Hella day!!
I'm so sick of one of the MAs' kids-like personality. We have to cheer her up or comfort her whenever she feels frustrated. GOSH!! I mean, you are almost 55, ok? Can't you handle your own crisis? Stop that whiny talk, can you?
Met Willy on the way for my shopping today, and he told me things about his Ms. M. (I'm not so sure what kind of relationship they are in right now, cuz they are on break, but they hangout like everyday...... sorry, lemme get back to my point here.) Seems this Ms. M changes her mind pretty frequent, and she doesn't seem to know what she wants or what she's doing.....
Well, she reminds me somebody I know....whom I've known for such a looooong time. YES!! Good guess!! That would be me, MIMI!! (If you know Mimi well enough like me, you would definitely know what I'm saying here.)
Anyway, I picked an "indulging" e-card for our birthday boy this morning, hope he enjoyed his very special day today.
Happy 21st Birthday, Wes!!
Quote of the day:
Language is a powerful tool.
posted by Biochemie on 7:13 下午