米滷蛋真是個可愛的小東西~~~ 雖然我不知道這首歌, 也沒看過原版MV, 不知道米滷蛋跳得像不像 只是................ GOD它真是該死的可愛!!
posted by Biochemie on 6:48 下午
Ray, you love that mug!?
So I chatted with Ray yesterday, after that crazy dinner. He won a handmade mug with a 3D sexy chic in shorts covered halfway of her hip. When shaking the mug, you can also get some noise. This is called "有聲有色" mug. (OK, there is another design of the mug set ---- 32G bust style.) So basically, you are touching ........ that place whenever you drink. (Guess he LOVES that impressive SEXY chic mug....wahahahaha) And he strongly believes I have other "shocking gifts" that can give him as his b-day present. (which I don't, ok!? Am I that.....that.... sigh....) Anyways, we're gonna meet again tomorrow for a dinner with 2 Christines', Catherine, Viola (Toby hopefully), and Will (if not kidnapped by his GF. Oh I somehow have that weird feeling for the word "kidnap", especially from Ray's mouth...... XD)
posted by Biochemie on 12:14 上午
Nordic Singelringen

Johan 在斯德哥爾摩的晚宴上遇到了一個女孩 Asa ,兩人開心地聊了起來,聊到他們兩人都是單身,卻都覺得這個年頭,要能分辨誰是否是單身,實在很困難,直接問也很尷尬。已婚的人可以大方地戴著戒指,為什麼單身的人不能也有一個屬於單身的戒指,來表示自己的是單身的狀態?如果彼此知道是單身者,就可以自然地開始交談,不是太美好了嗎? Singelringen 是瑞典字,代表的是 proud singles 戴的戒指,這個概念由 Johan 發起後,已經在全世界迅速延燒蔓延,全世界的 Singelringer ,都有機會在路上、在咖啡廳、在機場、在火車上、在任何一個角落遇到其他的 Singelringer ,美國、歐洲、日本、南美洲、亞洲, singelringen 的數目正在飛速增加中。 Singelringen 是瑞典傳統工藝與現代 casual 概念的融合,將現代感而顯眼的湛藍色玻璃纖維,接合在純銀 (925) 內戒上,並開一個弦形的弧口,讓內層的銀戒從中透出光澤,象徵對於新朋友,甚至於新的浪漫關係的開放態度。走在路上,很難不被這樣特別的色澤所吸引。
每一只單身戒都有獨一無二的編號,你可以知道自己是全球第幾號 Singelringer ,並且與全世界的單身者展開有趣的邂逅與交談。
posted by Biochemie on 12:02 上午
Have you thought about MATH that way? (Hart will kill me....)
I wish I were your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves..........
The Integration of Pretty Little Polly Nomial (18禁)
Once upon a time, (1/T) pretty little Polly Nomial was strolling through a field of vectors when she came to the edge of a singularly large matrix. Now Polly was convergent and her mother had made it an absolute condition that she never enter such an array without her brackets on. Polly, however, who had changed her variables that morning and was feeling particularly badly behaved, ignored this condition on the grounds that it was insufficient and made her way in amongst the complex elements. Rows and columns enveloped her on all sides. Tangents approached her surface. She became tensor and tensor. Quite sudenly, 3 branches of a hyperbola touched het at a single point. She oscillated violently, lost all sense of directrix, and went completely divergent. As she reached a turning point, she tripped over a square root protruding from the erf and plunged headlong down a steep gradient. When she was differentiated once more, she found herself, apparently alone, in a non-Euclidean space. She was being watched, however. That smooth operator, Curly Pi, was lurking inner product. As his eyes devoured her curvilinear coordinates, a singular expression crossed his face. Was she still convergent, he