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Rosetta Stone

只有一個字 ---- !!!

Just got an e-mail from Prof. Kwiram, and he said that many of the students have been sharing the same idea that "Mimi is an *outstanding* TA".
Muwahahaha~~ (請吃巧克力有了適當的回報!! Just kidding, 因為明天才要請吃巧克力 XD)
It's been rewarding to be helpful, and people appreciate my work.
That's all I'm asking.

Back to organometallics hell, even thou I really really really *hate* that class.

posted by Biochemie on 11:18 下午 2 comments

看見Viv找到一首*超寫實* (in other words, *超cheap*) 的歌, 歌詞實在是太給他寫實. (超像那個上映中的八點檔. 想必那杯*茶*應該蠻*咳咳咳*的~~)
看來除了名字是X開頭的女生很恐怖之外, C開頭的女生也不輸人!!
(還好我們的圈圈裡沒有X or C的女生....)
詞:陶吉吉& 娃娃
木吉他:Dean Parks

你有一種變態功力 讓我失去理性
我像機器被你遊戲 扭曲著情緒
也許你從來不瞭解 你的愛會讓我窒息
我想你最愛的 是自己

Catherine 我不屬於你
Catherine 我要我自己
抓得越緊 越抓不住早就破裂的感情
你不明白這個道理 你也不可能反省
只希望你能夠瞭解 為什麼我離你遠去

Catherine 不能沒有你
Catherine 也不能在一起
Catherine 或許我的愛真的不夠了不起
過去相依如今分離 都是命運而已
有一點痛有點遺憾 更多的歎息

Catherine 我要離開你
Catherine 雖然還愛你

posted by Biochemie on 9:48 下午 0 comments

今天又去library. 原本想靜靜地就這樣唸到天荒地老, 誰知道不到一個小時, 我的肚子就嘰嘰叫. 奇怪, 不是出門才吃的午餐嗎!? 怎麼不到一小時又餓了咧!?
按照計畫 ---- 唸到死再回家. 可是我投降了, 因為我可能還沒唸死就先餓死了...... (快快脆脆整理書包回家吃東西)
我實在不知道我的stomach是怎麼連結我的brain, 要用腦的時候, 肚子就會空虛. 我想我的肚子會一直空虛到我畢業的那一天吧!?

posted by Biochemie on 9:42 下午 0 comments


I don't normally pay attention to any of the Korean star, but this one is a really good clip.
So sad that the singer in the clip committed suicide about a month ago.
(Thanks Viv for the link!!)

Only When I Sleep

posted by Biochemie on 8:47 下午 0 comments

I'm pretty happy to be alone, so no body will talk non-stop around me.
I go crazily wild only if I want to.

But this is such a weird feeling that I'm THE ONLY ONE in the library now.....
The library is officially closed for the day, but since I have the key to stay here, the librarian didn't kick me out when she locked the gate.
It's freaking quiet, and feel like I'll be smashed by piles and piles of books.

I'm being productive today, so I think I'm gonna hang around here for a bit then head back home and eat. :)
Sounds like a good plan to Mimi!!

posted by Biochemie on 5:28 下午 0 comments



My head was about to explode today. Some people just don't get the idea that my phone is there and NOT to be answered "this week". They just kept calling and calling, and even try to set up a *decoy* (to them, it is a decoy; to me, it's a crap) to get me to the phone.
Don't even think about it, cause you can never catch me!!

The other thing is that somebody is apparently going schizophrenia. Coming up with a whole new idea each day. We'll see what's next.

My Astrophysics critique for tomorrow:
Red Dwarfs and the End of the Main Sequence
It's purely based on theory with no observation data whatsoever, so it's a bit challenging to criticize it. I'll just do my best and BS for 2 pages. XD

And since it seems we have people here who are highly interested in the story of the "Cup-of-Tea" thinggy, maybe we should really do it to spice things up?? muwahahaha~~

posted by Biochemie on 11:43 下午 0 comments

苦命的我 ---- 都快 3:00am了, 還在改實驗報告!!!
明天還要寫*需要很多靈感*的天文物理journal critique + 準備quiz section教材

~ 現在知道為什麼我告訴大家"Please don't attempt to MSN me, call me, or invite me out unless you get a call from me."了吧!? I will NOT respond you for this week. Sorry ne!!

Friday又無淵無故跑出一個HW要用手改(平常都用webassign system改), 改quiz, 還要準備 review session, 送交全部的成績.......
Weekend就更精彩 ---- ORGANOMETALLICS + *another* astrophysics journal critique!!!


posted by Biochemie on 2:54 上午 0 comments


Fema 和 Simon 都要寫 "單戀排行榜", 害我也很想幫 Viv 寫一個 (Viv, I still have your list yo!!). muwahahaha~~ 我真是個壞小孩.
這應該蠻好玩的, 改天我也來寫我自己的好了. XD (你會發現, 別的女生眼中的"帥哥"完全不是Mimi的那杯茶....)

