Mimi's on her way HOME!!
Gotta show you sth you don't want to miss!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:16 下午
posted by Biochemie on 9:16 下午
What a day~~
今天做完2小時的office hour(these kids are just like panic panic and panic... 我還被Ricky 虧 :P)之後, 就跟Steve(aka Ray)在Ave上還有Chinatown逛來逛去. 跟"飯友"在外國相遇的感覺真是奇妙, 然後三句不離本行, 又繼續到Chinatown大吃特吃!!
明天Steve預計8:00am到我家, 然後我10:30am要去拿142考卷, 之後2:30pm又是我自己的final....
God, please allow me some more time!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:05 下午
摰友甲尋覓到 最愛容貌比從前三倍漂亮
在場良朋們談及到最愛 唯獨我仍然一聲不響
為何當天跟你碰面 談近況不多一點
快樂從不接近我 被動地去等某君經過
失戀的只得我星座的錯 有發奮努力彌補錯
友伴曾經勸導我 別讓熱愛閃躲 只不過
銅鑼灣鬧市 遍佈無限對 情人等過馬路
為何人人尋覓到愛侶 唯獨我仍然一個上路
若然一天跟你再遇 談近況必多一點
快樂從不接近我 被動地去等某君經過
失戀的只得我星座的錯 也試過努力彌補錯
友伴曾經勸導我 別讓熱愛閃躲 只不過
posted by Biochemie on 2:19 上午
好好地寫寫作業, 想想事情
你就是一定要來煩我就對了, 是不是!?
我已經厭倦跟你玩躲貓貓的遊戲, 我已經完全不想make any deal
That's it.
The game is over!!
posted by Biochemie on 9:18 下午
Jack, ganbatte ne!!
Can't believe you have to stay in that inelegant place for more than 14 hours a day.
Because of that, you need to cherish your time while you are still with ob/gyn team. You know what, that's the only place where is full of energy, full of vitality.
I totally realize that OR is where you want to go, and you love the surgical devision cuz you think it has the most challenging job ever. You have to keep in mind that your physical condition may effect your performance in the future, so please take care of yourself. Stay out of the trouble you told me about. Respect those who work for the internal cuz you are an inseparable group.
Last but not least........
Mimi mo ganbara nakutewa ikenai wayo!!
posted by Biochemie on 4:13 上午
GOD!! 真是超級霹靂緊張的說
不過還好, 沒給大家*跌谷*
posted by Biochemie on 1:26 下午
4:00am 了
Viv, 我該怎麼辦??
posted by Biochemie on 3:56 上午
Yo~~ Sweet home!! I'm finally back......
I was sticking in front of the table at chem study center for about 4 hours tonight doing that 4-problem HW. I've finished 3 problems so far, and cost me 8 pages (not as bad as I thought).
And you know what, I haven't had my dinner yet, so.................. I'll ttyl~~
posted by Biochemie on 11:41 下午
還以為大家都很厲害, 我是最爛的一個. 哈!! 結果原來大家*幹*的聲音都在心中此起彼落 (咳咳, excuse me).......
It's all about the stupid acid-base titration. I swear, I didn't even bother touching it again after taking the general chemistry during my 1st year here. And I bet none of us did. 大家都顧不得自己明天還有 transition metal 期中考, 一邊奮力研究討論大一的酸鹼滴定, 一邊罵教科書有多爛, 不過還是得做大一的作業..... 想一想也真好笑, 又不是我們要考酸鹼滴定, 唸書唸的比大一生還認真, 搞啥飛機啊~~~
Gotta go back to my own midterm study now. I kinda bombed my 1st midterm, and I really need to ace this one. (I think all the grads need to ace this midterm cuz we all bombed the 1st one..... hahahaha~~~)
posted by Biochemie on 11:58 下午
Things to do
12/6 all gradings done
12/6 read chem 142 lecture notes / textbook
12/6 read chem 416 lecture notes
12/7 read chem 416 lecture notes, practice exam
12/8 work on chem 508 HW
12/8 grade quiz #9
12/9 work on chem 508 HW
12/9 review session (pending)
12/10 work on chem 508 final
12/11 work on chem 508 final
12/12 work on chem 508 final
12/14 prepare for chem 416 final
12/15 chem 508 final due
12/15 chem 416 final
12/15 chem 142 grading
posted by Biochemie on 6:27 下午
夠了!! 我沒用過, 行了吧!?
