Venky: ".....cuz this one is a HUGE triplet, and coupled with the doublet, so A is this and B is this. But I'm not so sure about the C."
Ricky: "But A and C has the same triplet pattern to me.... I can't tell the difference of the 2 doublet...."
Santi: "No, Venky, I'm saying is that A and B have the same chemical shifts for the doublet, so I'm sure that this one is C, and those 2 are A and B."
Mimi: "Ok, if A and B have the same doublet, why don't we calculate the triplets for B and C? See if they are the same, so that we can say A is this, B is that."
Ricky (sitting between Venky and Santi): "OMG!! I'm going crazy!!!"
Venky: "So, what are we looking for exactly??"
Mimi: "Is this structure right or what??"
Santi: "I'm sure that it's proton cuases the doublet..."
Venti: "But...."
Ricky: "So......"
Mimi: "I can't think!!!"
Nathan (walking by): "You know what? This looks like .... And I don't even care....."
就這樣, 2小時. 我們在 organic study room裡面七嘴八舌了2個小時.
結論: 請各自回家BS. (聽起來完全像"各自回家吃自己".....!#$%^&)
posted by Biochemie on 7:59 下午