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Rosetta Stone

After the *hell-like* week, things finally get a bit clearer......
(Hey, thanks Viv and Wes!! Can't live without you guys~~)
Anyways, I think I now have several options ahead:
1. No more stupid PhD stuff for Mimi, I'm just NOT the PhD-type of person.
2. Ogilvy, Taipei
3. Amgen, LA
4. dual master

I watched this movie called Bishonen, it's like the best gay movie I've ever seen!!
It portraits the homosexuals or even bisexuals' deepest feeings in the heart, and how they lead their different life from us, how they perceive the world, and how they struggle between their different sexual orientations and leading the "normal life" as we all expected.
This movie is a great challenge for Mimi cuz this is my first Cantonese movie without any sort of subtitle. But turned out that I got it 100%!! YES!! No wonder Cantonese is my 2nd language.......
If you haven't see the movie, go see it!! Don't think it's a shame movie or anything like that, cuz having these different type of tribes around you is a fact that can't be wiped-off.

posted by Biochemie on 2:57 下午 0 comments



I just want to be retarted.......

posted by Biochemie on 1:00 上午 0 comments


So, after 9 of us having this crazy reunion on MSN tonight ----
see the future doctors' MSN screen name is now changed into:

Shun: 靠 念博士哪裡好 神經衰弱而已 孤伶伶一個人 痛苦死了 還要被人煩 搞屁阿阿阿阿阿 --> 沒錯吧!! 哼哼哼.... 獲得廣大女博士們的贊同...結論是:念博士前要先結婚
Wei-Wen: 念博士前要先結婚!?
Dong: Anti-PhD
Mimi: 我還是不要當Dr. Ma好了.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:07 上午 0 comments






posted by Biochemie on 11:20 下午 0 comments

Countries I've visited so far~~~~

create your own visited countries map

posted by Biochemie on 6:33 下午 0 comments

Place in the States I've gone so far~~~~

create your own visited states map

posted by Biochemie on 6:19 下午 0 comments


Powered by audblogaudio post powered by audblog

posted by Biochemie on 6:45 下午 0 comments

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posted by Biochemie on 6:44 下午 0 comments


I was totally dead after coming back from Ohta's lecture. I went to bed before 1:00am ---- unusual early for Mimi....
I'm not so sure if I've got this SAD like most people in Seattle, but I surely felt so bad last night. Thank God Wes was there online, and he checked the stuff I put up here, so he kinda know how I felt. We had a nice long chat on MSN. Thanks, Wes!! I'll think I'll be better soon!! I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't you up there.
Then Wei-Wen was up and Willy was up too!! Their showing-up kinda make me feel better as well.

I just had this SPEAK test, and I really can't see how can one be tested properly on the English proficiency within 30 minutes speaking to a *tape recorder*. I was asked to answer STUPID questions like:
1. How are you today? (then I have 10 sec to answer it)
2. How long have you been study English? (another 10 sec)
3. Why are you taking this test? (10 sec...)
Plus bunch of RETARDED questions, like how do you think of automobile!? (can't you say car!? automobile!? man~~~)

Anyway, I'd better go packing now, and check if I missed anything I need for the trip.

posted by Biochemie on 5:32 下午 0 comments


Sex difference in personality disorders:

antisocial 82%
schizoid 78%
narcissistic 70%
paranoid 67%

histrionic 85%
dependent 69%
borderline 62%

Geeee....I wonder I have like all of them.....

posted by Biochemie on 10:58 下午 0 comments


OMG!! Geez....
That's the FUNNIEST ever!!
Thanks for sharing, Simon!!

posted by Biochemie on 12:09 上午 0 comments


Why am I doing this thing again? Why? Tell me why?
I kept telling myself there is no such big deal, but why I just kept doing this stupid thing over and over again?
God I just want to kill myself, I just hate myself...........
(Come out, Mimi!! You care nothing, Mimi!! "It" sucked, Mimi!!!)

And this annoying person called me again. STOP THAT [beep] TOPIC!!!!
I'm not gonna do that in a million year!! You can't change my mind whatsoever!!!
I'm so sick of it.
You read me? Just SICK of it!!!

(Mimi will not answer any calls tonight, including MSN and AOL. That's it.)

posted by Biochemie on 7:56 下午 0 comments

You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

posted by Biochemie on 4:37 下午 0 comments

Cb major - life is full of complecations,
commitments and organisation. You love to make
sure everything is just perfect, but sometimes
this can cause you to fall over your own feet.
A slightly unsociable key: why Cb major when
you could be the identical Bmajor? It has less

what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted by Biochemie on 4:14 下午 0 comments


2004.02.12 中國時報
新聞自由 不是如此解釋



筆者曾經從就讀新聞研究所的同學手中,看過奧地利新聞工會對他們這些未來的新聞工作人員發出的榮譽條款(code of honor),發現歐洲新聞自由度除了名列前茅之外,同樣地他們的新聞工會也對他們的工作人員用比一般人更嚴苛的道德標準看待。在這條款中,我發現,他們除了不允許記者們或新聞主播為了個人利益或收視率,濫用羶腥新聞。更不允許新聞工作者將一般人的親密關係報導,凌駕在社會大眾的利益之上。這除了是保護個人隱私之外,更是對新聞工作者的自律要求,也是將綜藝節目跟專業新聞報導作出一個明顯的區別。

