JAPAN 342, you are out of my way!!!
But to tell the truth, I'm now in the struggle of "submitting the paper" and "not submitting the paper" since obviously the deadline is not yet met. I can always submit my final paper when I get right back to Taiwan, but I could have get it done here. You know~~ Have you ever had that kind of feeling? Thought you could always do more before the deadline but you aren't gonna do a thing?
And one of the most annoying thing is that, you have to squeeze each of your brain cell and think about what to bring, what not to bring, and if something is forgotten. (And I almost forget my passport just now. >.<")
I hardly have time to do the Christmas shopping this year, and I promise that I'll bring something cool back to Seattle, ok? And if any of you wants me to buy anything in Taiwan, you know where to find me. And for those of you in Taiwan, I'll have a fun time exploring downtown Taipei, and dig out some goodies for you. :)
Take off to the airport in max. 3 hours.
Have a wonderful Christmas, and a very happy New Year!!
See you all later!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:48 下午
I'm done!! I'm done!! We had lots of fun at the final today.
I chatted a lot with Magio-san, Christine-san, Du-san, Lin-san, Wang-san, Ma-san, Hsieh-san, Shima-san, Ha-san, Travis-san, and Hughes-san. And Imai-sensei made us sounded like we are pro, she talked only in Japanese thru out the process of explaining the test rules and so on. God I feel like on top of things, and I can totally understand what she talks about.
(And we don't even get what Ohta-sensei talked about even thou he speaks English in that stupid class...... And I have to take that class for an year >.<")
OK!~ Gotta go back to do my job according to my daily agenda. (I can't now live without an agenda written down, cuz thigs are just keeping comin', nakanaka oboeraremasen.)
Truckloads of things to do before my taking-off, so...guess I'll blog later.
posted by Biochemie on 12:50 下午
Those MAs are like the funniest ever!!
I found some "secret Santa" put some gift in my stocking for me, and guess what I get!? 1 M&M chocolate, 1 Hershey's chocolate, (guess they just love chocolates) and plus a ORANGE!! An orange ?@#$%..... hahaha~~ I laughed so hard in the clinic for getting an orange as a gift. Maybe it's from a cool doctor you know~~ (I thought it was Ella, but she would have given me an apple instead of an orange.)
And all of the MAs gave me a really nice certificate + Laura gave me some $$ too. (Gotta get her a big gift back in Taiwan, remind me.)
All the school paper work drives me crazy, and I had only nearly 2 hours of sleep last night. (experiencing a MD's life.....) Glad that I'm almost done with the paper work, and I have one final + Ohta's paper to go, then I'll be heading back.
posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午
Wahahaha~~ Guess I have unrealized potential!!
You know what, this just light up my night and gimme the energy to work on my PCHEM.
posted by Biochemie on 9:30 下午
mou dame da!!!
怎麼才搞定一個Sasuga, 又來一個Curtis?
我只不過是化學課跟你同班罷了, 我不覺得特別呀!? 美國人呀, 你可不可以不要想那麼多呀!?
Mimi最近爆忙的, 頭快炸了. 在我上飛機的前一刻為止, 不要來煩我!!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:15 下午
Crap!! Look what I just did!! NOT AGAIN!!
I forgot to eat my dinner again......
I think I just told myself not to do so days ago, now I just did it again. Gotta stop this vicious circle.... Or am I been cursed or sth?
And one more thing. This is actually not the first time, I'm telling you, not the first time.
I went to return the stupid chem lab key (oh yeah~~, I hold the key for only 2 weeks, but I was required to take 2 2-hour classes. How dumb is that?) So I walked into the chem office, talking to the gal at the desk while several *Asian* around in the office waiting for advisors. All of a sudden, this desk gal looked everyone in the room (EXCEPT ME, WHO IS RIGHT IN FORNT OF HER.), asking "does any of you happen to know Chinese? Anyone?" (Hey~ Am I that "大眾臉"!? Or "non-會講中文臉" like?) 看來不自爆內幕是不行了....."I do!!" I repied. (大家都鬆了一口氣.) 結果是那個該死的台大, 以為中華民國萬萬歲, 寫了英文住址(還寫錯字), 卻寫了一個中文名字, 誰看的懂呀!?
I worked really late, all the way 'til the clinic closed. And you know what, I found one of our patients has a "beautiful" name ---- Rose Butterfly!! Wahahahahaha~~ (the funniest too :P) 玫瑰奶油蒼蠅, hahahaha~~ Gee I wonder how she looks like~~
Alright, off for my finals. One down, 3 more to go!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:17 上午
I'm ready for the ICHEM. Bring it on!! (Keyword: ICHEM only, not anything else.)
What I left now for the quarter will be:
APP stuff
See you all in Taiwan!!
(Thou I'm still debating whether I'm gonna spend my Christmas in HK or not. Should I go??)
posted by Biochemie on 2:22 上午
Got an e-mail from NYMC today, I'm kinda excited.
All of a sudden, this Einstein type of thinking striked my mind: We've tried so hard to do the best we can, and looking for a position that fits us the best all our lives. However, sarcastically, as we thought we can have our own lives in our hands, there are actually somebody else out there who controls the rest of our lives. Where you go, where you end up with, is depend on that significant others.
Today, I finally took that huge step of my life. Don't even know if it's forward, even though to many of you it is. But if I were to do something I don't really want to, it's meaningless to me. You may see me doing a lot, but to confess, I guess I'm somewhat lost. Lost in Wonderland.
posted by Biochemie on 9:33 下午
I'm gonna puke!!
