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Rosetta Stone

(ㄜ...那個中文我不會唸, 是廣東話來著~~)

Jia ne!!

posted by Biochemie on 9:36 上午 0 comments


Went for a concert tonight again. It was good!! It's something that I can't resist.....
It was a concert performed by UW Wind Ensemble, UW Symphonic Band, and UW concert band.
Ugh~~ really hope I can have time to join the concert band next year~~~~

posted by Biochemie on 12:20 上午 0 comments


真高興在多年以後又看到她~~ 她還是一樣可愛 ^.^
I love Sushi ---- Japanese food
Space Needle tea-time ---- free (cake + ice cream + pops)
Cucina Cucina ---- Italian food
Purple Dots ---- Chinese / American food
PHO ---- Vietnamese food
bubble tea

談到了男生女生之間的事, 總是有很多令人想不通的地方....
為什麼男生都一樣, 追女生的時候對她好的要命(是他自己一廂情願的看法), 追到了又不好好珍惜.
為什麼男生口口聲聲尊重女生, 卻沙文式的希望女生不要有太多自己的想法!? 男生不能胸襟開闊一點嗎!? 不能不要計較小事嗎!? 婆婆媽媽的男生, 我們很受不了耶.....
已經有太多事情要煩, 要操心, 可不可以就不要再讓我們猜男生到底在想什麼!? 這不是浪漫好嗎!? 是麻煩!! 這是溝通不良的源頭, 不要把每件事情都當作對方都應該知道. 是你的蛔蟲喔!? Don't take everything for granted. (我們的抱怨還真不少~~)

佟還帶我去看她和我以前住過的apt和BCC, 好多好多回憶的地方~~
之後又去了Snoqualmie Fall, 真的好美喔!!! 我們不畏艱辛, 只為了跑到近瀑布的平台上照了幾張相....(為什麼說"不畏艱辛"咧!? 因為我們連找個停車位都要找靠公園入口近一點的....真是沒救了!!)
佟在這裡的兩天, 我們就一起不停的找"ladies' room", 也不知道是哪裡不對, 真是受不了......>.<"

我想對我來說, WGHS的姊妹, 不管在哪裡受了什麼委屈, 都還是永遠可以在姊妹中找到安慰, 當彼此的避風港吧!! 大家的壓力都很大, 但是只要偶爾想要逃避, 就去找找姊妹吧!!
(抱著佟說, 要好好照顧自己喔~~ 眼淚就不爭氣地流下來了, 不知道什麼時候還可以再見面~~ <其實加州很近的說, 機票一買, 背包一背, 我就可以去找佟啦~~>)

posted by Biochemie on 12:49 上午 0 comments


I went out 9:15am exact this morning, and got back an hour ago.
After done with my daily schedule (you know, class --- work --- possibly office hours --- lab --- class....), I went to the Ave for copying some shops' phone # for a Taiwanese restaurant's boss who might will open a new restaurant here on the Ave. (God, Mimi is doing a serious business here...hahaha~~)
Anyway, the thing is that me and my friend were so bored, that we decided to go to downtown hanging out. Doing some serious shopping at the Border's was cool, and we walked to Chinatown for a nice dinner afterwards. (So-called "nice dinner" is merely eating the stuff we've been thinking for a long time, not necessarily "expensive".)
I'm so impressed by myself coz you'll not gonna believe what I did tonight. After dinner Lazy Mimi walked from Chinatown to Capital Hill, went round the hill, then went back to downtown. And the route takes 2.5 hours non-stop. So, basically I was like walking from Tien-Mu to Taipei Main Station. I will have a nice sleep tonight for sure!!!

Night-time downtown Seattle is SO beautiful!! (especially in this rainy night)
All those nice quite neighborhoods + incredible exotic pubs / bars....... builds the dreamy night-color of Seattle. I've never seen a exotic place like this, and myself is actually living in this exotic city. I sould have taken my camera with me......
Sometimes I think, it's be so wonderful if I can just simply sit in a dark-dark alley, and watch all the men and weman wandering on the bar / club / pus street having fun. So dreamy, so poetic.

