Muwahahaha~~~ Such a productive night for Mimi!!!!
I was invited for a dinner earlier tonight, and I decided to go to my friend's computer lab to do my 508 homework which whole bunch of grad students couldn't figure out this afternoon after our dinner with him.
Well, I finished most of it, but left several problems as we had in the afternoon. (God~~ I still cannot figure those out.) Anyway, so I was taking a short break looking around, and seeing my friend struggling with his readings...... (God! How lucky I am just to deal with my homework) I installed my memory stick to the computer then began to hum the songs when I did my HW.
Even thou I totally *gave up* on my 508 HW, I tried to start my 416 HW which will be due next Monday....... So I hummed and I wrote...I wrote and I nodded while hummed.... Kept writing, kept humming, kept nodding while humming..... lalalalalala~~~ BANG!! I FINISHED MY 416 HW!!! wahahahahaha~~~ What an accomplishment of the night!!! I believe my friend was totally stunned. (真是容易滿足~~)
Guess I still need to worry about my 508 HW tomorrow since it's due Friday.....
And finishing 416 HW in advance doesn't really helped a lot cuz the 508 midterm will due next Wednesday, plus 50 lab reports + 50 midterms need to be graded over the weekend~~ hahaha~~
Me go do the prelab + check e-mail for questions now. (They have midterm II tomorrow)
99 Seattle!!
posted by Biochemie on 1:22 上午