OK. This is enough for Mimi. Too many things happened today.
1. I called Stud for like 100 times, and he's cell was shut off. I need to talk to him so bad coz I need to finalize some important details regarding our trip to Vancouver which I'm not even going.
2. I couldn't find our Activity Coordinator, either. Once again, I have some urgent info that she must know before the trip.
3. I couldn't find our President at all. She and AC will have to be in charge of everything while the group is in Vancouver, and apparently she doesn't even know a thing. (things like we encountered serious problems arranging hotels and carpool stuff.)
4. Ethan, our never-show-up officer, just told me that he will have to check into the hotel earlier than our "official" group, and his group won't even show up by the time our "official" group should meet. His group won't join any of our activities at all. (Why bother joining us anyway? God!!!!) So I made at least 5 calls to check with AC and him about the check-in time and procedure.....the technical problems....(I need a little help-out here...Who can kill him??)
5. Peter, one of our members, just e-mailed me that his group won't be able to join us coz his friend forgot to bring his passport. (Ha, this is great!!)
6. Joe, the other member, the poor guy......I'm still trying to get him a spot for coming back to Seattle at this moment. Hopefully I can get Stud pick up the phone and make sure that he's coming home on Friday.
7. God knows how much I want to go, but I just can't. There is enough trouble for Mimi, and I simply just don't want to take the rap. There might be no more seats for the return trip already, and I don't want to make the situation even worse. And that's basically why I need to talk to Stud that bad. (And, I'm really sorry, Simon!!! Hope you can understand what I've got into here.....)
Do we have to make things THAT INTRICATE? I tried so hard to keep things simple, but people are just like...want to follow their own schedule + make the best use of us getting a good deal on accommodation.
My conclusion: The more you know, the more complicated things are. It's like watching a endless drama coz our officers are so good at this kind of things....always doing things at the very last minute, and nobody wants to take the responsibility.
I'm done with my part when it hits 7:00am. They will be leaving, I'll be revelling.
Next, we'll have to rely on our President and our AC. I'm done. Hahahaha~~~
posted by Biochemie on 1:31 上午