每個人都一定試過做了個決定之後, 然後立刻後悔. 就像逛夜市不買支王先生的烤玉米就回家; 衰鬼沒睡醒就說了yes一樣.
上個星期五接了一通電話, 問我Monday和Friday可不可去TECO幫忙. 我想都沒想就一口答應! (其實主要是因為TECO的人都很nice, 所以我也很*阿殺力*就一口答應下來) 在一旁的Ting說:"Next Friday? The "Thanksgiving Friday"!? Mimi....You must be out of your mind....." 咦!? 我放假去幫忙不是很好嗎!? 很怪嗎!? Ting提醒我說, that's the *crazy shopping Friday* of the whole year!! MY God, 我竟然忘記了說!! (不過事實上我也從來沒試過Thanksgiving隔天去大搶購) 今天一大早等公車上班時, 果然是一個人影都沒有, 躺在馬路上車子也懶的輾你.... 不過一到downtown真的是塞到水洩不通(<--- 落中文) , 再加上parade封路, 走路都還快過開車..... 原本想說一邊上班還可以一邊online shopping, 可惜我要買的ipod並不打折 Orz
想說今天大家都趕著去shopping, 沒人會來辦事處, 怎知一早上我電話接到手軟, 一堆都是來問我們今天上不上班 (廢話, 不上班的話是鬼跟你講電話嗎.....) 而且真是見鬼了, 早不來晚不來, 偏偏吃午飯時來的密度最高. 一邊接case還要一邊接電話, 還有呆頭鵝學生問問題不一次問完, 分個4通電話問.....(PK!!) 想要打電話跟別的機構聯絡, 可惜人家都放假, 所以半個人都找不到 (which means I have to get back to work on it next Monday) 反正今天就是搞笑到不行, 大家時間都不夠用.... 不過今天認識了一個 super nice 的 AIT diplomat, 一個很可愛的女生, 決定下一次找她辦簽證...muwahahahaha~~~
雖然前幾天有點後悔答應上班, 但是今天我一點都不後悔難過, 說真的還蠻值得的, 畢竟沒有多少人可以去那裡面感受一下駐外公務員的上班生活, 而且兼賺$$$ XD
So, go shopping tomorrow lo!!! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:47 下午
Study before doing your HW!!
So, I had this student asked me about pre-lab questions today in the CSC. He basically has NO IDEA what's going on in the lab because he won't have the lab until NEXT TUESDAY!! Geeeeeeez!! What's wrong with him anyway? He could have done it *after* the lab lecture, but he didn't; he could have asked his own TA, but he didn't. He can do it over the weekend, but apparently he doesn't want to. Fxck..... You gotta read on your own and ask us if you have any questions, not waiting for us to lecture you.
We are there to *help* not to *teach*, get it? Buzz off!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:35 上午
I got the HW and the 2nd pop-quiz back yesterday. So, as usual, we got the papers back, then lecture ---- that's what I thought. But this funny Russian prof. told me that *I'm a good student* when he handed the quiz back to me. Hweeeee~~~ I got a 4.0!! And he once again, wrote on my HW says I'm a great student!! It's not really a big deal to get a 4.0 on the pop-quiz, but consider the whole class bombed the quiz, I guess my dear prof. just gave me the biggest present of Thanksgiving ---- A GOOD EXCUSE FOR SHOPPING!! wahahahahaha!!!!!
posted by Biochemie on 4:53 下午
OH MY GOD!!! 我的最愛!!
What!? SushiDisk and spaghetti USB extension cable!?
i-Shuumai and i-takoyaki!?
I was actually thinking about getting a new ipod for Christmas, but now I'm more for the i-food disk......... OR, I can get a ipod this Christmas, and get a i-food disk for my birthday gift (from you)!? Muwahahahaha~~ Please remember that Mimi *LOVES* fake stuff that looks like real things!!
Find out more fun USB drives!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:34 上午
Facing the Change
Got a call last night, and I just realized that it is for real this time. Am I ready for it? I won't be able to see them that often from now on.
There are several international schools in town, and the one Rhonda, Vivian, and Trinity are going is CIS. (BTW, there are like at least 3 CIS's that I know of. Muwahahaha~~ They are going to the one different from the one I used to go thou.) Guess I can now have a chance to remind myself the old times I spent there, and explore the new city.
posted by Biochemie on 4:07 下午
對不起我的忠實讀者, Mimi's back!!
Had a real nice dinner with Sabine tonight, and we had a loooong nice chat about school work / MOFA jobs and stuff. (You know, "stuff" means truckloads of things.) Talking to Sabine is really inspiring and I can always learn a lot from our conversation. She told me so many *insider's stories* about our stupid PR policies, and of course interesting school business.
On the way back, I gave this *butt* a call. Apparently, he's quite enjoying what he has been doing, yet none of us could really figure out what's wrong with his brain. He's just dysfunctional ever since he got here. (May God bless him, seriously, seriously.) I can never get people who do things deviates from their thoughts or what they said. I mean...what are they? Schizophrenia? Come on............... The only thing I can do to myself is just to keep reminding myself that I can't be one of them, never ever. It's the bottom line of being a human being. At least be honest to yourself, and there's nothing to be shamed of.
I finally found this song that I've been looking all over for. I didn't even know the title of the song until I heard it. I just purely love the rhythm. Here's the song, for all of you.
年輕的心 ~吳啟賢 你享受和平日出的光輝 映照昨天你的淚水 在和諧的旋律中成長 讓我們一齊歡唱 也許今日我們有些困苦 也許明天依然如故 但千萬不要畏懼退縮 讓時間撥開黑霧 就算身處在艱難和困苦裡 也有生存的勇氣 只要從頭開始把握你的信心 緊握的雙手裡有你的命運
給我年輕的心 給我你的熱情 讓太陽為你披上雪亮的制服 你我的肩上有著共同任務 給我年輕的心 給我你的生命 在今天撫平所有波濤的洶湧 向未來歲月展現你的笑容
你享受和平日出的光輝 映照昨天你的淚水 這沒有戰火的天際 它需要你的延續 這世界會有不安的動盪 這國土也曾有滄桑 在此刻清醒的回顧 你背後不遠的歷史 只因你我祖先的艱苦 才會有今日的財富 我們歷經幾代風雨中的奮鬥 要相信所有困難就要結束
給我年輕的心 給我你的熱情 讓太陽為你披上雪亮的制服 你我的肩上有著共同任務 給我年輕的心 給我你的生命 在今天撫平所有波濤的洶湧 向未來歲月展現你的笑容
在今天撫平所有波濤的洶湧 向未來歲月展現你的笑容
posted by Biochemie on 12:49 上午
My weekend bombed
I studied for a midterm which was supposed to be on this Friday, but our 大頭蝦 prof. *forgot about it*, so our in-class midterm (that I sorta studied for) turned into a project for this Friday. Plus, we have a HW due, that's 2 papers due next Monday. 原本星期五就可以搞定的事, 現在要拖過weekend才可以, 而且HW還是 group paper.....無緣無故又被坐我後面的死大陸人看上, 所以我要跟Ting和死大陸人一組..... ( 妳不會去找妳家的大陸人喔!? 幹麻來找我們!? )
Andrew showed me a website in CSC today when no student asked for help, and I really really love that lemonade stand game!! I made $87.95 in a month!! See how much you can make in a month!! 我們的CSC一天到晚不夠人手, 每個學生都有5678個問題嗷嗷待哺. 我現在的shift是 15hr/week, 似乎又要往上加, 真是要做死人了說....
It's getting colder and colder now, and see if we have any snow this Christmas~~~~~
posted by Biochemie on 7:24 下午