找不到男友自己來 (氣的咧~~~) ~12/21/2006 YAHOO NEWS

耶誕節前後就會生 別搞錯,他們不是在馬槽邊等耶誕,而是等「蜥誕」。佳音則如假包換:一隻科莫多蜥蜴處女生子,孵化期可能就在耶誕節前後。不過,園方說,信徒可以放心,生出來的七隻小蜥蜴不會取名耶穌。 八歲的富蘿拉一歲那年,被從印尼的科莫多島帶到切斯特動物園。蜥蜴四到五歲才性成熟,富蘿拉向來只和妹妹妮西同住,從未和雄性相處,更別說交配,今年5月,富蘿拉生下25個蛋。雌蜥蜴未交配而生蛋,並非天大怪事,但那些蛋通常未經授精,不會發育成胚胎。 園方慎重,把那些蛋擺進孵卵器,其中一半看起來像真的蛋,顏色白皙,蛋殼硬實。 怪事還在後頭,三個蛋破了,科學家看見血管,還有小小的胚胎,立即將那些蛋、富蘿拉的身體組織採樣,連同一隻雄科莫多蜥蜴的組織採樣,送往利物浦大學化驗,以便確定孩子的來歷。檢驗結果,蛋裡的DNA都是富蘿拉的。她有七個寶寶即將破殼而出。
科學界興奮透了 未經雄性授精的處女生殖,科學名詞叫「孤雌生殖」,包括爬蟲類以及魚、黃蜂、芽蟲在內,自然界約70個物種有此現象,但科莫多雌蜥蜴自己產卵兼授精,一身兼為父母,卻是科學界首次見識,動物園人員興奮到不行。 倫敦動物園有一隻圈養成長的科莫多雌蜥蜴桑嘉伊去年生下22個蛋,其中四個今年成功孵出,但桑嘉伊兩年半前曾接觸一隻雄蜥,園方心想她大概珠胎暗結,把精子藏在身上,後來完成授精而生蛋。但富蘿拉證明孤雌生殖後,科學家回頭檢驗桑嘉伊,發現她四個孩子的DNA全是她的,這才確定科莫多蜥蜴有孤雌生殖現象。
找不到男友自己來 桑嘉伊後來和雄蜥蝪交配,另外生下一批孩子。專家說,這說明科莫多蜥蜴可以孤雌生殖,也可以兩性生殖,「找不到男朋友,就自己想辦法」,十分有趣。 科莫多蜥蜴是全球最大的蚚蜴,蛋只有十公分大小,但寶寶一孵出來就有45公分,從沙坑裡鑽出,上樹吃昆蟲、鳥蛋,成長後最長有三公尺。目前野外約有四千隻。
posted by Biochemie on 11:08 下午
December 12, 2006
Dear Friend,
UCLA computer administrators have discovered that a restricted campusdatabase containing certain personal information has been illegallyaccessed by a sophisticated computer hacker. This database containscertain personal information about UCLA's current and some formerstudents, faculty and staff, some student applicants and some parentsof students or applicants who applied for financial aid. The databasealso includes current and some former faculty and staff at theUniversity of California, Merced, and current and some formeremployees of the University of California Office of the President, forwhich UCLA does administrative processing.
I regret having to inform you that your name is in the database. Whilewe are uncertain whether your personal information was actuallyobtained, we know that the hacker sought and retrieved some SocialSecurity numbers. Therefore, I want to bring this situation to yourattention and urge you to take actions to minimize your potential riskof identity theft. I emphasize that we have no evidence that personalinformation has been misused.
The information stored on the affected database includes names andSocial Security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and contactinformation. It does not include driver's license numbers or creditcard or banking information.
Only designated users whose jobs require working with the restricteddata are given passwords to access this database. However, anunauthorized person exploited a previously undetected software flawand fraudulently accessed the database between October 2005 andNovember 2006. When UCLA discovered this activity on Nov. 21, 2006,computer security staff immediately blocked all access to SocialSecurity numbers and began an emergency investigation. While UCLAcurrently utilizes sophisticated information security measures toprotect this database, several measures that were already under wayhave been accelerated.
In addition, UCLA has notified the FBI, which is conducting its own investigation. We began notifying those individuals in the affecteddatabase as soon as possible after determining that personal data wasaccessed and after we retrieved individual contact information.
As a precaution, I recommend that you place a fraud alert on yourconsumer credit file. By doing so, you let creditors know to watch forunusual or suspicious activity, such as someone attempting to open anew credit card account in your name. You may also wish to considerplacing a security freeze on your accounts by writing to the creditbureaus. A security freeze means that your credit history cannot beseen by potential creditors, insurance companies or employers doingbackground checks unless you give consent. For details on how to takethese steps, please visit http://www.identityalert.ucla.edu/what_you_can_do.htm
Extensive information on steps to protect against personal identitytheft and fraud are on the Web site of the California Office ofPrivacy Protection, a division of the state Department of ConsumerAffairs, http://www.privacy.ca.gov
Information also is available on a Web site we have established,http://www.identityalert.ucla.edu. The site includes additionalinformation on this situation, further suggestions for monitoring yourcredit and links to state and federal resources. If you have questionsabout this incident and its implications, you may call our toll-freenumber, (877) 533-8082.
Please be aware that dishonest people falsely identifying themselvesas UCLA representatives might contact you and offer assistance. I wantto assure you that UCLA will not contact you by phone, e-mail or anyother method to ask you for personal information. I strongly urge younot to release any personal information in response to inquiries ofthis nature.
We have a responsibility to safeguard personal information, anobligation that we take very seriously.I deeply regret any concern or inconvenience this incident may cause you.
Sincerely,Norman Abrams, Acting Chancellor idalert@identityalert.ucla.edu
posted by Biochemie on 11:47 下午