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Rosetta Stone

毛毛躁躁的.........越到mid-term越是這樣.........書都念不完,連吃下去都怕消化不良.......豬!!! (對不起,我的口頭禪...不過大概已經影響很多人了..) 我覺得我整個晚上都在壓抑自己,還是很pissed,煩.crap..(對不起,這是我另外一個口頭禪,忍不住要罵一下....) Better not piss me off again now...I'll definitely flare up. (But don't be scared la~~ I'll be nice to people as usual, unless sth really annoying happens.) 明天算是輕鬆的一天,嗯!! I'll be fine!! And no worries about the readings..(我在催眠我自己...不要理我...) (OMG..回頭看看這篇diary, 我看我真是氣到語無倫次了....)

posted by Biochemie on 12:09 上午 0 comments


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