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Rosetta Stone

該不會等一下就上演"青年勵志片" (爆鼻血) 吧!?

posted by Biochemie on 8:57 下午 0 comments


現在是怎樣, 流行復古就算了, 連寫信都要這樣喔???

Then see how I replied my dearest bro:

有如古代之飛鴿傳書, 字字珠璣
金玉良言, 點到即止.
(歹勢啦, 會的成語本來就不多, 年紀大又忘了不少)

屈指一算, 時日約2個半月

(oh God, this is so hard.....)

(好像在寫課文.... :P )
祝兄長 一切平安


posted by Biochemie on 12:17 上午 0 comments



我想做ICAC <---- 胡思亂想中

posted by Biochemie on 11:14 下午 0 comments

你有沒有想過 : 當你汲汲營營的為了工作而加班,或者為了考上研究所而挑燈夜戰背後真正的目的是???


隔天,在「淡巴沙」逛了一上午,發覺此處無啥可觀;我想打道回府,下午就在旅館游泳、休息。但是想到司機為接生意,必然推掉許多原有計畫,就難以啟齒。掙扎甚久,我結結巴巴地說:「對不起,司機先生,我想改成只包半天,不知會不會對你造成困擾?」 沒想到司機竟喜出望外地說:「一點都不會。昨天,你要包一整天車,我很猶豫,如果不是因為跟你談得來,我是不接受包整天車的。」我困惑地問:「為什麼?」他答:「我設定一個工作目標,每天只要做到六百元台幣,我就收工,你用一千二台幣包一整天,那我就沒有自己的時間了。」「你可以儲錢,隔天休息呀?」他笑著說:「先是做一整天再休息,然後就變成做一個月、做一整年再休息;最後是做一輩子,終生不得休息。工作也會習慣的。」我問:「那你們閒著幹嘛呢?時間那麼多,不會無聊嗎?」他看著我,像遇到外星人一樣,說:「這裡那麼好玩,怎會無聊?峇里島每家都養鬥雞,收工後,我們就鬥鬥雞、放放風箏,到沙灘打打排球,游游泳呀!」





忙的時後, 想要休息;
渡假的時後, 想到未來;
窮的時後, 渴望富有;
生活安逸了, 擔心結果不如預期;
看明白了, 後悔當初沒有下定決心;
不屬於自己的, 常常心存慾望;
握在手裡了, 又懷念未擁有前的輕鬆;
生命若不是現在, 那是何時 !!

愈是簡單的快樂, 愈可以經久不變,
不用苦苦追求快樂, 就是一種幸福 !!

posted by Biochemie on 6:20 下午 0 comments

手機拜天公, 你見過嗎!?
muwahahaha~~ 發晒癲.....

posted by Biochemie on 5:05 下午 0 comments


Somebody got shot last night RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY APARTMENT!! 3:00am this early morning, 3 gun shots. Loud enough to wake me up. Then I heard from William that the police were here all night searching for the suspect...... Scary huh? I'd better move this summer then. :P

posted by Biochemie on 6:13 下午 0 comments


I shouted and cried so hard to my mom over the phone today.
Cuz you know what!? Hey~~ There are extra 5 people will tag along!! And YES, I will have to book the hotels and packages and stuff for them too!! Muwahahaha~~~ (Mimi's going NUTS!!) So I have to basically re-do the thing I went over again. (And actually, 3 people are hesitating. 媽的, 龜毛!!)
What the hell do they want anyway? I don't work 24-7, and I'm certainly not a pro-travel planner ne!! What the hell are they thinking?
I just wanna quit................

posted by Biochemie on 7:49 下午 0 comments


看吧!! 又叫我改機票 + 加買機票了. 你們到底什麼時候才能給我確定的答案呀!?
(求求你們饒了我吧~~ 我終於感受到未來PhD的壓力了...)

posted by Biochemie on 11:30 下午 0 comments

Muwahahaha~~ 我只能說
That's it!! That's all I want to say about the things I'm dealing with right now.

