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My nose is totally stuffed....

posted by Biochemie on 11:05 下午 0 comments

I AM BACK!! I missed my friends here SO MUCH; however, the sad thing is that we have to go back to school tomorrow.......Speaking of school, my GPA from last quarter was.....><.......(OK, I'm getting closer and closer to den-school....)
And my schedule for this quarter really sucks. Haven't checked my e-mail for a week, so the first thing I did after coming back was to check my e-mails. I was like..呆掉..coz I got 35 Mb e-mails total. And I got bunch of bills as well. One weird thing is that, I got an invitation from the Chem department to join Phi Lambda Upsilon. I kept wondering how can I get this letter with my "exponential decay chem grades"??? But anyway, it might be fun to join~~

posted by Biochemie on 10:11 下午 0 comments


Me leaving for home la, yay!! Guess I'll come back here on 3/31. Too bad that all computers in my family are toasted.....

posted by Biochemie on 7:32 下午 0 comments

再4個小時我就要去Vancouver了....現在在packing.....第一次packing到不知道要帶什麼才好,整個行李箱都空空的說...不過我相信等我回來的時候,它就會爆了.... 還有,我家電腦好像中邪了,一次3台的都爆掉..看來我還有一個任務要完成..一次買3台電腦....

posted by Biochemie on 3:35 下午 0 comments

I think I really am a nighttime person. It seems like my brain works whole lot better during this time. ('s 4:40 in the early morning..just another sleepless-in-seattle-night for me...) Hope my train of thought can still be clear when taking the exam.....

posted by Biochemie on 4:42 上午 0 comments

OK....I've never had this feeling..I'm actually kinda hyper now..and I guess I'll probably stay up 'til the bio final which is 8:30 this morning. And, one thing is that I AM SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR STUDYING!! Gees...What's in my mind??

posted by Biochemie on 2:22 上午 0 comments

我upper jaw的mucous membrane被自己吃東西的時候燙破了..........痛.............

posted by Biochemie on 1:16 上午 0 comments


剛才徹底招架不住小妹妹的"寒冷"...他講了一些我有聽沒懂的東西..TAS,BAS,SAS...是什麼美國學校之類的..他講了幾分鐘,我就冷了幾分鐘...-_-||| 我現在還包著我的blanket說.....

posted by Biochemie on 6:37 下午 0 comments

都3月中了,今天竟然又下雪了!! 真是太怪了... 要知道,下雪是很dreamy的感覺,但是,當你要做一大堆事的時候,下雪就變得很可惡..... 今天考final,給我下雪.....冷死我了....

posted by Biochemie on 6:33 下午 0 comments

終於刻完我的math小抄啦~~雖然不是螞蟻字,不過我已經兩眼昏花....@_@. 明天考完math就剩bio了,之後跟著就是夜宿Vancouver airport的日子....回台灣囉!!!!!

posted by Biochemie on 4:11 上午 0 comments


太慘了太慘了.....(有機消化不良+考前症候+stupid news) = 拉拉隊隊長...(外加不停地打噴涕,流鼻水..) 等一下就要考試了..真慘...

posted by Biochemie on 12:51 下午 0 comments


哎呀....消化不良啦....吃不下那麼多的reaction mechanism 啦.....人家不依..不依啦...嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚..(極度使性子中..)

posted by Biochemie on 7:28 下午 0 comments


WOW!! IT SNOWS!!! 剛才只穿了一件大大的sweater下樓去do laundry,真是有夠冷的.....不過看到空城似的校區在雪中,嗯...夢幻喔~~~ (學校為什麼會變空城哩!?因為有一半的學生已經考完試,去happy啦~~)

posted by Biochemie on 5:29 下午 0 comments


OMG...I totally lost track of time...or I should say..."time" doesn't really mean anything to me over weekends...I just got up from my "long nap" (or a "short sleep"...), and i can picture myself sitting at the desk, reading chem 'til like 5:00am.........

posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午 0 comments

頭好昏.....我要去zzz一下,然後今天晚上跟organic拚了!!!! (必勝!!)

posted by Biochemie on 5:57 下午 0 comments

OK...this is great...I'm about to have my first meal of the day now...Sweet'n'Sour Pork!!!

posted by Biochemie on 4:12 下午 0 comments

I have to say that the Step Function is such a crap.....I can never get it.....shoot...I'm gonna study for that over the weekend.....just gave up my homework......(Don't ever get a poor-English Russian professor...)

posted by Biochemie on 2:40 上午 0 comments

Oh wow!! 俄羅斯推出太空旅遊喔!! 但是一個人要大約350萬元台幣, 而且只能體驗三分鐘的無重力狀態......我看,我如果要上太空,還是當astronaut好了,讓別人付我錢上太空...哇哈哈!!

