My weekend bombed
I studied for a midterm which was supposed to be on this Friday, but our 大頭蝦 prof. *forgot about it*, so our in-class midterm (that I sorta studied for) turned into a project for this Friday. Plus, we have a HW due, that's 2 papers due next Monday. 原本星期五就可以搞定的事, 現在要拖過weekend才可以, 而且HW還是 group paper.....無緣無故又被坐我後面的死大陸人看上, 所以我要跟Ting和死大陸人一組..... ( 妳不會去找妳家的大陸人喔!? 幹麻來找我們!? )
Andrew showed me a website in CSC today when no student asked for help, and I really really love that lemonade stand game!! I made $87.95 in a month!! See how much you can make in a month!! 我們的CSC一天到晚不夠人手, 每個學生都有5678個問題嗷嗷待哺. 我現在的shift是 15hr/week, 似乎又要往上加, 真是要做死人了說....
It's getting colder and colder now, and see if we have any snow this Christmas~~~~~
posted by Biochemie on 7:24 下午