Hey!! The dinner was GREAT!!!
All of us pigged out like !@#$%^&*....you know~~
And it was really cool to have William and WL for a dinner too!!
(Hey, "Billy Bob", you surely ate a lot tonight!! I'm so impressed!! Man~~I'm getting to know you now!!)
And Yang was checking the MSN like crazy while dining, and see if "he" is online. Man~~ She was so ready for a lovely long chat, but too bad he was not on. I can tell that she's pretty upset about it. She might will have another weird dream with me dancing at the back again tonight. Believe me, I can totally sense that.
So....all of us get our birthday boy a "super massager" (NO!! NOT the kind that you are thinking right now!!) And that "thing", can absolutely make him high.......(What are you thinking!? I''m talking about his notalgia killer!!)
And I gave him one thing that he might want to stick onto his wall forever!! A string of green-purple "Happy Birthday" cxxxxms. (You know what I'm talking about, Skylar~~~)
posted by Biochemie on 10:34 下午