Those MAs are like the funniest ever!!
I found some "secret Santa" put some gift in my stocking for me, and guess what I get!? 1 M&M chocolate, 1 Hershey's chocolate, (guess they just love chocolates) and plus a ORANGE!! An orange ?@#$%..... hahaha~~ I laughed so hard in the clinic for getting an orange as a gift. Maybe it's from a cool doctor you know~~ (I thought it was Ella, but she would have given me an apple instead of an orange.)
And all of the MAs gave me a really nice certificate + Laura gave me some $$ too. (Gotta get her a big gift back in Taiwan, remind me.)
All the school paper work drives me crazy, and I had only nearly 2 hours of sleep last night. (experiencing a MD's life.....) Glad that I'm almost done with the paper work, and I have one final + Ohta's paper to go, then I'll be heading back.
posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午