It just don't feel like the first day of school to me, since I've been in the orientation for about 10 days already....... (sadly, yes.)
Anyway, the "official" 1st day of school was quite alright. TJP is supposed to be my relaxing class, but seems like it's gonna be a ass-kicking class. Kato-sensei did all the instructions in Japanese as I can imagine, but he has to deal with students with various backgrounds and different proficiency in Japanese, it's kinda hard for himself too. Oh well, it's all my bad actaully, cuz I didn't even try to practice Japanese on my lovely vacation. So, I forgot like almost everything about Japanese. I did a pretty lame intro of myself, even thou being a chem grad in that class is kinda cool......
Then I audited the class that I'm gonna TA for. Never tried this before, (dahhhh) and it's actually kinda hard to describe how it feels. I'm NOT taking the class, yet I have to pay attention in class and to know almost everthing the prof. covers in the lecture.
Being a grad starting this quarter, I start to see things differently. Grades are like NOTHING right now, what matters is if I really learn stuff.
And I have a really messy schedule this quarter, on top of that, my class and the lab I have to TA overlaps. Wahaha!! What a wonderful quarter this will be!!
posted by Biochemie on 3:41 下午