2.5 Hours.
My broke my own record!!
(I can totally foresee that my friend will ask me to walk with him for a 5-hour route......)

posted by Biochemie on 11:28 下午 0 comments

喜歡上這裡陰陰濕濕 飄著細雨的夜晚
Tune the radio to FM88.50
My night just begins

沒有考完試後 忙著對答案的無聊同學
不必回mail給 灌爆我信箱的白痴鄰居
關掉手機 我不會再被狂call
關上電燈 只剩下電腦跟我
don't want to be messed

西雅圖的skyline 好美
只是我不常有閒情逸致 好好欣賞
我的想法 太天真
我試圖不讓它變得複雜 卻無能為力
deal with somebody 好難
我再也不想用心經營 是該時候放棄
佟要來了 好溫暖
我決定要追隨他的腳步 離家出走
看夜景 數星星
生活 好簡單 好簡單

不夜城市手記 sounds cool
this should be the book for tonight

posted by Biochemie on 12:07 上午 0 comments


瘋子 神經病 跟白癡一樣
Try somthing new next time. Impress me.

posted by Biochemie on 1:49 上午 0 comments


Trinity, my 2-year-old cousin, is soooooooooooooo cute!!
She sang "twinkle twinkle little star Chinese version" + "天黑黑" for me tonight!!
You can never imagine how happy I am when talking to kids like her~~ Man, she just lightened up my night!!
(study study study~~~)

Trinity and Rhonda (Sorry, VI, I'll put on your picture next time!!)

Mimi's home, Tam-Shui
Winter 2003
by JY Ma

posted by Biochemie on 10:35 下午 0 comments

"I think I'll skip it this time....Yes, I understand....I think I'll skip it.....Thank you very much for the offer, BUT I THINK I'LL SKIP IT!!!!" Don't you get what I meant by that, butt-head!? NO MEANS NO, get it!?
Phone-sells can be EXTREMELY ANNOYING when I say "I think I'll skip it." for more than 2 times. I always try to be nice, and at least speak with them (not like some others, hang up on them directly.), and let them know the fact that I do not want the offer. But today, this guy is just.....TOO IRKSOME!!
I spoke "Thank you, but I think I'll skip it." for the 5th time and hung up on him while he's trying to "force" me to get the stupid credit card for 0%APR + cash-back. (But idiot, you know what, not many stores accept your card!! ) Really wish I could smash his face on the ground and step on it!!! (God, I'm so violent~~~)

Grrrrr....too much stress....too much stress......
(Don't mess with angry-Mimi.....I can't promise you she won't bite!!)

posted by Biochemie on 7:11 下午 0 comments

I can't believe our dear managers are so hard-working~~
It's almost 7:00pm now, and they are still doing the "open-house" thing showing people our apt.
I'm not saying that I'm against it, but know, who would be really "pleased" to being seen by strangers around dinner time!?

posted by Biochemie on 6:57 下午 0 comments

I got another 5/5 for my last biochem quiz!! (And I'll automatically get 5/5 for simply showing up today.) Which means, I've got 15/35 so far, and I only another four 5/5 quizzes before the end of the quarter. If I can get seven 5/5 for my quizzes, then I can earn 25%/25% of my total grade of biochem. The rest will be depended on my exams.
Keep up the good work, Mimi!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:40 下午 0 comments


I xxxx in the early morning at 5:30am today......>.<"
(and for those of you who know me well, I have to "tare" my sleep-clock to "zero" if I got up before 10 hours sharp....)

Our Great Chef, Sxxx, is so into making the "BBQ sauce" recently.......
He came over to my place for "trying" making pepper sauce for TOSA's BBQ event (副社長跟社長真是鞠躬盡瘁呀!!), but after a battle with pots + stove + meat + turned out to be "mushroom sause actually". And he left me a battle field to clean up......>.<" (oh, of course he helped a bit la~~)
The sause he made was not bad, not bad at all. But I just started to wonder: how long do I have to eat the "trial sauce" before he reach the "pepper sauce"!? All of our officer (at least me) will be chxxxxxxxers by then, I guess.......

Mushu is so cute so cute so cute!!! And he kisses me today after our weekly meeting.
Oh, remind me to pull put Mushu's photo next time!!

