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Rosetta Stone

又是一個Ray所謂自怨自哀的Friday night. (就是那種一個獨居老人的悲慘故事, 了吧!?)
我終於在11:00pm, 跟Ray講話的同時, 作出了重大的決定. It's not the end of story, it's just the begining of it. Sure, inorganic that will be. (<---- 恨透了自己說中文時還要加一段英文) Anyway, (<---- 又來了) 當我今天要加那堂課的時候, 學校有夠笨的電腦系統又不給我加, 說什麼要"add code", 真是氣死我也. 下週教授要出差, 一直要到星期四才會回來. 這下可好, 又要教授幫我寫exemption form了....

剛剛跟Ray (我可不可以叫你Steve呀!?) , Wes, 還有Jack聊完天.
Steve 12/11要來西雅圖過他人生第一個國外的聖誕節, 看來我必須安排一些讓他陪我shopping的節目, 又或者是讓他感受到"西雅圖夜未眠"的生活. (muwahahaha~~~聽起來有點三級...but well, 有許我們可以去提姆即將可能也許大概依稀要去工作的bar喝個爛醉.....)
Wes 也告訴我許多不為人知的內幕消息. So funny....原來搞了半天, 全世界都覺得某些人的做法很搞笑(也許也有一點小pathetic) The wisest thing is that, you don't have to be involved and yet you know the drama. Let's see what will be the next. :)
Jack 似乎完全知道我在想什麼 (因為我的思緒很給他亂, 也許他的腦袋結構也跟我一樣 ---- 亂的很!) 說的每一句話似乎都是sympathetic to my ideas. 真不敢相信, 短短的20天, we can really build a bond..... (God, this is such a chemistry topic....)

幻想了好多天, 一直都沒洗我的bubble bath, maybe tonight is the night ba.....

posted by Biochemie on 1:07 上午 3 comments


Wes是TOSA現任的幹部, 想知道他長得怎樣, 可以自己到網站上找. (這個提示夠明顯了吧!?)
Jack就是我上次在B&Q shopping時跟你說的那個呀....在火車上gave us AIDS lecture, 然後全車*安靜*的那個呀~~ 厚....
我可能只會帶Steve去喝酒吧..maybe Wes too. Jack is not here in Seattle la~~ although he kinda wants to visit (get away with his internship...)

Anything you want as a B-Day gift this year??

just remembered that we still need to go out and get drunk together...

Maybe when you come visiting me in Santa Barbara... The State street which I've barely been there has lots of potentials~~~ I can't get drunk in Seattle cause my mom would know >_<;;

biochem amy
Oh yes!!
We should totally get drunk when I visit you.....
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