I did something really really stupid this afternoon.
I happily went to Kinokuniya and read some of the cool books, and then did some grocery shopping at Uwajimaya.
I rang my friend and see if there is anything I can buy for him, and he said that BBQ pork + dumplings sounded cool. So I got them. I was so proud of myself coz....I don't know why, but just simply proud of myself....
Anyway, that's not the focus. The thing is that, when I got back to his place, I took out the things he wants.....dumplings, check; apple milk tea, check; BBQ pork....BBQ pork....BBQ pork....BBQ pork, WHERE ARE YOU!? (yup, you are right. I left it in Uwajimaya!!!)
That was incredibly stupid of me!!!
I was gonna go back again and get it back, but my friend says that why not drive there and have our dinner. He was gonna take a nap, but........(since his BBQ pork is far away from home, so we went back there and take it back...)
OK, now I know why Steven Chou says BBQ pork is dejected + overwhelmed with sorrow.............COZ IT IS TO ME NOW!!!
(周星星"食神"說的呀~~~ 叉燒飯=黯然消魂飯) 真是太黯然, 太銷魂了!!
That's not it!! We came home after our dinner + his grocery shopping....then his car got WEDGED while he was parking. Man~~ Now BBQ pork make 2 of us dejected + overwhelmed with sorrow..........
What a "unforgettable" Friday night!!
hontou gomann
(You know who am I saying this to.....)
posted by Biochemie on 9:00 下午