Happy chatting with Jackson!! We chatted for like an hour basically about our recent life. He's extremely busy coz it's his 4th year in med-school......and he has 3 more difficult years to go!! And about the "thing" we talked about, thanks Jack!!
Had a GREAT time dinning with Vincent last night. We missed out several years coz he has been in Canada for more than 13 years, and we chatted a lot last night. (Good for him that he doesn't forget much of his Chinese~~) It was great~~ And we'll go out for a movie tonight.
Well, gotta go~~~
posted by Biochemie on 7:54 下午
A whole new fresh day!! (well, practically it's half left coz it's 12:00pm now...)
And good for me.....I'm now like an "operator" coz I kept answering phone calls for the past several minutes, and I got like over 10 calls in a roll.
I got a call from my "dear Mom", and she has already got me a plan for the next days....(I'm pretty much "fully booked") Guess I'll have to squeeeeeeeze some time for my "already-late-Christmas-Shopping"......
Mimi's Calender
go over application thing with Skylar
dinner at Landmark Club located in Tien-Mu
hang out with TY
go to Kwan-Hwa market with uncle
baby-sit Rhonda, Vivian , and Trinity
go to Astronomy Museum with Rhonda and Vivian
12/30 'til heading back to Seattle
hang out with Vincent
posted by Biochemie on 8:13 下午
I really am sick of being asked to follow "orders". You may have no idea that you've already reached my limit.
Don't ever judge my senses with your own ones, coz how you feel will never be how I feel.
So, BACK UP!!!
(Quote of the day: "Learning things from the people you don't like is the smartest option.")
posted by Biochemie on 10:18 上午
OK, Chinese version for today....
今天我去榮總找我台灣的大學的學長, 外加參觀他們的實驗室. 我的老天呀, 他們的實驗真是爆酷的----小鼠腫瘤接種實驗!! (聽起來頗高級的吧!? Well, 其實也只不過是幫小白鼠打打針就是了.)
今天的實驗真是有點給他殘忍......(basically the whole project) 他們把健康的小白鼠注射腫瘤細胞, "條剛"讓小白鼠在右後腿的部份長了一個約直徑1cm的腫瘤. (如果你知道實驗用的小白鼠有多大, 你就知道那個腫瘤在小白鼠身上所佔的比例有多"不小"!) Anyway, 今天他們用6個電擊探針把小白鼠身上的腫瘤包圍, (要刺穿小白鼠的皮膚及肌肉組織) 然後用1300V的電壓去電它.
God....小白鼠叫得好慘~~~~ 電完以後, 可憐小白鼠儼然已經右腳殘障, 像個喝醉的老鼠, 走路(爬行rather)歪七扭八......
跟學長拿到管樂CDs, 讚!!
明天要開始我的"諮詢事業"了, wish me luck!! (hope I can really give them some help la~~~)
posted by Biochemie on 10:08 上午
I had a dinner with Walter, Sally, and bunch of TSA people tonight. And we were so stupid that we sang a "fancy version" of birthday song in the restaurant because some other people (total strangers) was clapping thier hands...just because of that....and we were kinda enjoying singing the song..so silly.... And those TSA people tried to speak Chinese, and turned out to speak all those stupid "fxxx" words....GOD...
They are cool and funny, but somehow...I just feel we're like people in 2 different world in a way....
After that, I run into Skylar at the Taipei Main Station!! Think about the odds, man~~~
We chatted and chatted.......Skylar told me that she might come to UW in the near future~~~
I'll have to talk to TY this Saturday, and hopefully he will come as well.
Happy Boxing Day!!!
(I believe it's a holiday in Canada!? Correct me if I'm wrong....People always unwrap their Christmas gift today, and go crazy shopping!!!!)
posted by Biochemie on 10:50 上午
Just got back from Shang-Hai.
Man~~ I'm exhausted..........
Shang-Hai is a really INTERESTING place, I'll tell you more about it later~~
posted by Biochemie on 8:47 上午
I'm home!!!
And I'm leaving again...............
I'll sure blog later after coming back from Shang-Hai~~~
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Frohe Weihnachten!!!
posted by Biochemie on 1:09 下午
(Screw the biochem final!!!)