And Dong (Jasmine) called me today!!
She said that she wants to get away from home over this weekend, and Seattle is the first place that came into her mind. Yay!! I'll be expecting her, and dining out with her over the weekend I guess!!!
(God, when was my last time seeing her!? Can't even count.....Miss you, Dong Dong!!)

posted by Biochemie on 10:22 下午 0 comments

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posted by Biochemie on 3:00 下午 0 comments

Can you stop the "murmuring" when talking on the phone!?
It's kinda weird to hear you say: "Humm....which color fits me better!? I think this is too OOO, and that seems too XXX......." You know what, I have no idea what you are referring to, and I really have a hard time catching you......
Anyway, if you think it ok, I'm cool with that. But your "murmuring" kinda drives me crazy........

Oh BTW, I'm turly a "chxxxxxxxer" today....3 times....xxxx too much and I feel I can't even stand straight on my feet.....
do-u-shi-ta-no!? wa-ka-ra-na-i-wa~~~ >.<"

posted by Biochemie on 1:34 上午 0 comments


你你你~~~ 竟然給我一個人跑去吃shabu shabu~~~
好好好, 給我記著...我回台灣也要去!!!
NT $250吃到飽的shabu shabu喲!!!

posted by Biochemie on 10:19 下午 0 comments

Panic attacks
Panic attacks..............
(and now I know I'll become "the chxxxxxxxer" whenevever panic strikes.....)

posted by Biochemie on 12:55 下午 0 comments


Just got back from the meeting with TCE Foundation for the once-a-year Taiwanese Night Market thingy. It's so funny to be a part of the meeting, coz all the aunts are talking real loud + noise....hahaha~~~
Then we had dim-sum for our lunch. TOO BAD that the dish I want is sold already...gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! I'll go there again next week after meeting!! (oh yeah~~ there will be another meeting next Saturday.....sign~~~)
Open House....yes, that is....
Poeple are coming in the apt. and see our rooms.....
Since we're moving out this summer, manager let people come in and show them how the condition of the apt. is. I don't specificly hate it, but that makes me cannot take a nap..... >.<"

posted by Biochemie on 3:18 下午 0 comments


I did something really really stupid this afternoon.
I happily went to Kinokuniya and read some of the cool books, and then did some grocery shopping at Uwajimaya.
I rang my friend and see if there is anything I can buy for him, and he said that BBQ pork + dumplings sounded cool. So I got them. I was so proud of myself coz....I don't know why, but just simply proud of myself....

Anyway, that's not the focus. The thing is that, when I got back to his place, I took out the things he wants.....dumplings, check; apple milk tea, check; BBQ pork....BBQ pork....BBQ pork....BBQ pork, WHERE ARE YOU!? (yup, you are right. I left it in Uwajimaya!!!)
That was incredibly stupid of me!!!
I was gonna go back again and get it back, but my friend says that why not drive there and have our dinner. He was gonna take a nap, but........(since his BBQ pork is far away from home, so we went back there and take it back...)

OK, now I know why Steven Chou says BBQ pork is dejected + overwhelmed with sorrow.............COZ IT IS TO ME NOW!!!
(周星星"食神"說的呀~~~ 叉燒飯=黯然消魂飯) 真是太黯然, 太銷魂了!!
That's not it!! We came home after our dinner + his grocery shopping....then his car got WEDGED while he was parking. Man~~ Now BBQ pork make 2 of us dejected + overwhelmed with sorrow..........

What a "unforgettable" Friday night!!

hontou gomann
(You know who am I saying this to.....)

posted by Biochemie on 9:00 下午 0 comments

I just came home with Ekida-sensei yo!!
Hee hee~~ Happy!!

posted by Biochemie on 2:58 下午 0 comments



posted by Biochemie on 6:03 下午 0 comments


Hahaha~~ Would it not for Ohta-sensei's e-mail, I totally forgot about the Kanji quiz tomorrow.
Guess my bedtime reading is the Kanji tonight.
(But I want to see some of the Shota no shusi ne!!!)

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!!

posted by Biochemie on 11:08 下午 0 comments


Ha Ha Ha!!
Can't believe I got a 5/5 for my last biochem quiz!! (I shouldn't take the quiz without studying for it thou......)
Hopefully I can do well this time.
Japanese chapter test is sooooo easy. I'll kill myself if I don't get a 4.0 again.
I'm so into Japanese soap opera recently, coz I'm so happy whenever I hear something I can understand~~ there any good ones recently????

It was such a good day today, and I really enjoyed sitting (lying rather) on the stairs in front of Kane Hall under the Sun. ii desu ne!!