反觀台灣的新聞不斷的將之娛樂化,卻忘記了新聞並不是綜藝百分百,新聞更不是「SEX AND THE CITY」。如花小姐是否是處女,對我們一般社會大眾的利益根本毫無關係。至於張主播抗議現在好像是BABY SITTER的時代,我只能說現在新聞報導早已應該進入成熟自律的時代了,只是張主播你已經做好進入這個時代的準備了嗎?
My God....
怎麼你的中文比我的還好? @.@
Venti, you RULE!!!! I love your point!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:46 上午 0 comments


Wahahaha~~ I'm totally trashed today!!
5 hours in a small cubicle @.@

I'm gonna "officially" start my weekend about....with some funny books + funny videos + a luxury bubble bath?

posted by Biochemie on 9:09 下午 0 comments

I'm dead.
The end.

posted by Biochemie on 1:14 上午 0 comments


I'm so freaking stressed out these days + 1 Japanese essay, 1 pchem HW, and a midterm tomorrow....

Today, Ohta-sensei's class was so much fun!! We're all feel depressed becuase it's all sunny outside, but we had to had a quiz (which by the way accounts 10% of the total grade)...... BUT!! Ohta-sensei says:" Here are 2 options today. We can either do the quiz and then go...." And the whole class was like:" YES!! We'll take this one!!" without letting him say what the 2nd one is...hahaha~~ that was classic!! so hilarious!! And the test was not as bad as I thought....(oh yeah~~ after pchem, nothing is hard for Mimi now...)

And....I'm extremely dizzy now, and feel like just got drunk or something near there~~
Let's see....where is my bed tonight? Whatever I pass out on.....

09:30am Go to classes (yes, I have to write it down, otherwise I will forget....)
11:20am Call Chi-Yu
11:25am Call Tim
11:30am Call Wes
11:30am Hall Health上班
12:30pm Savery 311送花 (wahahaha~~)
01:00pm Kane Hall找陳牧師
01:30pm HUB坐檯
02:00pm call Willy (confirm the delivery)
02:30pm Kane Hall送花
02:30pm by George坐檯
03:45pm SLEEP!!!!
07:00pm Ricca's place (I'm very likely to oversleep....)
07:20pm call Tim (make sure he's alive)

posted by Biochemie on 1:02 上午 0 comments


I can't believe this...........
Wes!! I'm so...I'm...I'm....
How can I thank you more??
You re-write the paper for me?
OMG!!!!!!!!! (至衰都係個死仔)
Wes, you really don't have to do that for me, OMG!!
I'm so touched!!
How can I not love you??

posted by Biochemie on 11:44 下午 0 comments

After 3 hours of struggling, I finally gave birth to my stupid ESC report. I think the report I wrote was kinda neat!!
BUT!! I was just told that I was suppose to work on a different topic instead of this one!!

posted by Biochemie on 9:57 下午 0 comments

Mimi, don't panic.....
don't panic.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:37 上午 0 comments



What Moulin Rouge Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted by Biochemie on 8:46 下午 0 comments


posted by Biochemie on 2:50 下午 0 comments


*Free trip* to Boston, a place I have never been!!! (keyword: FREE!!)
I'll be paid for the flight tickets (round trip) + 3 night of hotel. And most of the meals will be covered too. (It's worth at least $650.00 total.)
Here I come, Boston!! I'm gonna try the best lobster in the world!!
(oh yeah~~ I'll definitely get some souvenirs for you la~~)

posted by Biochemie on 3:38 下午 0 comments

Totally overslept.....
Now I have BUNCH of reading to catch up, and the midterm is coming up pretty soon + a stupid ESC paper due.....
I'm so dead.....

posted by Biochemie on 11:29 上午 0 comments


Guess what!?
Vince called me!! What a surprise!!
(But I bet he's calling to gimme a Cantonese 501 pop quiz....)
We talked a lot on the phone, and it's cool that he'll probably get a job there.
He'll have a week off next upcoming week, and we can hopefully talk more next time.

What surprise, what a surprise.....
(God I just love him....)
Thanks, Vince!!

posted by Biochemie on 9:21 下午 0 comments

Mimi's so touched!!
Thanks, Steve, for sending me a e-card. (God you still remember!!)
Thanks, Venti, for sending me the benediction all the way from Vienna.......(I was so surprised when I got your message!! Thanks!!! And the meesage is there to stay!!)

Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag, Mimi!!!

posted by Biochemie on 3:14 下午 0 comments

It was such a blast last night!!!!
We went to Todai for celebrating Willy's, Yang's, and my happy birthdays all together with Ricca, Wesley, Tim, Jeff, and WL.
(and I just realized that you have to be very clever to arrange seats properly.......)
The dinner was great, and we all had a great time.
Wes got me a cool mug with some inspiring words on, and I bet he knew the fact that I can really use some motivation for studying now.... Thanks, Wes!!
Yang got a jewelry box that can fit all of my stuffs in. Love you, Yang!!
And I am really really happy to see all those on the party celebrating my birthday!! Love you all!!

