprised if I fluncked my class............

posted by Biochemie on 3:47 上午 0 comments

要考試了 ---- 該糟!!! (該死又糟糕)
越該看書的時候, 我就會越想逃避. 越逃避, 就會越東想西想.
然後就想到 ~ 那位"麻油雞殺手", 我們的秘密基地搞定了嗎!? 我準備開"秘密課程 101", 需要你的*口傳長才*說..... (我在含蓄什麼啊!? 真是的....)

posted by Biochemie on 12:53 上午 2 comments


University of Washington Correspondence
Department of Chemistry
Box 351770

To: Mimi Ma
Mike Heinekey, Associate Chair for the Graduate Program
Tracy Harvey, Director of Undergraduate Services
Date: April 12, 2005

The Department would like to commend you on the excellent job you did in support of Undergraduate instruction for Autumn Quarter, 2004. The staff and faculty evaluation show that you support the Department policies and procedures with competence and commitment. The information from the Student Evaluation of Instruction Forms clearly demonstrates your superior ability on behalf of the students.

We appreciate your time and effort to do a quality and careful job. The students and the department greatly benefit from your extraordinary level of support.
還好在蒙混之中還得到一點讚揚 ---- 一張A4大小, 教授們*加持*過的紙....

posted by Biochemie on 12:50 上午 0 comments


Burnt-out week!!!

Mid-term week is here, and I guess we all burnt out already....
Either study like crazy, or try hard not to touch the darn book by doing something meaningless instead. Me!? I'm the latter one. XD

Shopping is a way, sleeping is another. However, I do both to avoid seeing the cover of my book. (geeeezzz) So sick of sitting still read thru a book and grasp the concepts.
But think about it on the other hand, some people are the same like me in grad school, and doing nothing contributing but study, guess I'm WAY better than they are. At least I'm starting to do something possitive to the little community. (I hope)

Guess I'm just bitching about my busy-to-death life, envy people who have so much leisure time to hang out and so on.

(Just to give you a brief preview of my next blog entry: BRA 101)

posted by Biochemie on 9:47 下午 1 comments


下吧下吧下吧!! 就讓他繼續下雨吧!!!
最喜歡陰陰濕濕的西雅圖, 涼涼的好舒服.

今天喝到Starbucks最新的mint mocha frappuccino, 好好喝喔!! 是我最喜歡的mint說!! 而且包裝也是我喜歡的蘋果綠~~ (去過我"很少回的家"的人就知道我說的是啥顏色 XD)

過去這一個星期我實在是 did some crazy shopping. 坐公車到 U villege, 在 GAP, Bartell, QFC完成shopping, 再坐公車回家, 前後竟然花不到一小時, 實在是女中豪傑!! 又到VS去遊說一番, 用半價購得戰利品一組, 又見人中龍鳳!! (對不起, 我最近看太多古裝戲了.....)


posted by Biochemie on 12:23 上午 0 comments



我的一個小小的決定, 可能就會影響很多人目前最重視的東西, 以及更多人日後所要經歷的道路.
今天跟大家開會, 所有的*TA*都決定將更改日後的教學課程. (注意喔!! 不是教授喔!!)

今天收到稅務局寄給我的退稅 ---- 爽!! Muwahahaha~~~ 這個月的房租又有著落了!! 最棒的是, 稅務局說, 其實還有另一筆稅要退給我, 只是當時我報稅時忘了報, 所以晚一點才會再退給我. (感覺真像是"賺到"!! So I can do some serious shopping la~~)

下週就要考midterm了, 又是該奮力讀書的時候.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:45 上午 0 comments


跟他講完電話後, 只有一個字能形容我的感受 ---- speechless.
我只能說: 計畫永遠改不上變化.

