我今天真的feel like被車輾過.....
我的背超痛, 肩膀超痠, 雙腳膝蓋以下完全屬於殘廢階級.
偏偏我又是背單肩的書包 + 一整天校園走不停
超慘!!! I have no idea why + how that takes place......
另外, I got totally shocked by a news..............
我的"老闆"竟然在網路上找資料的時候, 找到我這個網頁......
買尬的!! 不知道他有沒有看到什麼不該看的東西.....
我下次要寫注音才行, 因為ㄊㄚ ㄎㄢ\ ㄉㄜ˙ ㄉㄨㄥ\/ English + Japanese + semi-Cantonese + semi-Chinese + semi-Taiwanese
豬頭, 現在被逼的不得不學德文 + 義大利文......
Laura, the hottest MA in HH, says sth really sweet to me today at work.
She said that Matt read me stories coz young kids and animals can tell who are the goods and who are the bads.
She says that I must be a good one since Matt, her 2-year-old son, was so nice to me, and he never be nice to people like that.
I was kinda wondering if that is true, but later, I found proof. A squirrel kept following me on my way home: I walk, he walks; I stop, he stops, and he even pretends he's looking around like nothing happened......hahaha~~~ so cute!!
OK, one thing is proofed: Mimi is such a nice person, even kids and animals can tell.
posted by Biochemie on 1:42 上午