I was totally dead after coming back from Ohta's lecture. I went to bed before 1:00am ---- unusual early for Mimi....
I'm not so sure if I've got this SAD like most people in Seattle, but I surely felt so bad last night. Thank God Wes was there online, and he checked the stuff I put up here, so he kinda know how I felt. We had a nice long chat on MSN. Thanks, Wes!! I'll think I'll be better soon!! I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't you up there.
Then Wei-Wen was up and Willy was up too!! Their showing-up kinda make me feel better as well.
I just had this SPEAK test, and I really can't see how can one be tested properly on the English proficiency within 30 minutes speaking to a *tape recorder*. I was asked to answer STUPID questions like:
1. How are you today? (then I have 10 sec to answer it)
2. How long have you been study English? (another 10 sec)
3. Why are you taking this test? (10 sec...)
Plus bunch of RETARDED questions, like how do you think of automobile!? (can't you say car!? automobile!? man~~~)
Anyway, I'd better go packing now, and check if I missed anything I need for the trip.
posted by Biochemie on 5:32 下午