Busy day.............
Went to Boeing with Jason this afternoon, and he was SO SO SO excited!! He can name every single aircraft he sees, and explains to me the structure and function stuff like that. Guess he's just so into it~~~ hee hee!! So, Jaz, are you coming for UW next year??
TOSA held a Chinese New Year hot pot thing tonight. SO many people came, and the officers didn't even have seats..(oh well, except for our great President....) An hour later, we found that the stove was out of gas. So, I went thru 5 stores leaving Jaz there to buy the stupid gas can for the stove, tired and frustrated. I didn't eat much coz I'm basically walking around and collecting garbage.... Tim and I were so so so tired, and we decided to go to Chinatown for dinner. (By the way, we 2 will be the President and the Vise-President next year. Sad.) Anyway, great dinner time with friends in Chinatown, and you know what!? I gotta head back to my study now. Wish me luck!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:32 上午