Anyways, I have to study for biochem a bit now.
(BTW, who is that stupid guy who plays eletrical-guitar so loud?)

posted by Biochemie on 10:08 下午 0 comments

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posted by Biochemie on 4:23 下午 0 comments

UGH~~~ Monday symptom strikes again~~~
I've got 1 quiz and 1 chapter test tomorrow, and I think I'm gonna use one drop of the quiz, and looking forward to my next chapter test.
Why? Coz biochem quiz covers too much material, and I haven't studied for my Japanese chapter test yet. (But that's ok, since I can take the test based on my daily study......)
Guess I'll go to bed soon~~~~
(screw those tests!!!)

posted by Biochemie on 12:06 上午 0 comments

Have fun!!
(I'm taking off for a shower!!)

posted by Biochemie on 11:16 下午 0 comments

�q�H: "�O���s璊��, ��������."
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posted by Biochemie on 10:29 下午 0 comments

Humm......I'm struggling whether I should post this or not.....
New vocab for today: 4play
(It sounds really !@#$%^, but it's a new vocab for me indeed.)

posted by Biochemie on 8:44 下午 0 comments

積極尋找一本書: "嬲"
作者: 汪笨湖
(哈哈哈!! 我竟然會唸這個字, 真不愧是有在台灣唸到大學!!)

posted by Biochemie on 8:39 下午 0 comments

TOSA Tulip Trip 2003


Tulip Town, Mount Vernon
Spring 2003
by Tim

posted by Biochemie on 5:08 下午 0 comments


Meet me!!

Pike Place Market, Seattle
Winter 2003
by Jason

posted by Biochemie on 10:45 下午 0 comments


今天又去Bellevue吃火鍋, 吃太多啦~~ (但是絕對沒有上次多!!)

posted by Biochemie on 9:50 下午 0 comments


仆街仔, 去死啦!!! (氣到不得不罵出口.....)
"There is not even a recipient name in your very first message. You can't blame me."
GOD....who blamed you, huh? I just simply didn't entitle the letter, ok? Does e-mails have to be so "official", huh? To our dear Dr. Fxxx!? I'm not writing a project report or anything close to that, it's just an e-mail!!! And I gave you info that you've asked for!! Man~~ you are unbelievable.........
You are merely a student, not even with your degree yet, ok? Piece of crap!!! Why don't you go back to your "lovely school" and be your crapy professor? humm~~ I guess you are not even good for being a lecturer...but oh well, you might be one in your crapy school which is not even in my consideration.

posted by Biochemie on 9:53 下午 0 comments

Happy Tree Friends

posted by Biochemie on 12:53 上午 0 comments


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posted by Biochemie on 3:18 下午 0 comments


Things are way over my head recently. I'm so sick of those admin stuff I need to go thru.

Went to PETCO with dragging myself again, thought I need some more fresh air, and I did. Got some presents for Mushu coz it'll be his B-Day tomorrow. A whole new clear roll-on ball + food are the stuff I will give, and hope he'll laike them!! The old roll-on ball I bought him has already been gnawed, and we can only close it by taping the cap.

Another thing for today....
Guess I just noticed that my mood can be told by observing my walking pace. The extremes.

posted by Biochemie on 6:15 下午 0 comments

Mimi's in hyperthermal + closing eyes + darn tiredness...........
There is a bioc quiz tomorrow that I have to study for.
Should I go check if I have SARS or sth like that?

posted by Biochemie on 12:13 上午 0 comments


FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry for being so rude, but......I REALLY WANT TO SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!!)
You could have said sth earlier, why now? Why after everybody's hard work? "It's been a privilege."!? That's it??? Is it the only thing you can say?
I know you've done a lot, but hey....we cannot be too square with these organization kind of things, ok? Seems like you did a lot of things but no one appreciated it, but we do feel thankful.
Anyways, I have no more time for this shit. You want to quit, quit.

posted by Biochemie on 10:32 下午 0 comments


posted by Biochemie on 8:55 下午 0 comments

有 X 就快放

posted by Biochemie on 8:38 下午 0 comments


Yatta yatta~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The time change makes me sleep one hour less.......>.<"
I hate that...I really hate that.....