Went downtown for my Christmas shopping right after work. GOD!! I do have "shopping potential", coz I bought everything that I need for my buddies in Taiwan in 30 minutes. I GOT EVERYTHING!!
Me leaving in 7 hours, chiao!!
posted by Biochemie on 4:12 下午
There is NO WAY that I'm gonna sleep tonight; it's gonna be the first time ever for Mimi to stay up all night for a stupid final!!!
The lecture notes itself is like 5cm thick!!!
GOD!!! How wonderful life is....................
posted by Biochemie on 11:15 下午
Just figured that I cannot type the "dots thing" for German.
posted by Biochemie on 3:08 上午
People are leaving for home today.......(Bis spater, meine Freunde!!!)
Me is still stuck in here fighting against my biochemie....the hardest course ever!! All those enzymes and mechanisms...Man, this is JUST great.............
posted by Biochemie on 3:05 上午
啊, 原來蘇玉珍(苦苓的老婆)寫的東西也實在是....不怎麼樣....
頗平淡的. 我可以感覺到她想要try to write sth different and interesting, but....she screwed...既沒有高潮, 也沒有笑點....it's just too plain....That won't be the book that I'd recommend.
posted by Biochemie on 5:58 下午
I think I've got viruses....both JS_SEEKER.Z6 and WORM_KLEZ.H.......
Also, I cannot view my on diary.......
What am I gonna do????
By the way, the coolest-ever MAs gave me a Christmas gift today, I'm so so so happy!!!!!
posted by Biochemie on 6:55 下午
The end of the quarter!!!
I don't really feel happy about it, thou. Coz it's a indicator that finals are coming up......especially biochem, such a killer.
I can toally foresee how am I gonna spend the days before heading back to Taiwan....back to the abnormal normal-me.
Anyway, goin' back to my 2nd draft of the report, and maybe followed by a movie........
(see~~ that's me...)
posted by Biochemie on 12:35 上午
posted by Biochemie on 6:54 下午
I'm in Lab now........
UGH~~ Just had a GREAT breakfast!! Let's see....it seems to be the 2nd or the 3rd breakfast of the quarter I think....
I had it in the clinic for celebrating Susan's (one of the MDs) retirement. And last time, we ordered a 12-feet-long Subway sub for celebrating people whose birthday is in December. Man!! 12 feet!! It's longer than the bed in the exam room!! Free food always taste good~~~~and one of the advantage of working in the clinic is having access to free food!! (hee hee hee~~~)
Eva just gave me several "surviving" tips for my P-Chem class, those are REALLY helpful!! Thanks, Eva!!!
Looking forward to the free pizza night tonight!!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:35 下午
不行不行, 不行在這樣下去了, 這樣下去不是辦法........
Somehow, 我的"人體機制"會把Yang, Tim, and 廁所連在一起......So, whenever I do my "daily-routine" (you know...) their faces just pop up in my mind. Then, 我就會情不自盡的拿起電話, 撥出去......害他們覺得自己"帶屎", 真是不好意思....
Am I been conditioned? In a way? (Coz what it happen was that whenever I talk to them on phone, I always have that "routine" feel.....)
posted by Biochemie on 5:32 下午
(Oh, PLEASE don't take it the other way....if you know what I mean...)
It rains so heavy this afternoon, and people are like drenched to the skin.......
I personally kinda like the weather like this, a bit cold, a bit wet. (coz it's way too dry here.) I really like the sound when rain drops on my umbrella while puttin it up.
Anyway, I entered a draw for a 5GB iPod, and they'll draw out a winner next Monday, so wish me luck!!!
Oh God, no.....I can feel it.....it's time now...it's time for "poo-poo-ing".....God....
posted by Biochemie on 5:01 下午
Lovely day. Just simply lovely.
The Japanese oral final went just great. It's scheduled to be a 5-minute thing, but I felt that I only did it for like 3 minutes. And I think I got all of them right. Nice!!
I finished my 1st draft of my 2000-word biochemistry undergrad. research report tonight, and have it in my hand right now. God, I just LOVE this feelings of "complete" whenever I finish composing a paper. Man~~ I have to say that I'm really good at writing a science paper.
