My mood is like been broken into pieces, and cracked everywhere. Hard to portray how it feels or what it is alike. Beyond description. Can't concentrate at all even thou the bio mid-term is coming.
It seems like I'm living in a world full of school-work. Am I pushing myself too hard? Well....I don't think so based on what I get in return. Sometimes I feel frustrated when seeing what I get on exams, but I'm happy that I gain a lot more than that on the other hand. Whole lot more. Something that cannot be taught in class; something that cannot be experienced by every single one of us; something that I'll never forget; something that I might cherish for the rest of my life. School-work matters? Yeah~~ of course, but not as valuable as some other stuff which will benefit you for the rest of your life. (see~~~ I told you that my thinking and mood is been broken into pieces.....I don't even know what I'm talking about here...)
posted by Biochemie on 6:15 下午