I just got back from OBS's lunch celebration. Again, Mimi's B-Day thing.
Amy got me a lovely pinky charm, and Cindy got me some soap stuff + NASA booklets. Awesome!! Rida bought me the fantasic Petti lunch. Yummy~~~

Too bad that I'm gonna have 3 midterms + 1 paper due next week, and I'll have to go to Connie's later today. Kinda tired.....unproductive...not at all.....

posted by Biochemie on 3:11 下午 0 comments


God, I just hate myself....
I hate myself getting WL this cheap cheap cheap gift, and somehow it got wrapped like if it's $30.00.......
Meanwhile, what I got Yang and Willy are way much expensive, turn out to look like crap.
So, this tells me the story: don't get fooled by appearance!!

posted by Biochemie on 4:20 下午 0 comments


Today was full of surprises!

PCU made me a tremendous birthday cake + bunch of cupcakes for celebrating my birthday. The cake is really really really tasty + huge enough for everyone in the clinic, and the cupcakes are just yummy!!
I was so flushed when all the MAs and docs sang me the birthday song, and I feel so embarrassed 'cause all the patients were peeking on us. I bet they wonder who the hell am I to have all the staffs gethered and sing a song...... wahahahaha~~
Thanks, PCU staffs!! I love you guys!!

And Tim just got me this AWESOME NOMAD MuVo NX MP3 player with interchangeable body colors, and it can be used as a USB memory stick too. If I remember it right, it's the model that he was gonna get for his bro as a Christmas gift. Even thou he says that he got a huge discount on it, but I bet it *still costs a lot*.
Oh~~ I love you, Timmy!! *hug*
(except you make me feel I should hate the word "inspiring" now.....)

Oh BTW, I spent 3 hours in downtown today, just for buying gifts for Yang and William. It's really frustrating when you know what you are aiming for, but you just can't get the thing you want. I didn't spend too much time on Yang's gift since I've already known what I'm getting her, but Willy's turned out to be a tragedy........
I shopped in 3 book stores in order to find sth artistic (cuz Willy is such a great designer) but I couldn't. Nothing can even pass my judgment. Purely sad. So, I got him a handmade recycle notebook. At least I finally found sth looks really Yuppie, which is the kind of stuff I want to get for Willy.
Hope they both like their birthday gifts!!

Now, gotta get back to my ESC study. Midterm tomorrow, and I can't afford to fail it. Well...maybe I could.....
(note: go buy Wei-Liang's gift tomorrow after exam.)

posted by Biochemie on 11:56 下午 0 comments

No other song can better fit me now......
Matchbox 20

All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something

Hold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to

I'm talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I've lost my mind

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

I've been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away

But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

Yeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
I'm just a little unwell

posted by Biochemie on 8:39 下午 0 comments


I just earned a trip to one of the schools that I applied, but should I go?
I will abso-fxxxing-lutely get killed by TOSA people....
And Richard (#2) is such a great guy, he will probably help me with getting a spot in Amgen.
Mimi is so dead when there are too many options awaits....

posted by Biochemie on 3:47 下午 0 comments


I need that stupid Panadol drink again....

posted by Biochemie on 10:39 下午 0 comments

The Spring quarter schedule is out.
Mine will be in such a chaos.
JAPAN 313 (5)
ASIAN 498 (5)
GENOME 371 (5)

posted by Biochemie on 10:35 下午 0 comments






posted by Biochemie on 8:38 下午 0 comments


Slow down you're doing fine
You can't be everything you want to be before your time
Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight

Too bad but it's the life you lead
You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong
You know you can't always see when you're right

You got your passion, you got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied
Dream on but don't imagine they'll all come true

When will you realize
Vienna waits for you.

posted by Biochemie on 11:54 下午 0 comments

Here I am, back in town.


在西雅圖, 越來越沒有時間靜下來好好閱讀
就連bed-time reading都省了
這趟去溫哥華, 給了自己一點時間好好閱讀
一本不錯的書-- 61X57
不知道我的"你在哪裡", 在哪裡
剩下的1/3, 也不知道什麼時候才能讓我消化完

轉眼間, 生活就像在MONOPOLY的世界
沒有西溫的樣品屋, 沒有Cypress的-10C
沒有Agre的笑聲, 沒有VI睡在我身邊的溫暖
記得去年的Spring break, 其實只是想逃
就一個人背著被包, 買了車票
是什麼樣的心情, 是什麼樣的感覺

甩過我的north face
我走進Barnes & Noble
找不到我要的, 那該死的cal
離去的時候, 瞥見Crichton的Prey
不知為什麼, 心口卻揪了一下

my life is back online again.
"Dear Mimi,
I ever wrote an e-mail to you for some information several months ago.
Now I might need your assistance again......
Sincerely, Gordon"

我洗澡, 我不斷回憶
Do I know you? Gordon? Who the hell are you?
我大叫, 我乩笑



今年3月, 春天
spice up my life.

posted by Biochemie on 5:58 下午 0 comments


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