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Rosetta Stone

First day of school, 快掛了.
每一堂課都黏著, 要從Bagley跑到Denny, 再從Denny跑到EE. God!! 你要知道, Bagley and EE 是南校區, Denny是北校區. 跑教室的時間也只不過短短10分鐘, 中間還要穿過第一天上課的興奮大一生 + 還有廣場上一堆招攬笨大一的攤位 + 不時跟認識的人打招呼...... Man~~~ 都快半條命了!!

P-Chem的老師很酷, she said sth will be really useful for the rest of our lives: life will always get harder and harder as we walk to this point when there are only 2.5 textbooks do us good. We have to learn different ways of learning, not only because it's how the world functions, but also to keep ourselves updated. Humm..真是寓意深長啊!!

Inorganic的老師則是演了一齣"與科技競賽"的戲碼 ---- she can't turn the lights on with her so-called "high-tech light control penal". 哈哈哈!! 我們就這樣, 整間教室黑黑的上了一堂slide show. BTW, chem-talk kinda sucks.......not to mention there will be a chem-talk project due at the end of the quarter. :(

I know NOBODY in my J-class, except Jordan, whom I knew like 2 years ago. The only one I know is Imai-sensei. And GOD!! She remembers who I am!! (How come I forget most of my 2nd-year J-material, but she can still remember who I am after the summer break!?) Hughes-san, Proper-san, where are you guys???? BTW, remember that Sasuga-san who messaged me a lot in summer time? He messaged me again...........

posted by Biochemie on 12:10 上午 0 comments


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