Ok, I have to confess that those guys are just too cute to be true. There were 4 guys in our Hall Health today, and each one of them was at least 6"3', and they are just way too good-looking!! Man~~ I'm telling you....way too cute.... Damn!! Too bad that I was in such a hurry to rush out of the building coz I promised Laura to take care of Matthew for her.
Oh, by the way, have I ever told you that Matthew is the cutest-sweetheart ever? (little cutey can always steal my heart~~~ Trinity, Samuel, Sarah and Matthew....) I spent nearly 2 hours together with Matthew this afternoon, and Laura says that little Matty doesn't always that nice to people. Gosh, I'm so flattered! (Guess I'm pretty good at dealing with kids!! It's probably because MYSELF IS ONE, too!!) And I had no problem communicating with the kiddy. ("no problem" communicating with a nearly 2-year-old tot!? Don't know if I should be happy about it or be sad about it....)
Just finished watching SPEED again. (yes, you can yell it at my face, "AGAIN".) Keanu Reeves is just the type for me...(ok, I'm just being dreamy again...oh well, it's a "after-movie symptom", I suppose.)
Just contact with the biochem department, and I'm not so sure if I want to do the biochem lab or not. But I guess I'll have to since I might need a !@#$%^& letter from them in the future. (and of course I cannot say that to them.) [beep]
posted by Biochemie on 8:26 下午