ok.....you people... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
妳們已經reach my limit了喔, 我現在鄭重警告.
我一天12個小時在外遊蕩, 上課上到6:00pm, 呆在lab一直到現在, 外加5篇paper跟pchem final 同一天due. 一踏進家門, 迎接我的竟然是一封又一封近似令人抓狂的e-mails!! 我真的受不了了, 這件"我根本不知道有什麼好吵"的事, 竟然可以被妳們吵成這樣, 很幹耶!!
I'm so pissed now, and here I tell you why:
1. If you e-mailed me first, and wanted me to handle the thing, then yeah~~~ just leave it to me. I will take care of it. But NO!! You didn't!! You e-mailed everyone 10 min after the e-mail you wrote me, and you know what, this issue wouldn't get to this stupid point if you could just leave it to me. And you didn't trust me at all, why the heck did you e-mail me at the first place???
2. Be carefull with your wording. "那你下次就沒話說了吧"....妳混黑道呀妳!? 要跟人說道理, 就不要說氣話.
3. "不是我的人,就不要假設當時是否是開玩笑. 畢竟,受到傷害和不尊重的人是我." 那有話你就自己說呀!! 幹嘛跑去跟別人說!? 自己找當事人呀!!
想到就很幹, 算你們狠, 沒幾個人能讓我罵出"幹"字. 以前對Jeff, 我也沒說過這個字. 我不管了, 我也管不了了, 沒看過這麼大腦不知道在想什麼的人. 幼稚. FUCK!!
(大家多多包涵, 給Mimi罵一罵就沒事了.)
posted by Biochemie on 10:15 下午