還以為大家都很厲害, 我是最爛的一個. 哈!! 結果原來大家*幹*的聲音都在心中此起彼落 (咳咳, excuse me).......
It's all about the stupid acid-base titration. I swear, I didn't even bother touching it again after taking the general chemistry during my 1st year here. And I bet none of us did. 大家都顧不得自己明天還有 transition metal 期中考, 一邊奮力研究討論大一的酸鹼滴定, 一邊罵教科書有多爛, 不過還是得做大一的作業..... 想一想也真好笑, 又不是我們要考酸鹼滴定, 唸書唸的比大一生還認真, 搞啥飛機啊~~~
Gotta go back to my own midterm study now. I kinda bombed my 1st midterm, and I really need to ace this one. (I think all the grads need to ace this midterm cuz we all bombed the 1st one..... hahahaha~~~)
posted by Biochemie on 11:58 下午