6/12 grad Ceremony
6/13 ~ 6/18 personal / family business
6/19 ~ 6/22 Vancouver
6/23 ~ 6/28 USA east coast trip
6/28 ~ 7/2 Uniserval Studio / Islands of Adventure / Wet'nWild
7/2 ~ 7/6 Disney World
7/6 LA
7/7 Taipei
7/10 UW orientation at Merica
8/x Hong Kong - NanChing - ShangHai
9/14 Seattle
9/16 UW TA session

好彩今天去找了我的 grad program coordinator談談有關我summer的行程, 不然我還忘記我要提早回來參加我的 TA session. (就是難逃當助教的命啦.....) 還好我記得, 又去找了International Admission Coordinator談我的VISA....(those stupid paperwork >.<")
去找Ken, 結果trip的itenerary今年有變, 所以我又改了我的計畫.
Call AT&T 要activate我的cellphone, 結果電話沒電......
See~~ Told you!!! 事情每天每天一波接著一波地, 永遠都出乎你的意料.......

啊 !! wasurejiada!! Let me e-mail Kim my schedule now....crap..... <--- so random.....

posted by Biochemie on 10:37 下午 0 comments

WOW!! This this cool!! I just got an offer from Google for a free 1GB e-mail account!! Muwahahaha~~ Guess I can now start asking people to send me e-mails there!!

I tried the weirdest drink in my entire life today. Hot coffee? Sounds great. Hot chocolate? Yumm~must be good. Hot milk tea? My favorite. How about HOT COKE????? GOSH!! YUCK!! I was gonna get a Sprite at HUB today, but the stupid vending machine gave me a cherry coke, which I hate the most. I can take it alright, but IT'S HOT too!! And it NEVER COOLS DOWN!! Man~~ I'd rather get into a long line in ETC and pay more for a COLD SPRITE next time.

posted by Biochemie on 12:00 上午 0 comments


華大的生活真是越來越沒挑戰性 :(
(不過這是我大學生涯的最後一學期, 就認了吧!!)
今天早上9:00起床, 只覺得好像哪裡不對勁, 就去翻一翻course pak的syllabus. Holy Christ!! Chapter test within 30 minutes!! (yeah~~ the class is 9:30am) 於是我就趕快洗臉刷牙穿衣服, 瞄了課本5分鐘, 就衝去學校考試了. 根本忘記要考試的我, 結果考得沒有100分也有90分, 神經喔, 還念什麼書呀!? anyway....可能是我平常都有認真唸書吧!? (hopefully.....)
今天終於搞定80%我的+my family的trip, 只差一點日期確定及機票問題. 我已經為了這些事連續接了3個星期凌晨3:00的電話. (企醒中) 接下來的"雜事"就會更令人抓狂 ---- bedding, cellphone, lab rotation........
Anyways, guess it's time for a nap la~~~ muwahahaha~~

posted by Biochemie on 6:14 下午 0 comments

Yappari nihongo senkou mitai da.......
Syuumatsu wa nanmaimo nihongo no sakubun kaida, mou tsukareda.
dakedo, boku no sakubun no topiku wa tanoshi desu ---- nihon ramen!! zannan ne, miserukoto ga dekinai.........

posted by Biochemie on 1:23 上午 0 comments


I'm not answering any call.

posted by Biochemie on 10:03 下午 0 comments


I'm almost a travel agent specialized in Florida area in Seattle la....Man~~
I finally come to the point where what I planned can actually fit everyone's schedule:
6/12 Ceremony
6/13~6/18 personal / family business
6/19~26 USA/CAN east coast trip
6/26~28 Boston
6/29~7/2 Universal Studio / Islands of Adventure / Wet'nWild
7/2~7/6 Disney World
7/10 UW orientation in Taipei
(followed by pending trip to China)

posted by Biochemie on 12:59 下午 0 comments


一九四七年三月七日,蔣介石派遣二十一師登陸基隆港口。 依監察院楊亮功公布的二二八事件調查報告,艦隊才開到港口,便接獲情報「島內均亂民」。 艦長於是下令「見人就掃蕩。」
一九四七的基隆港,沒有太美麗的走道,時間也非夕陽西下。 風有點大、雨飄得細細,不知情的民眾在港灣散步著。
機槍掃射初始,打出來的砲彈和太陽一樣亮, 穿著拖鞋,老台式短褲的男女老少, 只聽聞轟的一聲,倒躺於地,死了。 著名的二二八事件,就此開始了最高潮的國家暴力鎮壓。 沒有人知道,乘著軍艦開槍的士兵,如今在那裡?他還安在嗎? 他的後代還住在台灣?還是中國大陸的某個角落?

