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Rosetta Stone

Today was a crazy day!!!!
AMAZINGLY, I got up and work this morning at 10:00. By the time I got Wes' e-mail, I was outside somewhere already.....
I did some more of that translation today, and found some more interesting things that I can write a book about. (So, we should start with a book right, Viv?) I was deeply into the whole story so that I needed to spend some time on doing other things to allow myself to get out of that "sadness mode", I decided that I should watch some of that cool HK-drama ---- 駁命老公追老婆, starred 方中信(廖媽的最愛, 傳說中Anjeli的老爸), 陳豪(暨Danny之後的新偶像). (女生不重要, 就不提了....哈哈哈!!) Anyway, so then Connie came to my place for some stuff, 情急之下害我還穿性感小短褲就衝出去了...>.<"
And tennis class today!! (該死的西雅圖下了好幾天的雨, 害我好久沒打) 所以感謝我的老師 ---- Wes, 要不是他call我出去打, 我還真找不到人跟我這個"肉腳"打說.....
之後, 見識到男人shopping的功力 ---- 3分鐘之內保證搞定!!(自認為shopping已經夠man的我, 當場立刻投降.)當然還是選了我今年發現的夢幻水晶店, Swarovski, (就是坤庭家代理的那家天鵝水晶店)買了一個禮物給Yang. 縱使早就知道她喜歡什麼東西, 不過幫女生買東西還真是困難. 不過我跟Wes只持著一個原則, Mimi不喜歡的東西=Yang喜歡的東西. 因為發現其實我比較喜歡的東西其實還都真的怪怪的, 不像一般女生. Brookstone啦, Swatch啦, 都算是在我的list上. 不過, Swarovski是少數幾家considered to be more girly的店在我的list上. 自從上次跟Tim一起買禮物給媽媽之後, 我就愛上那家店了. 不僅東西夢幻, 價錢也沒有我想像中的貴.
Anyway, the party at Yang's was great, wonder if I should have one too after I move to my new place? It might be a good idea.....

Time for relaxing!! I swear to God that I'll be doing the Japanese research tomorrow. Maybe some shopping with Connie on Monday??? (But man~~ families are comin'....)

posted by Biochemie on 11:52 下午 0 comments


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