It cost me 3 hours to grade only 10 reports, and 40 more to go...... (what a crazy grading weekend!!!)
So, I was invited to a hot pot party tonight (last night, rather), 然後那個死Danny (yes!! VCD Danny!!) 在吃完飯後開始玩"喝酒的遊戲"...... My god, it's fun but you know Mimi doens't drink at all....
喝醉的感覺很奇妙, 整個人慢慢發熱, 頭昏到走路會晃來晃去, 臉紅到不行, 聽得見自己的心跳聲.....其實有點小不舒服, 不知道為什麼人心情不好的時候要喝悶酒, 很難過耶!! (其實今天我只喝了半瓶Smirnoff + 一瓶 hard iced tea, 可是我覺得我都快吐了....)
回家後, 還企圖想要繼續改學生的lab report, 可是竟然被一個學生的問題給問倒了:
Hi there Mimi,
I was just wondering…In elementary school when they taught us math they taught us “key words” like:
“less than”- meant subtract
“Increase”- meant add
“product”- meant multiply
Are there any Chemistry “Key Words” that might help me understand better?
I am having trouble with understanding what “word problems” are asking me to solve.
You know what, good question!! It took me whole hour to answer his question...... :(
Man, I'll go for a shower and call it the day.
posted by Biochemie on 1:51 上午