I can now sense how my next year will be like......
(Should I switch all of my incoming calls to my cell phone so that I can view who's calling coz of the caller ID feature? )
I got endless annoying calls from one of our "officers", who think she still is ---- on the LIFETIME bases ---- and talked about TOSA stuff. God!! I'm NOT YET the president, ok!? Don't gimme bunch of stupid excuses why you cannot join our once-a-week-only meeting. And if you cannot make it to the meetings, then forget about being a officer!! I'm SO SO SO sick of your greedy for officer-privilege. (free food or free ride to Vancouver or sth like that....) Can you just cut that crap out!? Don't think about being a lifetime officer, there is no such thing like that!!! The only thing you are so good at is just standing there and converting oxygen into carbon dioxide!!!
I can feel that she always make phone calls to "bother" people, (like what she did to me tonight) and tries to get people's attention. But you know what, if you have ability to handle things and take care of them, then people will get to you spontaneously!!! Don't gimme that look, I'm really sick of it!! Would you still call me whould it not for I'll be the president? Haha, I seriously don't think so. So, just suck it up, go back to your greenhouse, and have fun with your plants!!! Ciao!!
posted by Biochemie on 8:19 下午