I've never felt this dumb before......
We did a session called Microteaching this afternoon. Basically, it's just 5 of us taking turns and go up to the board, do some teaching in chemistry in front of everyone. That was a piece of cake alright. But you know what!? THEY VIDEOTYPE IT!! God, I just feel so embarrassed when we all watched my part of the video.
But thank God, I did it alright, and I'm kinda good at dealing those stupid questions. All the TAs are kinda cool, and I'm so glad to have them around, so we can all help each other. :)
Oh well, school will officially start tomorrow, and I start to see people everywhere on campus. Wish mt luck on my classes + the TA stuff.
I'm gonna be a kick-ass TA!!!
posted by Biochemie on 4:23 下午