As you might imagine, my schedule for Tuesdays are pretty bad. But to me, it's like one of the easy days because I can basically read, do my own thing, or even sleep thru the entire seminar if I really want to.
But as for Wednesdays ---- MY NIGHTMARE!! So here is how it looks if you don't have my schedule: 10:30am ~ 11:20am quiz section BG (Bagley) 11:30am ~ 12:20 pm my own class (Health Science Building) 12:30pm ~ 1:20pm quiz section BB (bagley) 1:30pm ~ 4:20pm lab session BG (Bagley) So, I basically stay in school for 6 hours straight and I have to talk 5 hours NON-STOP!! Think about that I have to lecuture for 50 min (cuz no quiz given in the section) then I have to rush to my own class, then rush back to the same building for another quiz section, doing lecture. Some students might stop me from leaving the class becuase they have questions to ask, but I really have to leave and get ready for the lab session right after. ~ 我連噓噓的時間都沒有, 更別說lunch了....好慘.....
I really hate my Wednesdays' schedule. (But I have a really nice schedule for Thursdays and Fridays with only one class on both days!!) 今天我講的嘴都乾了, time for some nice drinks treating myself........
posted by Biochemie on 9:37 下午