Learning new languages is surely interesting!!!
但是, 我從來不知道自己可以這麼有毅力.
We're now in the final week of instruction, and I'm still going to the German lecture even though German is kinda challenging for me.
開學時, 人人都"看好"我一定旁聽不了多久, 但是我竟然做到了!! (只是有一些東西還是一直搞不清楚...) Ordinary factors won't fire a nerve in me. I think what I need is some "new things / novel input" that can trigger sth in my already-dead brain, and languages happen to be one of the stimuli.
God, I'm so proud of myself!!!
Quote of the day: "I'm SO GOOD."
posted by Biochemie on 2:31 上午