那艘軍艦,著著實實打出了台灣歷史中最重要的第一槍, 從此之後的台灣史,悲情且仇恨地發展了五十多年,至今未歇。 開槍的軍隊,沒有名、沒有姓,只有二十一師代號。 兇手名字未知,本地人只能辨認他們是「外來省份的人」。
二二八事件兩年後, 中國內戰中全然敗退的國民黨政府,倉皇帶著子弟兵渡海遷台。 新一批的外省人,有的只十六歲, 可能早起才走入田埂,就被強拉當兵。 一輩子沒出過洋,從沒聽過二二八,第一站就穿著草鞋來台灣。 往後的日子裡,他們多半躲在台灣的竹籬笆世界, 有人退伍了,才花盡畢生積蓄買個姑娘,守個家。
打從十六歲起,這群人就沒有爸爸媽媽。 國破山河,他們的世界只有蔣公,也只能跟著蔣公, 竹籬笆外的世界,對他充滿了強烈的敵意,他們是飄洋過海的外省人,和當年軍艦上「相同」的外省人。

我台中老家對面就住著一位老芋仔,煮麵一流。 沒人關心他從中國大陸哪個省份來,媽媽住哪裡,好似他是石頭蹦出來的怪物。 對我們這些本省家庭,外省人不是混蛋,就是可憐蛋。 混蛋在台北當官,欺負台灣人;可憐蟲就在市井街道裡,擺攤賣陽春麵。 老芋仔賣的陽春麵特別便宜好吃, 夜市裡搭個違章建築,就可以從早賣到晚。 有天門口特別熱鬧,原來娶親了,姑娘從梨山山上買來,清瘦嬌小的女子, 後來生了小孩,小姑娘也常背著小孩在攤前燙麵。 我喜歡買他們家的滷蛋,幾次聽到他在旁邊教他太太,麵要煮得好,放下去的時候,得立刻撈起來,在擱回去;千萬不能一次燙太久,否則湯糊了,麵也爛了。 麵攤老芋仔有日不作生意了,哭嚎的聲音,穿透薄薄的夾板,凡路經夜市的人都聽到。 隔壁雜貨店老闆娘轉告我們家長輩,老芋仔梨山小老婆跟人跑了,兒子也不要了,還把他長年積蓄、擺在床底下的現金全偷個精光。 過了三天,老芋仔上吊自殺,孩子被送進孤兒院。 上吊時,繩子掛在違章建築樑上,臉就對著後牆的蔣介石遺照。

麵攤老芋仔死後四十年台灣盛行本土運動,家鄉中國大陸危險擴軍,飛彈部署天羅地網, 對著另一個家-台灣。 四十年前的老芋仔上吊了,其他老芋仔活下來,眼看兩個家對打。
沒有名、沒有姓逮到被打毒針、可能接受酷刑、 被剝皮,死了也進了忠烈祠,誰賣命?
人生從此只剩化名,除了軍情局簡單記錄事蹟外,出了事,家人不敢鬧、不能說。 台灣人天天逍遙,十幾年來,台海平靜到人民完全感覺不了戰爭的威脅。 只有這群傻外省人,老覺得國家危難,他們得前仆後繼。 老的上一輩犧牲不夠,小的還得賠上一條命。 有情報員家屬向我哭訴陳情,我很慚愧,也很感慨。 慚愧的是,我們常覺得自己已幫國家社會做過多事,很了不得; 但站在你面前的這群人,他們怎麼從不談了不得呢?
我無法衝口說出的是,外省人為什麼那麼笨? 國家多數人並不承認他們,怎麼還願意替國家去死?
多少付出,才能償還當年歷史的錯誤? 多少前仆後繼,多少代,才能換取本省人終究的接納? 台灣的外省人無法支撐任何一個有意義的政治力量。 隨著台灣民族主義崛起,只占人口百分之十五的外省人,政黨如全然反映這群人對歷史的認識、對故鄉的鄉愁,贏取不了。 任何一場戰役中,外省人都得當默默的犧牲者, 從戰爭到選舉,他們不能大聲說出母親的名字,不能哭嚎他們的鄉愁。他們的一切都是錯,生的時候錯,死的時候也錯;為國家錯,不為國家也錯!