posted by Biochemie on 3:05 下午 0 comments

The banquet was ok......not as good as I thought.
The food was...not so good as what I've been told exactly~~
People were ok.....
Oh, but I met a guy from Berkeley named Dennis, and he is so cool~~~~ He speaks only Taiwanese and English, that makes me have to communication with him in English coz apparently my Taiwanese might reveal me as not being from Taiwan..... He was the president of TSA @ Berkeley, and we talked about what kind of activities we we organize things....and also some personal ed. background.....kinda fun. It's my first time meeting new friends from other states at dinner, so it's kinda interesting.
UGH~~ Guess I will have to go several dinners like this since I'm an officer now.....but I hope I can someday be like our vice, do things by following feelings...... ^.^"

posted by Biochemie on 1:59 上午 0 comments


Humm......I'll have to go to Space Needle for a dinner banquet later, so guess I'll e-mail you latter when I get back!!!

posted by Biochemie on 6:24 下午 0 comments

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posted by Biochemie on 3:10 下午 0 comments

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posted by Biochemie on 1:18 下午 0 comments


I have to confess that I did sth really bad tonight. I didn't do what I've promised exactly, coz I did sth for TOSA instead. (yeah~~ what a great excuse...but it's kinda true!!) But at least we helped pick up the food.....that makes me feel a bit better......
Tomorrow will be another busy day for Mimi, so......I dunno....

Oh, another thing is that.....I've never seen people like this.....
My roommate, the messy Mr. J, is so despicable..... He NEVER help dump garbage, and he NEVER does the clean-ups. Now me and my another roommate put 2 garbage can in the kitchen, one is for us, and the other one is exclusively for HIM!! Go to hell, Mr. Fxck!!!! (Don't mess with Mimi!!)

posted by Biochemie on 11:53 下午 0 comments


I have no idea why I have truckload of things need to do........
There is a stupid Opening Ceremony that I have to go, and guess I have to dress up a way....
I'm so tired....heading to bed la~~~

posted by Biochemie on 11:56 下午 0 comments

My new schedule for Spring 2003
BIOC 442
CHEM 399
ESS 495

posted by Biochemie on 1:11 上午 0 comments

Joe got me this e-mail today.......
"Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need for life. I received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed."
Such a fine piece!!
(yeah~~ see that kind of life I'm leading right now, and these sentences are just the right ones for me!!)
Thanks, Joe!!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:05 上午 0 comments


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posted by Biochemie on 5:02 下午 0 comments

才開學第二天, 就有被車輾過的感覺.
Gotta sleep now, I plan......guess I'll spend at least 8 hours on campus again.
Nite nite'.

posted by Biochemie on 1:37 上午 0 comments


"總統, 去大陸就是投降嗎!?"
靠邊站啦, 你這個死東西.

posted by Biochemie on 8:48 下午 0 comments

Blog is finally back to life!!!

First day of the quarter, and how can I say this....I'm dying!!
Bioc lecture went extremely FAST!! But the prof. is kinda cool. One thing sucks is that we will have 9 quizzes for the whole quarter.....(Man~~ Are we high school students or something?)
Japanese sectino was ok, but kinda stupid. I was told over and over again that my TA for this quarter is SO HOT, but nah~~ she's ok, but not as hot as I thought...... And we played a "big wind blows" game in Japanese....kinda retarded~~

Other than classes, I did bunch of must-do stuff:
1. get a letter from Taifo
2. turn in the scholarship form
3. talk to chem adviser and report the 210 credits thing
4. fill out tax return form
5. purchase bioc + Japan course pak
6. check up things for ITASA
7. prepare for TOSA meeting
8. report lost sticker to admin center
9. prepare to start another chem lab (this lab will hopefully get my name published alone with their reports in magazines!! Nice!!)
10. conduct TOSA meeting (it was ugly....too many things we have to talk about...)

I basically spent like 13 hours on campus today, and went home with almost dragging myself....
And my eyes were almost closing when typing up the meeting record. I really should force somebody to do it for me. (but to me, the thing is that if nobody is willing to do help even seeing how hard I'm working, then just do it myself.) I'm the president (you cannot tell, coz I'm doing all the trifles)+ secretary. Ugh~~ so frustrated......Can I quit?
And I feel so dumb if I go to ITASA thing alone without our vice-president, since it's kinda like an official thing. Besides, it costs $40.00 to go to those stupid lectures and workshops..... I guess I'll pass this time. (but I still have to be a "volunteer" even thou I'm not really willing to help...."unable to do what I want very much to do" ---- that is.)

posted by Biochemie on 1:28 上午 0 comments


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