真不知道為什麼middle crisis會出現在my early 20s.
Anyways, I'm recovering. 昨天晚上(今天凌晨, rather)一通長途電話, 話筒那端熟悉的聲音, 彷彿是一座遙遠的燈塔, 給我一絲絲的希望.
真是一語道破夢中人. "旁觀者清"說的真不錯.
朋友說是我心底的"長期被忽視的小孩在努力爭取我的注意", 好像有這麼一點道理...(真不愧是他社工的!!!) 我不想長大, I'm not ready for the ugly world. I hate to face unfair things, which can be found like every where in our stupid society. Deviated values, deviated judgment. I don't want to be aprt of it. I just want to be myself, can't I? (對不起啦, 說著說著就會變成英文....我正在努力改進中....)
此時此刻我的思緒還是亂的不得了(you can probably tell by my blah~~), 但是我似乎可以慢慢靜下來好好思考, 雖然我並不喜歡. (Good timing for "The Little Prince" again.) Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.......someday..... >.<"
A good news made my day: The Pau family might come for my graduation ceremony, then we'll go to Toronto for another one!!!! Never thought about that we can celebrate childhood playmate's college graduation one day~~~ We'll see.
posted by Biochemie on 9:26 下午