wondered. He decided to integrate improperly at once. Hearing a vulgar fraction behind her, Polly turned around and saw Curly Pi approaching with his power series extrapolated. She could see at once, by his degenerate conic and his dissipated terms, that he was up to no good. "Eureka," she gasped. "Ho, ho," he said. "What a symmetric little polynomial you are. I can see you are bubbling over with secs." "Oh, sir," she protested. "Keep away from me. I haven't got my brackets on." "Calm yourself, my dear," said our suave operator. "Your fears are purely imaginary." "I, I," she thought, "perhaps he's homogeneous then." "What order are you?" the brute demanded. "Seventeen," replied Polly. Curly leered. "I suppose you've never been operated on yet?" he asked. "Of course not!" Polly cried indignantly. "I'm absolutely convergent." "Come, come," said Curly, "let's off to a decimal place I know and I'll take you to the limit." "Never," gasped Polly. "Exctly," he swore, using the vilest oath he knew. His patience was gone. Coshing her over the coefficient with a log until she was powerless, Curly removed her discontinuities. He stared at her significant places and began smoothing her points of inflection. Poor Polly. All was up. She felt his hand tending to her asymptotic limit. Her convergence would soon be gone forever. There was no mercy, for Curly was a heavyside operator. He integrated by parts. He integrated by partial fractions. The complex beast even went all the way around and did a counter integration. What an indignity to be multiply connected on her first integration. Curly went on operating until he was absolutely and completely orthogonal. When Polly got home that night, her mother noticed that she was no longer piecewise continuous, but had been truncated in several places. But it was too late to differentiate now. As the months went by, Polly's denominator increased monotonically. Finally, she went to L'Hopital and generated a small but pathological function which left surds all over the place and drove Polly to deviation.
The moral of our sad story is this: If you want to keep your expression convergent, never allow them a single degree of freedom. ==================================================== A Math Romance (這這這.....)
They integrated from the very point of origin. Her curves were continuous, and even though he was odd, he was a real number. The day their lines first intersected, they became an ordered pair. From then on it was a continuous function. They were both in their prime, so in next to no time they were horizontal and parallel. She was awed by the magnitude of his perpendicular line, and he was amazed by her conical projections. "Bisect my angle!" she postulated each time she reached her local maximum. He taught her the chain rule as she implicitly defined the amplitude of his simple harmonic motion. They underwent multiple rotations of their axes, until at last they reached the vertex, the critical point, their finite limit. After that they slept like logs. Later she found him taking a right-handed limit, that was a problem, because it was an improper form. He meanwhile had realized that she was irrational, not to mention square. She approached her ex, so they diverged.
