Crap!! Look what I just did!! NOT AGAIN!!
I forgot to eat my dinner again......
I think I just told myself not to do so days ago, now I just did it again. Gotta stop this vicious circle.... Or am I been cursed or sth?
And one more thing. This is actually not the first time, I'm telling you, not the first time.
I went to return the stupid chem lab key (oh yeah~~, I hold the key for only 2 weeks, but I was required to take 2 2-hour classes. How dumb is that?) So I walked into the chem office, talking to the gal at the desk while several *Asian* around in the office waiting for advisors. All of a sudden, this desk gal looked everyone in the room (EXCEPT ME, WHO IS RIGHT IN FORNT OF HER.), asking "does any of you happen to know Chinese? Anyone?" (Hey~ Am I that "大眾臉"!? Or "non-會講中文臉" like?) 看來不自爆內幕是不行了....."I do!!" I repied. (大家都鬆了一口氣.) 結果是那個該死的台大, 以為中華民國萬萬歲, 寫了英文住址(還寫錯字), 卻寫了一個中文名字, 誰看的懂呀!?
I worked really late, all the way 'til the clinic closed. And you know what, I found one of our patients has a "beautiful" name ---- Rose Butterfly!! Wahahahahaha~~ (the funniest too :P) 玫瑰奶油蒼蠅, hahahaha~~ Gee I wonder how she looks like~~
Alright, off for my finals. One down, 3 more to go!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:17 上午