OMG!! I got up like 8:30am today, and it's SATURDAY!! Gosh..this is so not me..... I have to admit that I've led a really weird lifestyle over the past year: exhaust myself during weekdays, and sleep 'til like NOON over weekends...and doing no exercise or workout whatsoever.....This is definitely not a normal+healthy life, but.......I dunno.....it's kind of like a circle...once it gets triggered, you can hardly find a way to stop it. This morning, I went to IMA to play some racket....kinda fun.....And after that I had THE LONGEST MEETING EVER!! It's the ITASA thing....I felt like my brain was jellied, and my eyeballs were fallen out...so tired.......Anyways, the semi-fromal dance thing is coming tonight, and I won't put on make-up as I promised myself!! (And I'm going to see how funny those girls are.....) I know it's what-so-called "courtesy" to put on make-ups,(oh~~ what a good excuse..) but I strongly believe that all those chemical stuff do sth bad to your cells.....coz I notice that once you put it on, you'll never live without it.....
posted by Biochemie on 3:06 下午