Prof. Callis ( 我TA的那堂課的教授) 要求我們TA要會calculator的programming, cuz he kinda expects us to know how to use the "fancy" calculator to solve polynomial equations. 就是那種 ax^5 + bx^4 + cx^3 + dx^2 + ex + f = 0, 用計算機就可以直接算出來 (還可以畫出圖來說).
你們看過那種"神奇的計算機"嗎!? 天哪!! 像一台坦克車耶!! 而且它還像電腦有TI-83, TI-83plus, TI-86, TI-89......多種版本. 每個機種都有不同的program.
是怎樣, 本人我是從來沒用過那種*坦克車計算機*啦, 工程用的就很讚了說. 而且有那麼多種版本, 是要我把program全背起來喔????
(真懷疑我們高中是白唸了嗎!? 原來有這種計算機, 只要把數字輸入進去, 答案就會自己跑出來.... 不然我也去買一台好了)
posted by Biochemie on 6:02 下午
~ the endless battle
Elis outsmart Harvard with prank at Game
Staff Reporter
The "Harvard Pep Squad" ran up and down the aisles of Harvard Stadium at The Game Nov. 20. They had megaphones in hand and their faces were painted as they encouraged the crowd to hold up the 1,800 red and white pieces of construction paper they had handed out. It would read "Go Harvard," they said.
But the 20 "Pep Squad" members were actually Yale students. And when the Harvard students, faculty and alumni held up their pieces of paper -- over and over again -- they spelled out "We Suck" in giant block letters the whole stadium could read.
The brainchild of Pierson students Michael Kai '05 and David Aulicino '05, the "We Suck" prank was originally designed for the 2003 Harvard-Yale Game. But rather than hand out the paper in person to the crowd, they taped the paper to the stadium seats before the game began. The prank derailed when security guards, trying to clear the stadium out during a pre-game bomb scare, asked Kai, Aulicino and their cohorts to leave.
Rather than forget the prank, though, the pair became only more determined to have it succeed as seniors.
"We knew we only had one more chance at it," Kai said. "To have to think about it for an entire year was really painful."
But the elapsed time also gave the devious duo an opportunity to rethink logistics. Rather than tape the papers to the seats, they created a system to have the Harvard crowd pass out the 1,800 cards themselves. The "Harvard Pep Squad" went to each row and handed out a pre-ordered stack of the red and white papers. In five minutes, Kai and Aulicino said, all the papers were passed out.
It took a great deal of planning, however, including a road trip to Boston. Kai and Aulicino attended the Oct. 9 Harvard-Cornell football game in Cambridge, simply to scout out the stadium and count the number of rows.
And then there were the disguises, which included "Harvard Pep Squad" T-shirts the Yale students designed themselves and red and white face paint. Cohort Dylan Davey '05 said they even had Harvard student identification cards, created by a fellow Piersonite. Kai and Aulicino declined to say exactly how much money they spent on the prank, except that it was "too much." Davey estimated it to be a few hundred dollars.
"If it didn't work, it would have been pretty sad that we put so much effort and money into it. But all that money was totally worth it," Kai said.
Without the expenditures, the leaders said, Harvard suspicions may very well have won out, especially because many in the crowd had heard of a similar prank at the Harvard-Yale Game of 1982. MIT students tricked Harvard fans into holding up cards that spelled out "MIT." Kai and Aulicino were unaware of that prank when they designed theirs, they said.
The first student to whom Aulicino handed a paper was suspicious, he said. First, he asked Aulicino, wearing a Harvard Pep Squad T-shirt, whether Harvard had a pep squad. He then asked if Aulicino was from MIT.
Security guards also approached "Harvard Pep Squad" members several times, they said, but between the Harvard student ID's, T-shirts and red and white face paint, the guards were convinced.
"It was almost sad," said Davey. "There were all these grandfather and grandmother types -- and they all had big smiles, saying, 'Oh you're so cute, I'm so glad you're doing this.' I felt bad for about two minutes. Then I got over it."