posted by Biochemie on 1:01 上午 0 comments



話說我畢業後就風塵僕僕地返回亞洲, 在我 visit 台北之際, 忽然接到同學會邀請函, 要我回高醫重溫大學舊夢. (就是跟同學每天吃好媽媽/溫媽媽/大高雄 + 看共筆, etc 的日子)
我二話不說, 立刻定了機票就啟程前往我N年沒去的高雄.
當然到了高雄, 就要"本土"一點 ---- 搭*快要散掉的公車*回母校. 我記得看到好多同學, 同系的, 不同系的, 還有好多學長姐+學弟妹.
我看到阿芳!! 還是瘦瘦高高地一點都沒變. 談了N場戀愛還是沒結婚的她, 依然保有著她"男人的辦事風格". 大家hang out了一整天 ( 不記得是去哪了), 終於要回宿舍休息. 可是阿芳跟我說, 她今天晚上不知道要睡哪裡. (我醒來以後想想, 阿芳不是也住宿舍嗎!?) Anyway, 想到自己曾經在山東街租過房子住, 於是就決定回山東街住一晚.
想不到 ---- 我沒帶鑰匙!!! 掏來掏去只找到一串我美國住所+台北住所的鑰匙. 這下慘了, 怎麼辦... 我就像神經病一樣那著我那串鑰匙瘋狂亂試, 嘿!! 我美國的大門鑰匙竟然可以開高雄山東街租房的樓下大門!!! 可是我們依舊被困在房外, 因為還是*不得其鑰而入*.
忽然我同寢的同學一個一個都回來了 (奇怪, 不是只有我一個住這兒嗎!? 怎麼大家都搬過來, 還一附很自然的樣子!?) 我也想都不想就讓她們上來, 因為她們有 the darn key!!! 大家都上樓進房之後, 竟然佈置的跟我們原本的宿舍大同小異 (只是少了書桌. 也對啦, 同學會要書桌幹嘛!?) ---- 左邊三張床墊靠牆, 右邊三張床墊靠牆. 這樣阿芳要睡哪兒啊!?
就在我呆掉之際, 樓下有人按門鈴. My God!! 一堆男同學/女同學 手上拿了零食+香檳+超多酒, 說要進來開party. 每個人都跑到一樓的客廳開瘋狂party. 最搞笑的是, 那個奇怪的"北醫高材生"也出現了, 跟大家混的很熟的樣子. 他一手拿著酒, 一邊跟Kiwi, 春閩他們聊的很高興.....
一直玩到天亮, 大家決定要一起去吃燒餅油條當早餐才肯離去. 我們幾個已經累到連媽媽都不認得了, 只好退出早餐行, 一起爬上樓睡覺.
縱使窗外已經公雞啼小鳥叫了, 阿芳還是睡死在塌塌米上, 六個床墊的中間.

posted by Biochemie on 12:51 下午 0 comments



放縱的淚水已氾濫成災 妳像個要不到糖的小孩
那裡出了錯卻不說明白 給妳再多安慰還是不理睬
突如其來的一陣委屈 擰痛了心也惹紅了眼睛
我說服自己 既然深愛妳 又怎能和妳計較輸贏

說起來很輕鬆 作起來好沉重

(男生也是很可憐的, sign......)

posted by Biochemie on 10:49 下午 17 comments


As you might imagine, my schedule for Tuesdays are pretty bad. But to me, it's like one of the easy days because I can basically read, do my own thing, or even sleep thru the entire seminar if I really want to.

But as for Wednesdays ---- MY NIGHTMARE!!
So here is how it looks if you don't have my schedule:
10:30am ~ 11:20am quiz section BG (Bagley)
11:30am ~ 12:20 pm my own class (Health Science Building)
12:30pm ~ 1:20pm quiz section BB (bagley)
1:30pm ~ 4:20pm lab session BG (Bagley)
So, I basically stay in school for 6 hours straight and I have to talk 5 hours NON-STOP!!
Think about that I have to lecuture for 50 min (cuz no quiz given in the section) then I have to rush to my own class, then rush back to the same building for another quiz section, doing lecture. Some students might stop me from leaving the class becuase they have questions to ask, but I really have to leave and get ready for the lab session right after.
~ 我連噓噓的時間都沒有, 更別說lunch了....好慘.....