posted by Biochemie on 11:22 下午
冥王星(Pluto)終於得到了一些推崇,但並不是來自天文學家,而是來自文字學者。美國方言學會(American Dialect Society)5日在其年會中,推選「被冥王星了」(Plutoed)為2006年的風雲字彙。
「被冥王星了」在複選中擊敗另一個詞「氣候金絲雀」(climate canary),成為年度風雲字彙。「氣候金絲雀」的定義是「一種有機體或物種,其健康衰弱或數量減少,暗示一個大環境的災難即將來臨」。其他被考慮的字彙還有flog(推廣產品的不實部落格),和macaca(獼猴,身為一個美國公民被視為外國人),macaca 是前共和黨國會參議員艾倫(George Allen)在競選時,稱呼對手的一名印度裔助理的種族歧視言詞,該名助理是在美國出生的公民。
美國方言學會有117年歷史,由語言學家、文法學者、歷史學家和獨立的學者組成,他們票選年度風雲字彙是為好玩,不具正式引介新字進入英語的資格。 =============================================== 看來這跟"ohta-ru"有異曲同工之妙~~~~
posted by Biochemie on 8:13 下午
 藝術家筆下想像的爆發事件景象。點選此處可看動畫模擬。 Credit: NASA
一組義大利天文物理學家GianLuca Israel等人,利用美國航太總署(NASA)的Rossi X射線計時測量衛星(Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer),於2004年12月7日偵測到位在銀河另一側的中子星SGR 1806-20發生了一個有史以來,宇宙中強烈的gamma-ray(伽瑪射線)閃焰(flare)爆發事件。這個強烈的爆發現象,將有助於天文學家探測中子星這種神秘天體的內部結構。相關論文發表在7/20出版的天文物理期刊快訊(Astrophysical Journal Letters)中。
由星震震動的頻率,天文學家可推測中子星內部,究竟是單純地像一大陀中子聚在一起,還是像絕大部分天文學家相信地:在中子星的核心含有什麼樣如夸克等奇特的粒子?而中子星的地殼,究竟是如何「浮」在中子星的超流體核心(superfluid core)上方?而這次的星震之所以重要,就在於它的震動強度足以讓天文學家分析並檢測理論的正確性。
SGR 1806-20於2004年12月27日發生強烈爆發,它所發出的X射線幾乎橫越半個銀河系而抵達地球,是天文觀測史上曾觀測到太陽系外最強烈的爆發現象;其X射線強度在瞬間讓地球軌道上的所有X射線觀測衛星都為之「眼盲」,地面上的電波望遠鏡也都記錄到這次的爆發事件。天文物理學家們認為:這些伽瑪射線和X射線爆發,應是來自中子星周圍高度扭曲的磁場突然斷裂、回復穩定狀態的過程中而釋放出強大的能量所致。
我們銀河系中的約有數百萬顆中子星,這些中子星的表面磁場強度約為地球的數兆倍;可是,天文學家居然還發現約10顆左右的中子星,其表面磁場強度高達一般中子星的1000倍以上,他們稱這種中子星為「磁星(magnetar)」。任一顆磁星如果位在月球的位置上,其磁場強度將足以讓地球上所有的信用卡都被消磁而無法使用。正因其磁場強度如此之強,因此這些中子星的地殼有時會被磁場給弄皺,並在釋放伽瑪射線與X射線的同時,讓中子星表面發生震動;其中伽瑪射線的輻射量遠超過X射線。到目前為止,天文學家已經發現4顆磁星有發生這樣的現象,且這些都會重複發生短暫的伽瑪射線爆發,因此特別將這4顆磁星稱為「軟伽瑪射線重複爆發源(soft gamma repeaters,SGRS)」。SGR 1806-20便是其中之一。
資料來源:http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/science/mcgamma.asp 2005.07.12
posted by Biochemie on 6:23 下午
今天忽然想到一件很久以來一直懸而未決的事 ---- 我美國的 2005 退稅!! (都2007了, 不要跟我說我還要再等 orz) 上了銀行網站, 看到一堆數字已經沒啥感覺...... 點進去一看, OH YES!! 2005的稅終於退了~~ 雖然不是很多啦, 但是也可以算是"年終獎金"!? (因為本人在新公司未滿3個月....所以99.99%沒有年終獎金, 只好自己阿Q認為IRS發給我年終啦~~)
此時此刻, 只有一個字能形容我的心情 ---- 爽!!! Wahahaha~~~ (那今天可以跟Vince逛夜市逛到走不動為止.... XD)
posted by Biochemie on 11:11 下午
別說我這個北部郊區人是混假的 (所有認識我的人都知道, 基本上對我來說中山北路七段以南簡稱南部) 為了答謝各位的支持, 告訴大家一個shopping好地方 ---- LACOCO outlet center 這家店賣的衣服全部都是國外名牌, 有Banana Republic, MODA international, GAP, POLO, NIKE, Timberland....... (還有一些是不屬於我這種低層次的沒見過的超級名牌) NT$100的2件算NT$150, NT$190的2件算NT$300, NT$290的2件算NT$500. 便宜又划算!! 在下我前幾天去敗了 Abercombie & Fitch 2件燈芯絨毛毛領外套, 網路上不知是吃錯藥還是怎樣, 一件起價是 NT$2600左右, 我一件才買 NT$580~~~~ GAP風衣一件網路要價 NT$2300, 我買到 NT$680 (當場有賺到 wahahaha~~) 當然休閒一點的Old Navy也是有貨.... 最特別的是, outlet的購物袋竟是JCPenny的..(彷彿置身國外啊~~)
你可能可以花上一整天在這兒逛, outlet還有costume專區, 你想扮啥都有的挑!!
Outlet旁邊還有一間"校園郵購" (oh yes, 就是小時候說的"郵購"啊~~) 可以買到 NT$99的背包, 還有一大堆夜市價半價的小玩意兒!!
LACOCO outlet center 全家的店 北投路一段7號 (唭哩岸站與奇岩站中間) tel: 02-28942525
posted by Biochemie on 10:09 下午