西元一八九四年,一位猷太裔的法國陸軍軍官德雷福(Dreyfus), 被控出賣法國陸軍情報給德國,軍事祕密法庭裁判國罪, 德雷福遭流放外島。這是法國近代史上轟動一時的德雷福事件。 整個事件後來被証實是假的、捏造的;它可以成立只有一個前提;這位陸軍上尉德雷福是猷太人,不是正統法國人,他是法國的「外省人」。 再當時舉國面臨共同敵人德國情況下,法國德雷福身上的猷太血統成了祭品,目的是撫慰普法戰爭中嚴重受創的法國人心。 其後法國社會分成兩個政營,雙方在報刊上相互攻擊,在議會中進行政治鬥爭,在街頭上發起群眾運動。
事件在小說家左拉發表的著名文章【我控訴】後,達到高潮。 「最後我控訴第一軍事法庭,他違反法律……, 我控訴第二軍事法庭,他奉命掩飾……..不法行為, 判一個無罪的人有罪…….,我的激烈抗議只是從我靈魂中發出的吶喊, 若膽敢傳喚我上法庭,讓他們這樣做吧,讓審訊在光天化日舉行!我在等待。」 --左拉,【我控訴】
民族主義者並不關心案件的法律細節、人身生命權,他們只關心事件給自己帶來的後果。 「德雷福」的影子,如今被流放到台灣。
我的朋友周玉寇,曾經對我說:「你可以大聲講話,因為你是本省人,不是外省人。」 左拉死後一百年,二二八那一槍後五十年, 我們本省人,該輕輕自問一句了:外省人,該不該是有權利活下去的人?

posted by Biochemie on 12:43 下午 0 comments

OMG!! I just saw my school-mate, 敖翔, on the news these days......
Guess why I saw her on the news? 因為她媽媽去告自己的丈夫 ---- 敖幼祥(yes, you read me right, 就是那個話漫畫的傢伙) 去跟別人亂搞, 就是那種感情糾紛啦~~ 只是好久不見的同學, 竟然在新聞上看, 哈哈, 感覺怪怪的.....

posted by Biochemie on 12:39 上午 0 comments


I was almost there.....almost there.....
BUT!! Guess what!! Muwahaha~~ There is always somebody stupid enough to call me without checking their CLOCK before calling.
I'm not in a work of being on-call 24 hours, even thou I really want one. If I only had to work on-call that's fine with me, but the problem is that I still have to do my HW and go to school on a regular bases, I'd really love to have my life somewhat stick with a routine. I'm not saying that it has to be a exact routine, fluctuation here and there is always acceptable.
But can you guys stop calling me at 2:00am!? And today was even worse: I got one at 2:00am, and another one at 7:00am. And each one last about 30 minutes. Am I what? No need to sleep!? Your emergency center? And I don't even know one of the caller, somebody in Taiwan just gave the person my number, and that girl just called me and asked bunch of KMU MS questions when I was still in my sweet dream. I'm open and willing to help, but can you please at least check the time!?