I really hate my Wednesdays' schedule.
(But I have a really nice schedule for Thursdays and Fridays with only one class on both days!!)
今天我講的嘴都乾了, time for some nice drinks treating myself........

posted by Biochemie on 9:37 下午 0 comments


現在才開學第二週, 你就開始非常 deviate from textbook, 然後用些奇奇怪怪的concept來解釋一件本來就很難的東西. 又說 textbook寫錯了, 你是在搞啥飛機啊!?

posted by Biochemie on 11:09 下午 0 comments

被Viv發現最近的Mimi喜歡說奇怪的"四自箴言", 例如: 明目養肝, 補血安神, 一輩子講不出來但是可以理解之類的鬼話.....
這實在是證明了一件事: 沒事多讀書!!!

其實是因為大學時看"本草學"的共筆看太多的緣故. (因為共筆裡都有很多低級的黃色笑話, 我本本必看!! <---真誠實) By the way, one thing that I learned in that class: 男人三寶 ---- 人蔘, 山藥, 山豆根 (<---果然是低級的資料整理, 不知道是哪個老師考的題目)

所以啦, 其實我個人還蠻堅持要多接觸不同內容的東西. 電影也好, 歌曲也罷, 哪怕是深到分子生物學, 或大到天文物理學, 我都很有興趣多知道一點不同的領域. (所以悲哀地造就我這個處處*學藝不精*的人.......)

好了, 說了一些九不搭八的蠢話 (see, "九不搭八", 一句你說不出來, 但是可以了解的詞), gotta go back to my molecular orbital / bonds reading.

posted by Biochemie on 1:49 上午 0 comments


UC Berkeley SUCKS!!

I am forwarding to you information shared by the Associate Dean of the Graduate Division at UC Berkeley about the laptop that was stolen from an office on campus containing data files with names and Social Security numbers of some individuals affiliated with the University of California. The data files that may have been accessed include information on the following categories of people. (Note that these categories overlap, so the same individual may occur in multiple files.)
- Individuals who submitted applications for graduate school at UC Berkeley for the semesters between Fall 2001 and Spring 2004
- Graduate students who registered at UC Berkeley from Fall 1989 through Fall 2003
- Recipients of doctoral degrees from 1976 through 1999
- Other small groups who will be notified individually

For more details, I encourage you to check UC Berkeley's NewsCenter website at:
The campus has established a toll-free number 1-800-372-5110 where individuals can learn whether their information was among the data stolen. Calls to the toll-free number Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time will be answered by trained staff; recorded information will be available after hours. When too many calls come in at one time, callers will hear a recorded message and may leave a phone number where they can be contacted. If you do not get a call back the same day, please call again.

We understand how disturbing this incident is and will keep you informed of any new developments.

~Camille Olufson
Director of Alumni Relations
College of Chemistry

Dear Graduate Student,
I am writing to advise you that a computer in the Graduate Division at UC Berkeley was stolen by an as-yet unidentified individual on March 11, 2005. The computer contained data files with names and Social Security numbers of some individuals, including you, who applied to be or who were graduate students, or were otherwise affiliated with the University of California.

At this time we have no evidence that personal data were actually retrieved or misused by any unauthorized person. However, because we take very seriously our obligation to safeguard personal information entrusted to us, we are bringing this situation to your attention along with the following helpful information.

You may want to take the precaution of placing a fraud alert on your credit file. This lets creditors know to contact you before opening new accounts in your name. This is a free service which you can use by calling one of the credit bureau telephone numbers:
Equifax 1-800-525-6285
Experian 1-888-397-3742
Trans Union 1-800-680-7289
We encourage you to check for more details on our Web site at:

The following Web sites and telephone numbers also offer useful information on identity theft and consumer fraud.
California Department of Consumer Affairs, Office of Privacy Protection:
Federal Trade Commission's Website on identity theft:
Social Security Administration fraud line: 1-800-269-0271

To alert individuals that we may not have reached directly, we have issued a press release describing the theft. Unfortunately, disreputable persons may contact you offering to help and falsely identify themselves as affiliated with UC Berkeley. Please be aware that UC Berkeley will not contact you by telephone or any other method to ask you for private information. We recommend that you do not release personal information in response to any contacts of this nature.