I "go to toilet" a lot recently. I always tell my friends that it's hearing their voice that makes me want to "poo poo". I'm just kidding, of course. But somehow I just go "poo-poo-ing" really frequently lately, and I actually lose some weight. Is it good or bad?
Viv called me tonight, and we chatted for like 2 hours again. I was like "Viv? OMG, it's you!!" Coz it's kinda unusual for me to chat "internationally" during weekdays. But think from the other side, it's just talking over the phone, what makes "international calls", "long distance calls" and "local calls" different ? But I just do think they are different for no reason. Well, maybe long distance and local calls are the same to me, but they ARE different in a way......God, it's complicated....they are the same...they are different...... When will you come to the States anyway, Viv?
I found a cool new book entitled 賤人. Man~~ the title itself is arresting enough, not to mention the story.....I'll read it!!
posted by Biochemie on 1:54 上午
啊~~ 最近好想聽以前吹過的曲子喔~~~
Celebration and Glory
Hopetown Holiday
Espana Cani
A vision of Majesty
Century Point
Castfore Portrait
La Bumba
Mission Impossible
Jurassic Park
想到我穿著黑色長裙, 拿著夢幻法國號.............真是超有氣質的!!
哈哈哈, 不過為了看譜 + 坐的穩.......我竟然"兩腳開開".....豬!!! (形象毀壞殆盡)
posted by Biochemie on 6:31 下午
Seriously, 我沒救了.....
It's time for my bedtime reading, but I don't want to go to bed at all; not to mention I still have to go over Japanese vocabs again coz I'll have my oral final "today". I think I'm supposed to be nervous about it, but I don't think I am even thou I haven't memorize all the vocabs. But I guess it's fine, coz I really do think I get 98% of them.
Anyways, I'm now heading to my bed, review vocabs, followed by "桂花巷", then ZZzzzZzzZZz.......
(Man~~ Hopefully I can get up early enough for my 8:30am biochem lecture.....)
posted by Biochemie on 2:15 上午
Look at this...the junior high history of me.....God, that reminds me so many funny stories!!!
(Cited from Tien-Yu's Utopia.)
我當然記得啦!! 他是我高中老師的老師咧.....他還是我美國朋友媽媽的同事說. 他以前怎麼欺負你們呀!?
- Biochemie
- 柚子
- 路人甲
- 柚子
對啦對啦, 我跟柚子可說是"苦情2人組", 每次都是全班最先被打的...
然後老師都對我們前面2個女生超好, 我們2個就是那種"不上不下"的小角色.....
然後想說呀, 每個學期都會換座位呀, 那就可以當不是最先被打的吧!? 偏偏換來換去, 我們4個(政大女, 台大女, 柚子, 和我)的座位永遠都黏在一起.....哀~~就是這樣啦~~永遠的苦情2人組啊~~~
- Biochemie
posted by Biochemie on 12:12 上午
God....the stupid biochem research is so complicated.......
We're basically doing a whole new research with limited info provided. We can only rely on the research outcome of Validamicin, then try to apply the standard procedure on the current project, Pyralomicin.
However, Mimi is SO GOOD that I can easily write a 2000-word report containing charts and graphs without any agony. I'll have to show it to my instructor before handing it to my leading professor. But I doubt that Wei would understand what I write. (I mean with my poor English expression. XD)
posted by Biochemie on 11:39 下午
Just finished watching Audition this afternoon. Holy Shit!!! 真是個變態的電影!!! I've NEVER seen such an eerie psychothriller!! Asami uses a kind of a wire to chop off Aoyama's foot....I can take the chopping scene, but the "sound effect" (血肉模糊+黏答答) is like...God, so real......
God, who lend me this DVD anyway??? (but I have to say that this film makes its point indeed!!!)
posted by Biochemie on 4:05 下午
在downtown買的caramel popcorn好好吃喔!!
還有還有, 今天中於吃到傳說中的Le Fournil的sandwich + tart. umm....yummy!!!
posted by Biochemie on 2:09 下午
Here, check this out!!
You must know the song "The 12 Days of Christmas", and here, a UNIX version of it!!
The 12 Days of UNIX
On the first day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
A burnt-out V.D.T.
