My "official" date of registration is tomorrow starting at 6:00am, somehow I can register today. Yay!! (even thou my registration priority is already ahead of other students, but you know...."stealing time" always feel better~~~)
I got what I want for next quarter except one of the sections is closed for today. Guess I'll try again tonight.
BTW, I'll take Biochem 441(God, 400 level..), Chem 312 (inorganic), Chem 499 (undergrad. research), and Japan 112 (Japanese) for my winter quarter. I'm still thinking about taking Chem 312 or Genome 371.....Unfortunately, I don't think I can afford auditing German 102 again next quarter due to my freakin' tight schedule....crap....
posted by Biochemie on 8:39 下午