UC Berkeley deeply regrets this possible breach of confidentiality. Please be assured that we have taken immediate steps to further safeguard the personal information maintained by us. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to contact us at or toll free at 1-800-372-5110.

Jeffrey A. Reimer
Associate Dean
Graduate Division

posted by Biochemie on 5:29 下午 0 comments


剛才重新整理我的schedule, 才發現我這個學期的TA meeting doesn't meet not on a weekly basis. 這樣就算了, 竟然每次還都在不同的地方. 搞得我meeting時間 + 金雞教學時間 + exam時間 + quiz時間 + 自己的時間完全大亂.

posted by Biochemie on 11:24 下午 0 comments

今天的心情很不好, 於是我又喝了一杯我的枸杞桂圓茶, 沒加糖.

一向覺得用寫的會比用說的來的容易, 至少眼淚不會不爭氣地掉下來.
覺得像個小火山的自己不會控制突如其來的情緒, 所以常常一有岩漿就會小爆發. 對於週遭的事物不會有太大的改變, 但是也能夠讓人心驚. 常想還好自己不是長期累積能量的大火山, 要不然一爆發就死傷無數, 傷及無辜.
希望對被我震到發瘋的人說聲抱歉, 包括你, 你, 你, 你,還有你. 也希望我這個火山能夠慢慢變成一個死火山, 不再爆發.

今天我要在我的玻璃瓶裡放進一顆藍色的彈珠, 代表我憂鬱的心情. 到我離開的那一天, 不知道我的玻璃瓶裡, 什麼顏色的彈珠比較多.

~對著一瓶水說出心理的話, 然後狠狠地把水通通倒掉, 希望煩惱也會跟著不見.

posted by Biochemie on 6:59 下午 0 comments

Dona Nobis Pacem

自己不是天主教, 但是也為一顆燦爛的星星殞落而嘆息.
遙送一首海頓的Agnus Dei給萬人敬仰的若望保祿二世.
Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mun di, peccata mun di, miserere miserere nobis. Dona nobis pacem, pacem pacem.

posted by Biochemie on 5:04 下午 1 comments


Thai Iced Tea
會取這個名字主要是因為其實這杯茶不完全是我的type. 皮膚黑黑的, 活像個泰勞, 只是大眼睛的外型還算蠻酷的. 當時當店長的他被很多人暗戀, 不過聽說他也喜歡我 (後來畢業當天傳言得以證實, 他的確喜歡我) 我們沒發生太多可以令我勾起回憶的事, 只是常常在教室跑來跑去, 追來追去, 打來打去. 當時是小老師的我常常打電話找他check事情.
還記得有一次, 他把隔天美勞課要帶的用具抄錯了, 我打了通電話給他, 只聽到他媽媽對他大叫:"XXX, 你的電話. 啊~~ 你怎麼連內褲都不穿就衝出來接電話啊!?" 這淪為他此生的笑柄.
之後他跟Viv同班, 我卻跟他沒有聯絡.
許久之後, 成為台大人.

他家跟我家住的很近. 以前我們"四人幫"都會一起走路上學放學, 考試一起唸書, 感情好到不行. 他的脾氣很古怪, 常常會跟坐他旁邊的男生吵架, 每次一吵他都會哭. (真是個怪人)
他最愛他的帽子, 怎麼跟他開玩笑都沒關係, 但是就是不能碰他的帽子, 不知道為什麼.
他的成績好到不行, 所以常常都是他教烏龜功課, 我幫Cynthia 惡補. 有一次 成績不好的Cynthia 數學月考還考贏他, 他當場泣不成聲.
最後一次見到他是因為我受邀到他學校參加校慶, 無意間遇見他. 他變的不像小時候的書卷氣, 而有點滄桑. "從菊花變成普爾" 大概就是這麼一回事吧~~

剛認識他的時候總覺得他是個文文靜靜的男生 (雖然事後發現這完全是自己捏造出來的假象) 他給我的印象一切都很好….. 大家一起逛街, 一起吃飯, 一起說笑話, 一起浦天光.
只是認識越久, 你就會開始越知道一點內幕. 不負責任是他的宗旨, 玩世不恭是他的格言, 陽奉陰違是他的態度, 遇到大事他還會"自動消失".
這種茶, 買一送一打八折, 喝多了還會傷身.