Anyway, off for HW. Reman tape that is.

posted by Biochemie on 10:08 下午 0 comments


After the went-down of my stupid MSN for merely 2 days, I found that I can actually save back more time for doing extra things!! (Should I just leave the MSN like that? Huh...)
Anyway, I was so tired last night, and wasn't even in the mood for answering any phone calls. So I went straight to bed after my dinner @ about 12:00pm, and sleep~~ nice sleep....ZZzzzZzzZZz.......[RING RING RING] WTF!! Who calls me? And WHAT!? 2:00AM!!! Aha!! Bingo!! My dear mom. I feel so sorry for my mom that I didn't really want to talk anything, but in fact, we really need to get things done over the phone. I was gonna chat with her for a bit, but I decided not to cuz I was really really in a sleeping mode.

The weather today is like crap. 10C in the morning, and all of a sudden it goes up to 20C, and within 10 min it goes back to about 12C. My head aches so much. Guess it's time for a nap now~~

posted by Biochemie on 3:48 下午 0 comments

It was hella fun today!!
First of all, I got my new cellphone. A NEW CELLPHONE!! Muwahahaha~~

Secondly, the MUSEN was full of craziness. A song called "The song of Death"?? And all those eerie lyrics: "Mankind is alive, but mankind must die. So good-bye to the house with its wall paper red; good-bye to the sheets on the warm double bed. Good-bye, good-bye....good-bye to you all~~~~" What a lyrics!!

And introduce you my coolest personal tennis coach ---- Wes!! This was my first day of learning tennis, and Wes made it so interesting. Thanks Wes, I'll do my best to learn everything you teach me!! (ball bounces bounces bounces.....)

Good grief, 2 quizzes tomorrow. Gotta get ready for that. Nite nite!!

posted by Biochemie on 12:08 上午 0 comments


最近我的MSN真的怪怪的. 之前是一直會自己登入, 現在則是一登入程式就掛掉.
所以囉, 我可能會好一陣子不上MSN囉~~

要"翹"時間安排main trip
加上還要接著cousins的summer camp
還有我個人想去上海, 香港, 日本(外加被逼的南京之旅)的計畫
跟瘋子一樣, 神經病.
整天就為了這些想破腦袋, 跑了N次旅行社


posted by Biochemie on 8:27 上午 0 comments


So, I might go get one!!

posted by Biochemie on 7:17 下午 0 comments


十八歲到了 直情想嗌

任你判我話我 腦袋太歪

讓我向你偉大嗌 我的太太

決定廿五歲到對住你嗌 我的太太

任你判我話我 腦袋太歪

對著你說句 我的太太

posted by Biochemie on 6:43 下午 0 comments


Just found several interesting websites tonight:
(Wow!! What a shocking news!! Mimi really does some serious surfing online!!)
However, 基於"案主保密原則", I really cannot tell you the sites I found. (sorry ne!!)
But hey~~I can give you some of the fun sites. Buckle up, get ready!!
I'm sure you can find all kinds of games there, and kill your time. :)
(Try the "bookworm", it's fun and kills your brain cells too. muwahaha~~)

posted by Biochemie on 4:44 上午 0 comments



聽見 學生時代 愛聽的歌
加上太累 回家路上 一下子想好多
腳步慢了 眼眶濕了
不是感傷 只是不知道
生活要 這麼多力量

過去那些 跌跌撞撞 忙碌的日子 怎麼說呢
多少有點 像在逃避吧
三十歲生日那天 我關掉電話只想一個人在家

多傻 但有什麼辦法 這是我的心情啊
多少人也和我一樣 激動卻不知道跟誰去分享

有了 愛情以後 就會不一樣嗎
別再騙啦 我又不是沒經驗的傻瓜
我真的信不過的人 是自己呀
讓你操心 以為我真的沒人追嗎
總是擔心 要是有天 感情有變化
就算不愛 無論個性 決不會先講啦
不管心裡多掙扎 還要跟他住在一起那不好吧

多傻 但又很(多麼) 真實呀 這是我的想法呀
一個人心情那麼複雜 多少人也和我一樣
相信 愛情不應該是獨佔的呀
多傻 但又很(多麼) 真實呀 這是我的想法呀
一個人心情那麼複雜 多少人也和我一樣
相信 愛情不應該是獨佔的呀

posted by Biochemie on 8:47 下午 0 comments

You know what, you just ruined my day!!

