Bump into several "officers" at HUB today, and they look pretty depressed. I asked why they look so blue, their answer was like..."it's all because of the bad weather today!" I can only agree with it partially. In fact, me myself sometimes feel the same way as what they feel today, down because of the weather, rainy or cloudy. But you know what, it's kinda sad to let other things that you are not able to control effect your mood or feelings. Life is hard already, don't make it even worse becuase of the stupid weather!!! It's like cloudy + rainy for 300/365 days in Seattle, can you change that? NO!! The only thing you can do is just to change yourself, change the way you sense the world. You certainly not be able to change the weather, but you can certainly, at least try to, inspire others with your own good mood. World would be totally different if you view it with a different perspective. A day is just a day, 24 hours. How will you spend the day relies on how you want it to be. (God...it's like my ENGL 131 essay.....)
posted by Biochemie on 9:35 下午