posted by Biochemie on 12:09 上午 0 comments


OK....I'm about to do my very last math homework now......but UGH....stupid fever is striking me....

posted by Biochemie on 11:12 下午 0 comments

忍不住要抱怨一下.......WHAT!? the average is 83/100?? and it's 2.8 in GPA?? Geez...........stupid chem lab....

posted by Biochemie on 4:21 下午 0 comments

I strongly believe the power of hug-therapy after chatting with my friend. It seems unusual for Asians, but somehow I'm like pretty cool with that...I guess it's because I always hug my families...and it's a good way to show your love and care. I'm going to give my friends a BIG hug (as I promised) tomorrow to let them know that WE ARE FRIENDS FOREVER!!! Yay!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:41 上午 0 comments


You know what, maybe I should stop talking now......

posted by Biochemie on 10:16 下午 0 comments

AT&T sux....the stupid internet cable is totally out....(and smart me use dial-up instead...hahahaha!!) Anyway, it's such a pleasant night for me coz I just finished one of my finals today!! Nothing much to do tonight..and it'll be my last lab tomorrow morning ('s today actually) and the DNA pedigree analysis is gonna be really interesting!! Well, I think I might have to start to study for the finals...say..tomorrow~~ hee hee!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:27 上午 0 comments


Jessica is such a cute student.她翹課太多次啦~~ 不過她真是個好人,今天用e-mail寫了一堆話向我懺悔(coz she skipped our meeting again..) I think she's the coolest student ever, and I think I'm gonna miss her after quitting the job.........

posted by Biochemie on 10:18 下午 0 comments

心情好多了,因為今天一下子搞定很多件事.最近在看"易經"喔...真的很有趣,是跟我最愛的天文有關喔!! 不過才看到第3頁,我就立刻覺得易經只適用於"北半球".......那如果我很歹命地嫁到烏拉圭怎麼辦!? 那我就不能用我的易經來卜一卦了ne.....

posted by Biochemie on 8:26 下午 0 comments

好!! 我要睡了!! 希望jazz能幫我結束這毛躁的一天...(雖然睡不到幾小時,因為我6:30就要起床....然後我的herpes又會發作)

posted by Biochemie on 1:53 上午 0 comments


posted by Biochemie on 12:32 上午 0 comments


越到期末,永遠就會有越多的事把你煩死!! Finals已經夠煩了,沒想到一堆雜七雜八的東西就會趁這個時候出現......接不完的國際電話要我做這個又辦那個,電話的那一頭永遠有問不完的問題,和要我做不停的事. Quarter要結束時,就是各方對我的容忍度挑戰的時候...........(好好好..告訴自己: 不氣不氣....明天考完final就好了...) 怎麼辦,不管用...心情還是很毛躁ne.....

posted by Biochemie on 7:17 下午 0 comments

今天好奇怪喔...一直覺得很餓ne...可是剛才明明就吃過東西了呀,怎麼洗完澡又餓了咧?? 啊啊啊~~去睡好了,睡了就不餓了...

posted by Biochemie on 2:07 上午 0 comments

Just finish talking to Mom. Gee... I can't wait to go back to Taiwan coz I miss my cousins so much!!!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:09 上午 0 comments

昨天,我說我的肩膀痠痛(嗯..左肩比較痛),我那好心的鄰居就幫我按摩(在我右肩捏來捏去),結果....哇!!今天我的右肩烏青了啦~~痛得我欲哭無淚...我知道我知道,他一定是想說,把我的右肩弄痛,降子我的左肩就relatively不那麼痛了....(woo woo...還是很想哭...)

posted by Biochemie on 12:20 上午 0 comments



posted by Biochemie on 7:34 下午 0 comments

好吧.......今天的bedtime reading要從侯文詠換成biology了......(降會不會看到封面就睡死了咧!?) 明天還有truckloads of things to do....想到就好累....

posted by Biochemie on 2:25 上午 0 comments

Okay, okay...I'm so's coming up, but I'm just not in the mood for study.....CRAP!!!

posted by Biochemie on 2:04 上午 0 comments


我的媽呀~~ 今天的e-mail竟然有10Mb那麼多....要不是有學校的信箱,不然我的小yahoo早爆了.....

posted by Biochemie on 1:11 下午 0 comments

OK~~ time for bed...I know it's Friday night, tired...brain is not functioning at all....