I thought everything is jusy as smooth as it goes, but HA!! NO!! You suddenly gave me this stupid call and brought the whole stupid thing up again.

No matter what you said, I just don't want to do it, you read me? I JUST DON'T WANT TO DO IT!! Ever since back then, I've been doing whatever you asked me to, and I'm sure I made you proud too. Finally there are only 40 days left for my college study, I can finally get rid of all these "missions" and do what I want, but you just can't stop asking me to do the things "you want". I'm really sick of it.Really sick of it. I know myself better than anybody else in the world, and you may have no authority to master me anymore.

After all the discussions, don't you think I really think about it throughout?? What makes you think I'm just swayed by the feelings and act rashly?? Do you seriously think whatever in your mind is always correct without any flaw? Whatever I did deviate from you have expected is so improper?? Ha!! Whatever~~

If you ever bring that up again, I can't guarantee you what will I be doing next.

Quote of the day:
You gotta let me go, gotta let me learn how to fly.

posted by Biochemie on 8:32 下午 0 comments

Are you stupid or sth? Sensei stated everything clearly, and you just didn't get a thing?? God...You are already a 3rd-year student ne~~ Wake up, man~~~

And talked to Proper-san earlier today. He's such a COOL guy majoring international relation.....the area that I'm totally not interested in. :P Anyway, he'll go working in Japan right after the graduation (good for him), and he'll hopefully pick the language back again.

Did I tell you guys that I'm in UW choir now? muwahaha~~ it's hella fun!! (And I have to dress up for the final performance...I can laugh real hard just by thinking of it.....) We keep practicing this "dona nobis pacem"and "agnus dei", and we are totally lost since there are 4 sections. I'm so gonna be in the bunch this coming autumn!! (And I'll take Contemporary music next year. wahahaha~~)

Ok~~ off for HW!! I'm sure I'll have more to talk about after reading that weird Honda story.

posted by Biochemie on 5:40 下午 0 comments


Almost forget these stuff........a note for myself:

09:30am class
10:30am class
11:30am class
12:30pm work
01:30pm work
02:30pm family business
06:00pm bugged by WL
HW: Ch. 11 test study

09:30am class
10:30am meet Juma
11:30am lunch with the bunch
01:30pm work
02:30pm work
03:00pm Ohta's office
03:30pm class
04:30pm class
HW: Honda's reading


posted by Biochemie on 11:24 下午 0 comments

Oh God.... And Ohta gave me this article no better then Hebi ni piasu...... (What does this Honda-san have to do with my study, ramen???)

posted by Biochemie on 6:49 下午 0 comments

Crap. 昨晚又是8:00pm就睡掛了. 什麼跟什麼嘛~~~

posted by Biochemie on 8:16 上午 0 comments


放棄生活? 追求夢想?
God, 好難.

posted by Biochemie on 7:44 上午 0 comments

I tried the Sprite's latest Remix ---- BerryClear!! It's actually not bad at all!! I thought it'd taste like berry but it tastes more like grapes flavor. Kinda refreshing...
You should try it if you can hopefully find it next time.

posted by Biochemie on 12:10 上午 0 comments


My God... This is so sad. People "nakunatta" (disappeared; died) one after one. Kelvin's mom and Mom's friend left us behind at the same day a month ago, and Patent's dad just gone hours ago.
There is nothing more important than our family in the world, and we should cherish every single minutes as we are with them. Don't regret when they can only be with us from the heaven.
May you rest in peace..................

posted by Biochemie on 11:13 下午 0 comments

Venti just told me that I was on the news in Austria. (I assume all the Europe?) And the viewers are not that many, just about 2,000,000. (OMG!!)
And right after this shocking notice, I changed my MSN screen name. And now I can see how people react to a "celebrity".... My computer almost went down because of all the messages I got. They all ask me the same question: "Really? Where at? Why? Are you serious?" and stuff like that..... muwahahahaha~~~ Interesting!!