On the second day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the third day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the fourth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the fifth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the sixth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the seventh day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the eighth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Eight gettys dying;
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the ninth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Nine floppies frying;
Eight gettys dying;
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the tenth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Ten ports a-jamming;
Nine floppies frying;
Eight gettys dying;
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the eleventh day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Eleven chips a-smoking;
Ten ports a-jamming;
Nine floppies frying;
Eight gettys dying;
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
On the twelfth day I left it, my Unix gave to me:
Twelve boards a-blowing;
Eleven chips a-smoking;
Ten ports a-jamming;
Nine floppies frying;
Eight gettys dying;
Seven blown partitions;
Six bad controllers;
Five core dumps;
Four bad blocks;
Three heads crashed;
Two faulty tapes;
And a burnt-out V.D.T.
posted by Biochemie on 7:13 下午
Wonder how's the election going.........
posted by Biochemie on 12:25 上午
Just got back from Tim's B-Day dinner. That was a nice dinner, I pigged out.
(But I cannot believe that his birthday is gonna end up like that. I mean, we should hang out all night ne!!)
I got him an interesting card, the funniest I've ever seen!! It's sth about "stick it out" (well, it has double meanings.)...so, you can imagine what that is like.....
And Yang shouted "blowjob" so loud that everyone in the restaurant could hear that....so funny....
Herzlichen Gluckwunsch zum Geburtstag, Tim!!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:13 上午
Does anybody want to be my date for the dance next quarter? And spring quarter?
Or, can you find me one?
I'll be really really sad if nobody wants to go with me.......
Anyway, shower time.
And I believe somebody will ask me. Somebody who knows me.
posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午
The concert was a hit!! I like the vocal jazz so much!! And when I saw the wind band, my memory of my band life became so fresh in my mind. I remember once my stupid senior mate put a "bowl" in front of his trombone, and use it as a plug. God, that was so funny....
I think I'll call Nickle, Lily, Joy, Mao, and Jasmine when I get back, so that we can play our song together!!! (Remember how we played "Aladin" !?)
posted by Biochemie on 10:01 下午
Learning new languages is surely interesting!!!
但是, 我從來不知道自己可以這麼有毅力.
We're now in the final week of instruction, and I'm still going to the German lecture even though German is kinda challenging for me.
開學時, 人人都"看好"我一定旁聽不了多久, 但是我竟然做到了!! (只是有一些東西還是一直搞不清楚...) Ordinary factors won't fire a nerve in me. I think what I need is some "new things / novel input" that can trigger sth in my already-dead brain, and languages happen to be one of the stimuli.
God, I'm so proud of myself!!!
Quote of the day: "I'm SO GOOD."
posted by Biochemie on 2:31 上午
I'm so happy that I propagated my love to earth sciences piece by piece, and let people know more about our Earth. Foucault Pendulum is such a great example to illustrate the rotation of the Earth. This simple experiment was beautifully conducted by Leon Foucault at the Pantheon in Paris in 1851. At the North Pole, the pendulum rotates 15 degrees per hour clockwise (opposite to the self-rotataional direction of the Earth); however, the period of rotation of the pendulum varies with latitude.
It's amazing, isn't it? (I think I just found another story for our newsletter!!)
posted by Biochemie on 6:45 下午
God....I've tried to call Mom for like 4 hours, and finally I just got her call....
She told me that grandmom is doing OK, and the tumor is a benign one. Thank God!!!
Grandmom is now in a recovery room, and should be sent back to her ward in 2 hours. She doesn't need to go ICU. Nice!!!
This news just made my day!!!!
posted by Biochemie on 7:47 下午
Finally finished my biochem project today.
And you know what, I think I need some "雞屎白" now, coz after having my "dinner" @ 11:00pm, I puked. Is it some kind of a poison?
Anyway, this Sunday sucked. Well, this coming weekend should be fun starting Friday coz we're gonna go ToDai for a B-Day dinner!!! (Hope I won't puke again....)
Granny will have her operation tomorrow, hope she'll be fine. I'm so nervous.....coz it's her lung we're talking about here....God....I'm so so so worried.....God bless her....God.....(I probably puke because of this....)
posted by Biochemie on 1:48 上午
posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午