I swear to God that I'll never have my dinner this "early" again.....
posted by Biochemie on 1:41 上午
Now I really have to give it a 2nd thought: Do I really want to be a astronaut? Do I realy?
I had a chance to try so-claimed "Official Astronaut" freeze dried space age food, including strawberry and ice cream sandwich. I have to say that the strawberries are really strawberries you can tell, and it has a semi-artificial scent. And it's extremely dry + extremely crunchy. The ice cream sandwich is like room-temperature vanilla-flavor chocolate cookies. It really takes like an ordinary ice cream sandwich, but it is dried-out throughout. Not bad, not bad. *BUT* if I were to eat that for a whole year~~ NO!! The answer is a absolute NO!! (Gee, I wonder what that "chicken dinner" and "pizza" are like....)
posted by Biochemie on 12:48 上午
My vision is now only good enough for recognizing the way leading me home. Other than that, no, I'm sorry, but I just can focus myself seeing clearly. Hours of non-stop working in the clinic is surely a stressful job.
Look what I have done this afternoon in the clinic:
mail business x3
laundry x5
ear spec x2
waiting area x2
lab x2
fax x8
copy x2 + fixing that stupid jam thing while a *guy* staring at me.
(Man~~ Can't you fix it?)
assisting patient x1
Now I finally know why physicians always carry a little notebook with them ---- to *write down* what to do instead of just merely by *memorizing*. Believe me, soon you will forget what to be done because things just keep coming~~ keep coming~~ keep coming~~
I noticed that they put up a Christmas stocking on the wall for MIMI too!! God, they are so SWEET!! And, I'll will be Dr. Hazbun's secret Santa this year. It'll be fun!!
Alright~~ Time for my last check of my app. Right get back to you!!
posted by Biochemie on 4:52 下午
The very last week of the quarter, bring on the exams!!
I'm......not....... r...e...a..d..y......f.o..r...... i..t.........t...h.o..u.......
But aaaaanyway~~ I'm gonna have my oral final in 10 hours, finger crossed.
Relatively productive weekend. The most important thing is that I found myself as a "master of Hotdog Explosiology" wahahahaha~~ What a interesting topic!! For those of you who might be interested in this, lemme give you a hint here: this has something to do with the Laplace Pressure. Think about the curvature"s" in a hotdog. :)
Well, as usual, many things will have to be taken care of. Time for bed now. 99~~
posted by Biochemie on 3:10 上午
Hey Skylar, you gotta lemme know if there is anything, anything you want to do on your B-Day~~ You gotta come up with some thing cool!!! OK?
posted by Biochemie on 1:27 上午
Hey!! The dinner was GREAT!!!
All of us pigged out like !@#$%^&*....you know~~
And it was really cool to have William and WL for a dinner too!!
(Hey, "Billy Bob", you surely ate a lot tonight!! I'm so impressed!! Man~~I'm getting to know you now!!)
And Yang was checking the MSN like crazy while dining, and see if "he" is online. Man~~ She was so ready for a lovely long chat, but too bad he was not on. I can tell that she's pretty upset about it. She might will have another weird dream with me dancing at the back again tonight. Believe me, I can totally sense that.
So....all of us get our birthday boy a "super massager" (NO!! NOT the kind that you are thinking right now!!) And that "thing", can absolutely make him high.......(What are you thinking!? I''m talking about his notalgia killer!!)
And I gave him one thing that he might want to stick onto his wall forever!! A string of green-purple "Happy Birthday" cxxxxms. (You know what I'm talking about, Skylar~~~)
posted by Biochemie on 10:34 下午
I think I'd better write this in Chinese otherwise I will be so busted if he searched me with Google.......
(想不到我真的有過人的魅力, hahahaha~~)
By the way, 他原本這個quarter要畢業
他快fail了..... >.<"
posted by Biochemie on 12:35 上午
posted by Biochemie on 9:57 下午
mitai mitai mitai~~~~~~~~~~
Happy Prince II toiu butaigeki o mitai!!!!!!!!!!!
Taiwan de mirarenakereba, Hong Kong ni ikimasu!!! unn, sousuru!!
posted by Biochemie on 7:12 下午
太恐怖了!! 世界變了!!
That makes me look even much more like a 10th grader or sth like that.....
Humm...let me not think about that cuz that only makes me sounded much mentally retarded. So~~ how about the dz2-orbital that overlap with that ligand's.........
Oh by the way, thanks for proofreading my totally-screwed-up statement. (I assume you're reading this since I guess you check this site from time to time.) I can never thank you enough for the great work you've done for me. (This piece might be the worst you've seen so far, right!? That tells you that.....it's really hard to go over Mimi'a papers other than lab reports. :P)
posted by Biochemie on 11:34 下午
這個quarter真是"愁雲慘霧, 雪上加霜".....
已經忙到不行, 連睡覺都快不夠鐘, 忽然又有朋友從日本來
雖說"有朋自遠方來, 不亦樂乎", but 我真的想死呀!! Shinji-san, 你幹嘛挑這個時間來呀!?
posted by Biochemie on 4:26 下午
Got my 2nd p-chem back. Again, better than average, but I knew I could've done better. Man~~ I'll ace my final, I swear!!
And.....inorganic mid-term tomorrow. (You read me right, MID-TERM TOMORROW!!) 都什麼時候了說, 我下週都要考完全部的final了耶!! 那個該死的Harvard grad. >.<"
posted by Biochemie on 7:47 下午