I actually tried to "stay up" for a *regular* dinner with everybody else in Seattle, but no matter how hard I tried, I kept yawning and fell asleep at the end. That's why you can see me typing now early in the Sunday morning. (This is just so not Mimi's type.)
Anyway, truckloads of things to do today: get HW done, update schedule, study (un...I'll take this back, there is nothing much to study anyway.), do laundry (which I'm doing right now, so sick.), and seek the possibility of going to Sydney next month.

As I promised, I'll write up a full report of my trip to Taiwan later.
And yes, congrats for getting a dreamy job, Viv!! (I have to rely on you in the future la~~)

posted by Biochemie on 5:42 上午 0 comments


Computer Virus Spreads to Human
By Justin Jest, Betterhumans Staff

A software developer from Houston, Texas has become the first human to contract a computer virus, microbiologists have confirmed.

John Newman, an employee of vTouch Systems, came into contact with the virus through the use of a neural interface that his company is developing.

Avril DuChamps, a spokesperson for vTouch Systems, confirmed yesterday at a press conference that Newman had come down with the virus. All activities at vTouch have been suspended until further notice.


The virus, which has subsequently been identified as a variant of the W32.0401.Worm computer virus, appears to copy itself by exploiting a protocol vulnerability in the electroencephalogram neural link that vTouch Systems is developing to connect a human brain with external devices.

The virus is also unique in that it has the flexibility to toggle its reproductive code based on the medium in which it resides. Originally programmed in C++, it can shift to RNA-based replication once in an organic substrate.

While relatively harmless in the digital realm, W32.0401.Worm has caused some health problems for Newman, who is suffering from a mild fever and severe diarrhea.

Expected to happen

"We knew that something like this was eventually going to happen," says Charles Kane, a researcher with antivirus company SterileData. "We just didn't think it was going to happen so soon."

Kane, who tracks new computer viruses for SterileData, found himself in the unlikely situation of having to consult with microbiologists at the US Centres for Disease Control.

"They were just as shocked we were," he says. "But they quickly came to the same conclusions that we did, and they were of great assistance to us in quickly isolating and identifying the new pathogen."

It is unlikely that the virus can be transmitted from human to human, but researchers are not taking chances.

Newman is currently being held in quarantine at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital in Houston. Doctors monitoring his condition expect a full recovery.

posted by Biochemie on 11:53 上午 0 comments

I'm back again. God, I can foresee that this bad-enough sleep cycle will get worse on weekends.......
Anyway, I just read a article called 犯賤男性心理學, all those city jungle hunting rules, kinda fun!! Oh, and this reminds me the ONLY movie I saw on my trip back to Taiwan last week (shame on Mimi) ---- The Peeping (偷窺無罪). If you still remember one of the stunning political news in Taiwan, you might be interested in watching the movie. (璩美鳳的偷拍事件轟動一時, 你還記不記得?? Gee I wonder who has the real AV.....)
Ha!! Anyway, more to talk about later. I'm gonna go cook something now. (God, Am I sick or what!?)

posted by Biochemie on 3:50 上午 0 comments


Gotta do something to stop this vicious circle.....
Oh well... screw that... I'm gonna take a nice nap anyway~~

posted by Biochemie on 3:55 下午 0 comments

I finally filed my tax!!
I always put things I hate aside and do it only when the deadline hits. No exception this time. BUT!! I figured that the filing wasn't so bad cuz I can just follow what I did last year. And more important, it was Nancy who did the filing for me last year, so I just basically copy the stuff and plug in numbers. Muwahahaha~~ Piece of cake!!

School is ok so far, except genome is kinda boring to me thou. But I think I can live with that, it's my last quarter anyway. All I need is just a passing grade. And seems like I can't get away from TAing in the near future, say at least 3 quarters?? As long as I get paid...... And, it'll be the time to work on my Unbeatable Project!!

Things to do this quarter:
1. Read as many books as possible. Any kind will be cool.
2. Practice Japanese a lot. Speak like a native. (Dreamy, I know.)
3. Do clean-ups regularly.

posted by Biochemie on 2:44 上午 0 comments


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