I scored 120 (or something like that) on Friday night's bowling!! WhooWhoo~~ (Well,even thou I didn't break my own record.) Maybe I should try harder next time. Tonight (oh~~ or I should say "last night"), I had a kinda-boring-kinda-fun night. (Weird name, I know.) US.Marshalls was OK (but Robert Downey Jr. is so cool.);and I spent like 2 hours staring at TV doing nothing.......(Is that supposed to be my Saturday night?) Then I had a fight with my neighbor + a friend again. (coz my weakness of "ticklish-ness" was totally busted, and they tickled me a lot.) It was like敵暗我明,敵多我寡,以致我方節節戰敗,潰不成軍.....(那個死鋼管男,給我記住..) 記取國父革命的精神,我一定要努力奮發,把他們都打敗!!! gum-ba-te!!
posted by Biochemie on 1:50 上午