posted by Biochemie on 1:05 上午 0 comments

I spent my afternoon in UWMC today. There were so many escorts when my friend and I got there, and we had no place to sit. However, after 1.5 hour, there were only 2 escorts left ---- me and my friend. Can you believe that? We were the only 2 escorts in the whole medical center.....We were busy like crazy!! Kept answering phones, delivering stats, and escorting patients. So exhausted.....but it feels so good to help. I actually did something stupid to one of the patients today, and I'm really really sorry. (I'm sorry, Mr. Kurk~~ Hope you can understand...)

posted by Biochemie on 1:01 上午 0 comments

IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT!! It was so dreamy to look at the view from my balcony, and I felt that "Christmas" was coming...hahaha~~ My neightbor and I were so excited, and we even went downstairs to check out the snow in our night-robes ....(kinda ambiguous, we noticed that...) And I think we're nuts coz we went shopping in Safeway with another friend, because we felt that it must be cool to go shopping in a snowy night..... We're nuts.....We're nuts.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:49 上午 0 comments


Well, I put my math aside and watched some TV tonight.... I finally got to know the name of the coolest glass-artist --- Dale Chihuly!! I like his projects coz the material that he uses is the most abuntant element on the Earth --- silicon. It's so awesome to have the planet adorned with its own component, so natural, so genuine, so pure. Extremely hard to depict precisely how it feels to have artwork sort of like "fuse" with the environment around it. He has such a strong confidence in using various kinds of colors, and I have to say that his artwork with those shapes, colors, and original design, gives me a great impact. And you know what, Chihuly's studio is in Seattle!! Maybe I should go and check it out.

posted by Biochemie on 9:58 下午 0 comments

Okay....Another upside-down day for me....I took a "nap" from 3:00pm to 6:30pm..oh well, maybe I should call it a "sleep".....And here comes the coolest part: I WAS WAKEN UP BY THE SOUND OF HAILSTONE HITTING ON MY WINDOW!!! 天哪,冰雹耶~~ 一輩子沒看過冰雹的我,今天睡覺竟然是被冰雹吵醒的耶...........OMG....

posted by Biochemie on 6:55 下午 0 comments

I'm taking off for tutoring now~~ It's kinda cool to teach my student chemistry with English + Chinese (She's currently taking Chinese class as well.) + Cantonese (She's like a native speaker although she's an American.) I never know that my CHINESE is good enough to teach others...Ha Ha Ha~~~

posted by Biochemie on 12:17 下午 0 comments

I knew the stupid lab would take 3 hours to finish......see~~ it's even worse.... I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH IT!!! Looks like I'll have to finish it next Tuesday, which we aren't supposed to have a lab..... :(

posted by Biochemie on 12:01 下午 0 comments

明天是這個quarter最後一個o-chem lab了,卻沒有一點高興的感覺,因為看起來是一個要做滿3小時的long lab...shoot...

posted by Biochemie on 2:08 上午 0 comments


這是我目前看到最長的vocab: tetraphenylcyclopentadienone...有28個字母說....

posted by Biochemie on 11:02 下午 0 comments

目前還處於低迷狀態......煩......oh well....出去吃晚餐,希望回來的時候,情況能改善...bye ne~~

posted by Biochemie on 6:38 下午 0 comments

今天的天氣很怪,我8:15出門上lab的時候飄雪,下午2:30上完最後一堂課時竟出太陽. 但是還是一樣冷...I felt my ears were coming off.....沒想到我今天的心情也是一樣...很怪...自己都很難理解....需要好好整理歸納一下....不知道是不是Seasonal Depression Syndrome在作怪哩!?

posted by Biochemie on 4:26 下午 0 comments

I think I got like at least 30 e-mails today coz it seemed like I got e-mails every single minute. I actually enjoy getting forwarded e-mails from friends, coz it's one of the ways to show that they still remember me, and they want to share what they see or what they have with me. Even thou I'm not actually around them, we are somehow connected. Good, good!!

posted by Biochemie on 12:59 上午 0 comments


I got my certificate back's not as "exquisite" as I have imagined. It's like a piece of white paper, and have my name written on it. That's it. Should I get a medallion and frame them together as I planned?

posted by Biochemie on 5:54 下午 0 comments

Yay!! I had my new job set today!! I'll work with a medical assistant in our clinic instead of being a chem tutor next quarter. Although being a tutor is kinda fun and helps students a lot, I don't really enjoy setting up meetings and then skipped by students. (grrrrr.....) Anyways, my new boss seems really true-hearted and friendly, and we'll have parties like every month. I think I'll have a great time working next quarter~~

posted by Biochemie on 5:40 下午 0 comments

Hahaha!! Quarter快要結束囉~~ 上了一學期的o-chem lab, 我覺得我大概會早死吧...每天都碰那些erosive solutions;聞那些奇奇怪怪的chemicals....那個該死的ether,害我滿手整天都是那個味道.....

