Come and check the picture of the day ---- 6666 (Man~~ Simon, 真有你的!!)
今天我的頭又快要爆了, 不因為別的, 絕對不是. 是因為.....Viv, 就~是~你~!!! 害我一打開話匣子就是一個小時, 我閉上眼的那一刻竟又是3:00am......Holy~~~ 今天是8:30am的biochem lecture, 聽的我頭暈目眩, "SO...this DNA.....that RNA...then....the enzyme..." Hahaha!! I didn't really get the point. 頭痛欲裂的我, 第二堂還是我的Japanese oral final...我自己在咕囔什麼我都不記得了, 只覺得很順, 就一直說下去了, 也不知道大家有沒有聽懂.....(說的好不好不知道, 我只知道我的drama部分不錯~~ Viv, 你的事業讓我也參一腳吧!?) 在lab就更慘了, solvent都配對了, solute的量卻計算錯誤. Crap. Had to do it all over again. But today is fairly good so far~~ And especially thanks to all of you who encourage me and give me so much support. I can never tell you how much I appreciate it. I'm touched. So touched.
Alright, nap time now.
(Viv, I guess you rang up my roommates this early morning....Can you try to call my cell if you really need to call me "that early"??)
posted by Biochemie on 3:50 下午