為什麼要給他這個名字!? 因為我到了南部唸書之後, 才發現這個奇怪的組合還蠻特別, 蠻好喝的, 很符核對他的感覺, 很特別.
跟他算是發生做多事了. 他坐我後面, 不知道為什麼他常常上課不專心, 老是被老師點名. 有一次全班去上體育課, 還剩幾分鐘上課, 可是我一直找不到那本該死的綠色的簽名簿. (學藝股長的第二生命) 埋頭苦找那本簿子的我, 以為教室只剩下我一個, 殊不知, 他從後面跑到我前面的座位反過來對著我坐下, 還把頭靠在我的桌子上盯著我看. (God, 超暗戀他的無辜眼神….) 他說什麼都不肯自己先走, 一定要等我找到簿子才跟我一起走. (不知道他是偷懶不想上課還是幹嘛…..)
那年為學校舉行的雕像揭幕儀式在排演, 無聊到死. 升旗隊伍剛好排在我正前方的他, 不安分地坐在他的童軍椅上扭來扭去, 到最後全班男生只有他一個乾脆直接坐到地上, 把他的頭往後靠, 直接靠到我的腿上, 讓我玩他的頭髮, 也完全不管其他同學是不是在看我們…. (真是個奇怪的男生)
學期末的同樂會, 大家不知道發什麼瘋, 竟然把檸檬汁和鮮奶油蛋糕拿起來狂扔, 他耍狠地拿起一整杯檸檬汁從我頭上直接淋下, 又拿鮮奶油企圖丟在我頭上, 我轉身一閃 (沒閃好) 那陀鮮奶油竟然直接進入我的耳朵…. (噁~~) 不過紳士的他後來陪我到教室外的洗手台去洗我的耳朵以及被檸檬汁固定住的頭髮……
後來他是北醫高材生, 我淪落高醫放風箏.

叫他"珍珠奶茶"完全是因為要配合他"中部人"的身分. (因為珍珠奶茶是台中名產)
在高雄那種鳥不生蛋的地方, 想要找到我的茶的機率實在不大. 人人講的都是我聽不懂的台灣國語, 穿著跟我格格不入的短褲和拖鞋.
他是我高醫天才夢幻醫學系學長.認識他是因為當時身為社長的他當時坐在桌子前為社團招攬新血. 因為他, 我才會加入管樂社, 成為法國號表演組首席. (所謂表演組, 就是上台表演的時候擺擺姿勢, 假裝吹吹, 壯大管樂的聲勢.) 事後除了跟大家一起團練的搞笑事件, 以及證明我的表演可以拿4.0之外, 也沒太多回憶.
我跟同班吹"甘蔗"的同學最喜歡拿他開玩笑, 每次進到社辦, 總是愛唱Gigi的"暗戀也很快樂". 也不知道他到底有沒有女朋友, 不過我也到不在意, 總覺得他比較像個大哥哥.
大家都叫他"滷蛋", 因為他的皮膚黑黑的, 看起來是個有氣質的陽光男孩, 但是私底下的他最愛說黃色笑話. 不過, 唸醫學院的人, 哪個不說黃色笑話!?
珍珠奶茶, 默默地陪伴我在高醫的日子.