The Harvard side first held up the signs 4 minutes, 47 seconds before halftime. Then they held them up several more times, Aulicino and Kai said, as the "Harvard Pep Squad" ran up and down the aisles, cheering them on.
"We had more Harvard spirit than any Harvard student ever has," Kai said.
The "We Suck" prank was not the only prank at the game. The senior class hired an airplane to fly over the stadium, trailing a sign that read "Too Many Can Tabs, Not Enough Kegs. Love, Yale '05." Another group of students orchestrated a plan to steal the Harvard flag. This plan had its complexities as well, involving a decoy running around with a residential college flag to distract security guards and police officers.
Whether Harvard launched a prank is still unknown.
"See, we're really above that sort of thing," Lisa Goodrich, a Harvard sophomore, said jokingly. "Harvard doesn't do pranks."
The absence of pranks shows something about Harvard's school spirit, Davey said. A "genuine difference" between her high school friends who go to Harvard and those who go to Yale, she said, is that people are just happier at Yale.
"I think that came out in this prank," Davey said.The "Harvard Pep Squad" has launched a web site commemorating the prank at harvardsucks.org. The site, which Kai designed, went online at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. As of 10 p.m. Sunday, it had 5,560 hits. And a handful of 18-by-24-inch posters of the Harvard side holding up "We Suck" have already been sold, Kai said.
Even so, Harvard students still aren't very aware of the prank, Goodrich said.
"I've gotten wind of it from a couple of e-mails," she said. "But it's not something that's widely discussed right now."
click here for The Project
posted by Biochemie on 1:29 上午
My God!! *Crazy Shopping*!!!
I decided that I need to do some serious CRAZY shopping cuz I need to buy a gift for celebrating my aunt's 50th birthday!! And guess what, Mimi's gonna buy gifts with her OWN $$ this X'mas at Tiffany & Co.
(Fianlly a dream-come-true!!) I've done some research online already, and I know what I want to buy!!! (YES!!) A necklace for my aunt, a necklace for Mom, plus a linked heart key ring for my uncle and his wife. (I'll probably buy another set for my bro as his wedding gift.)
It feels darn good to spend my own $$$$$ :)
posted by Biochemie on 1:35 上午
Grading Machine
Yo!! 學期末到啦!!
下個星期二之前, 我要改好
(還不包括 final exam grading)
On top of that, 他們的報告幾乎全部都是用手寫的 (cuz all the calculations) 我必須一份一份地看, 看他們到底是如何算出他們的答案, do they get the idea of the lab or not. 然後, 不管男生女生, 他們的 hand-writing 實在是有夠亂七八糟, 我只能用猜的, 猜他們到底在算啥鬼東西......<眼花中>
現在家裡到處都是待改的東西, 因為我走到哪改到哪 ---- 電腦中上一堆, 書桌上一堆, 餐桌上又一堆. 我應該聽大衛說的, 用"電風扇"來改, 或是應該聽提姆說的, 直接全班*當掉*比較快.......
店小二, 拿酒來~~~~~
posted by Biochemie on 1:02 上午
失聲了, 好慘
這兩天一起床就覺得喉嚨怪怪的, 不過我想自己應該身強體壯, 不會有啥問題才對, 可是好像越來越不對勁....
痛痛痛痛痛!!! 媽咪說我一定是每天講太多話了, 才會喉嚨痛. 我想也是, 我每天都說1000次一樣的話 (What does pH give you? Concentration of..... So at equivalence point you know that # of moles.....) 開始懷疑自己是不是有*強迫症*, 然後可以一看到題目, 就可以馬上*叮叮*知道要問什麼. (還可以抓出題目的錯誤) 神經病................
不行了不行了, 我要去吃我最愛的"川貝枇杷膏", 然後睡個好覺!! 明天還要跟猴子們奮戰!!
Good news:
全班548個人, Prof. 只給出3個人 GPA 4.0, 有一個是我學生喔!! Muwahahahahahaha~~~
posted by Biochemie on 2:07 上午
我的 chem 508 midterm 有四道題目, 寫了我18頁的紙.
預計這個weekend + 下個weekend, 我們全部的人要 camp 在基地 ---- chem study center.
終於回完我的學生來的e-mail, 可以睡了........ZzzZZZzzzzZ
posted by Biochemie on 2:35 上午