posted by Biochemie on 5:28 下午 0 comments


剛才跟媽媽聊天,她很興奮地跟我說她終於買到2件很讚的jeans. 一聽之下,我差點沒昏倒....她jeans的size竟然跟我的一樣!!!! OMG!!! 我一氣之下,立刻跟我媽媽說:"You what!? 不行不行,我要減肥..". 不過我很酷的媽媽卻回了我一句:"喂~~妳怎麼不問你媽媽我是不是變瘦啦!?" 可是沒理由呀...媽媽至少跟我差7~8公斤吧~~怎麼可能...怎麼可能...>.< 這件事情給我2個啟示: 第一,對於同一件事情,每個人的解釋不同; 第二,CK的size出現嚴重大混亂,害我心情受損......

posted by Biochemie on 1:18 上午 0 comments


唸了一天生物的心得就是:搞了半天,就是看圖說故事嘛~~~ 課本是用frog embryo講解cell development, 我們的教授是用chick embryo講解. 這些跟我們human都沒什麼關係喔!!! (昏倒) 不過還好,憑著在下過人的想像力,picture human embryo也還不算什麼太難啦~~ 基本上真的跟"雞"沒什麼兩樣就是了~~~ 由於現在開始學到一些疾病的起因, 所以我跟同學討論的東西都聽起來頗嚇人的 因為XXXXX,所以那個baby就沒有頭; 因為OOOOO,所以他的nerve就外露.....我們解剖不是看到那個嗎~~對對對,就是那個......!@#$%^&*....(自己寫一寫都覺得怪恐怖的~~)

posted by Biochemie on 11:57 下午 0 comments

ohohoh~~~ (How can I forget this..) 我"昨天下午"看到我的超級大偶像-----Kevin Bacon的電影, The Air Up There!! 雖然我以前就看過,但是,每一次看都會有不同的感覺嘛~~~He is SO CUTE!!! (ok...I'm being dreamy again.)

posted by Biochemie on 2:22 上午 0 comments

"今天"要加油囉~~ 想不到經過"tricky生物","微分方程"和"hazardous有機".....Monday竟然還有一個bio mid-term~~~救命啦....(雖然說這個quarter的biology is kinda fun, and I did like pretty good on my other 2 midterms compare with my bio last quarter.)但是...天氣那麼好(說到這個就不得不驕傲一下,我真的是很有潛力!! 這2天天氣真的好得不得了!!鐵口直斷呀~~)可惜不能出去玩,要乖乖地把書都吃下去........woo....woo....

posted by Biochemie on 2:01 上午 0 comments

I scored 120 (or something like that) on Friday night's bowling!! WhooWhoo~~ (Well,even thou I didn't break my own record.) Maybe I should try harder next time. Tonight (oh~~ or I should say "last night"), I had a kinda-boring-kinda-fun night. (Weird name, I know.) US.Marshalls was OK (but Robert Downey Jr. is so cool.);and I spent like 2 hours staring at TV doing nothing.......(Is that supposed to be my Saturday night?) Then I had a fight with my neighbor + a friend again. (coz my weakness of "ticklish-ness" was totally busted, and they tickled me a lot.) It was like敵暗我明,敵多我寡,以致我方節節戰敗,潰不成軍.....(那個死鋼管男,給我記住..) 記取國父革命的精神,我一定要努力奮發,把他們都打敗!!! gum-ba-te!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:50 上午 0 comments


剛才在逛朋友的webpage,無意間看到自己念junior high的大頭照. 我都沒長進.....現在都幾歲了,竟然還是看起來跟15歲的小呆瓜一樣...........................

posted by Biochemie on 2:59 下午 0 comments

本來今天想早一點睡的,可是看完了從來沒看過的"懷玉公主"之後,又被Discovery Channel吸引......今天介紹一間超棒的蠟像館-----Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. 它的總館在英國倫敦,美國Las Vegas和New York,荷蘭的Amsterdam,還有香港都有分館. Gee...那些蠟像真的是栩栩如生......影片中還介紹製作Spice Girls和Michelle Kwan的過程,超讚的!! 我一定要去London的總館去看才行!!!

posted by Biochemie on 2:21 上午 0 comments


3點不到,material差不多搞懂了,20頁的考古題也都做完了耶~~ 希望明天那個豬哥亮的考題能像上次一樣,跟考古題很像就好了!! (我的有機教授長得超像豬哥亮的...) 我真的該慘了,每次都是在考前一晚才唸書,然後唸到滿天星加小鳥飛,頭都昏了............. ^_^|| 喔well, wish me luck ba~~ Tomorrow, Friday night, I'll go bowling with friends!! Yay!!

posted by Biochemie on 2:54 上午 0 comments


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