說也奇怪, "薰衣草冰島"是一杯看起來不錯, 但是我大概一輩子都不會點來喝的茶. 為什麼我要幫他取這個代號? 其實我們認識的時候, 是屬於兩個完全不同世界的兩個人, 生活毫無交集. 只是下課時跑跑追追, 打打鬧鬧. 除此之外, 好像也沒啥特別的事. 反正就是莫名其妙地暗戀他. 聽同學說, 他好像也頗喜歡我, 只是從未得到任何形式的證實.
畢業後有N年沒見, 我來美國之後有在MSN跟也在美國的他聯絡, 不過還是沒見面.

記得認識他的時候是個夏天, 由於他是個轉學生, 所以身為副店長的我會給他多一點關注. 他沒什麼朋友, 所以他都會來我家跟我一起寫暑假作業.
他很會畫畫. 有一次的作業我想畫 Hello Kitty, 可是從小就只會畫stickman的我, 想要畫出 Hello Kitty 簡直比登天還難. 他看我臉帶菜色, 就知道全班第一名的我這方面完全是倒數第一名……… 他二話不說, 立刻拿起筆就在我的作業簿上塗塗抹抹, 畫出一隻很讚的Kitty. (其實我也不記得到底有多讚, 只是當時他真是我的英雄~~)
寫完功課, 我們會一起到我家樓上的小游泳池 (像個水缸一樣的充氣式泳池) 一起游泳曬太陽. 看到話不多的他感覺就像到了藍天白雲的希臘, 白白淨淨的, just my type.
暑假之後沒多久就失去聯絡. 兩年前在網路上找回在加拿大的他, 目前居住在台灣.

叫他"枸杞桂圓"也不是沒有原因的. 枸杞, 明目養肝; 桂圓, 補血安神. 不過, 對他, 算不上暗戀. 他比較像我的居家定心良藥, 但不苦口.
他離開之後我們一直沒見面, 多是用e-mail或者電話聯絡. 相識3年後的暑假, 我們相約海邊與一大群朋友聽演唱會.
一直到現在, 只要我心情不好或者有想不通的事情時, 還會給他一通電話, 來上一杯具有療效的枸杞桂圓茶.

posted by Biochemie on 3:08 上午 6 comments

我的 tea list 還真難寫............

posted by Biochemie on 12:10 上午 4 comments


New pops are on!!
Check Mimi's Music section :)

posted by Biochemie on 6:03 下午 0 comments

Chem 162 的一隻*金雞* ---- Mimi

這個學期挺有趣的, 我是Prof. Norman的其中一個助教.
Prof. Norman 是我4年前 Chem 152 的教授, 這次我是他的colleague, 這種感覺還蠻妙的....
OK, back to the topic. Prof. Norman 要大家別再hold regular office hour, 因為反正學生也不會來問問題. 所以這個學期, 所有Norman的TA都改用appointment, 包括我.

於是, 我就開始了我的*金雞*生涯.
不只每天像強迫症般的check e-mail / reply e-mail, 還必須隨時待命, 跟我的clients (students) 約時間"傳道授業解惑". 由於我的個性隨和 (但不隨便) 所以地點任君挑選: lab, office, study center, library, lecture hall way......
反正就是那種"有客上門就得做"的感覺, 而且男女不拘....... 我還得按照clients不同程度做出不同的教學方法, 真是想到就累..... (or "淚"也可以)
God, I can totally foresee that this quarter must be REALLY FUN!!

(喂喂喂!! 不要以為我是真的做*雞*啊~~)

posted by Biochemie on 1:04 上午 1 comments

(對不起, 忍不住要批評很多下....)

今天看到那些夢幻遊樂園照片, 真是只能*垂淚*.
一方面是因為想起去年我的夢幻FL家族畢業旅行, 好想再去一次!! 令一方面是看到點解可以有人著衫著成咁, 好似被撇到垃圾桶, 再由喎匹野彈翻出來咁麼款.....真是陰功, 為喎條仔唔抵.......


posted by Biochemie on 12:28 上午 0 comments


Mimi's back online!!
I'm so deadly tired thru out the break, and I'll update more about my cups of tea as I promised.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:49 上午 2 comments


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