OK!! Back to the hell.....

posted by Biochemie on 8:22 下午 19 comments

Numa Numa Dance

據說現在很流行, 不過我想大家都瘋了.....
Check these out----
Numa Numa Dance
Numa Numa class


Alo Salut sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea
Alo alo sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei
Nu ma nu ma iei nu ma nu ma nu ma iei
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Te sun sa-ti spun ce simt acum
Alo iubirea mea sunt eu fericirea
Alo alo sunt iarasi eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic


posted by Biochemie on 3:58 下午 3 comments

What's Your Element?

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

posted by Biochemie on 2:07 上午 4 comments



又不是八十年代 依然寂寞難耐
為什麼穿上新的品牌 等他約會 等他愛
到週末在家做乖乖 等他來
又不是個人崇拜 害怕卻又期待
為什麼男生都很奇怪 突然也會 很可愛
對付這頑皮的小孩 要多少愛

從8歲就想戀愛 有沒有害
非常的喜歡 等不等於愛
想他想到睡不著 能否沒有眼袋
問問幾米 明不明白

又不是八十年代 依然寂寞難耐
為什麼穿上新的品牌 等他約會 等他愛
到週末在家做乖乖 等他來
又不是個人崇拜 害怕卻又期待
突然也會 很可愛
對付這頑皮的小孩 要多少愛

在夢裡背叛愛人 什麼心態
愛他難道只 因為他高大
吵架後吃巧克力 能否保持身材
給騙了兩次 可否不算失敗
問問幾米 明不明白

又不是八十年代 依然寂寞難耐
為什麼穿上新的品牌 等他約會 等他愛
到週末在家做乖乖 等他來
又不是個人崇拜 害怕卻又期待
為什麼男生都很奇怪 突然也會 很可愛
對付這頑皮的小孩 要多少愛

posted by Biochemie on 11:52 上午 6 comments

The 1st Jason

到目前為止, 我的生命中出現過5個Jason, 一個在台灣, 一個在澳洲, 三個在美國.

今天心血來潮撥了一通電話給Michael, 看看他現在有沒有走出痛苦的深淵. 誰知道這個到處"趴趴走"的傢伙, 繼巴西, LA, Vegas, Miami之後, 這個weekend竟然又跑到Atlanta去找Jason ---- 我認識的第一個Jason.
想想也有10年沒見了, 所以反而跟Jason聊的比Michael還久. 他的中文變的有一點怪怪的, 畢竟也來美國10年了, 不過他的笑聲還是沒變. 蠢蠢的. (這是一種讚美, ok?) 聊著聊著, 才發現原來我們三個都面臨著相同的處境, 不過都有慢慢找到解答的方向. 今年年底Jason就會回亞洲, (希望到時候Michael也順利畢業XD), 也許會 stop by Seattle (也就是來找我玩啦!!), we'll see.
Miss you, Jaz!!

posted by Biochemie on 3:27 上午 0 comments

American style 辦桌

今天才知道原來美國也會吃"辦桌", 只是不像我們是圓桌, 他們是長型的桌.
這個weekend是perspective grad students' visiting weekend, 所以我們系上要招待大家的"食住行".
如果你去過chem building (CHB), 或是去過那裡上過有機實驗, 你就會知道, CHB是一個長方型的建築, 整棟大樓只有一條*一眼看不盡*的走廊. 今天的"辦桌"就在這條走廊上, 真是嚇死我了!! 我只看見這唯一的走廊, 有一條*一眼看不盡*的長桌, 坐了兩道人牆, 嘰嘰喳喳不停. 我想大概有300多人吧!? 害我跟Kevin, Santi, Maguna, Virginia 沒位子坐, 還坐到邊邊靠牆的實驗室椅子.......
It's quite stunning~~

Alright, there are 100 lab reports need to be graded tomorrow + I need to figure out what class to take by Monday + read ASTRO paper + work on ASTRO quis. Oh yeah...and laundry.

posted by Biochemie on 2:54 上午 5 comments



這次Mimi到香港去可不是隨隨便便給他"遊山玩水", 而是要既N年前的summer camp之後, 再次真正體驗香港生活!! (就是那種每天搭小巴, 坐渡輪, 人擠人的日子)
說來話長, 反正就是Mimi有可能這個summer要在香港呆上一陣子, 幫忙搬家找房子, 負責cousins的日常生活會話教學. (外加自己瘋狂 CD/VCD/DVD shopping....) 想到這裡, 頭上就不由自主的發光!!
這是種很畸型的感覺, 因為明明不是回自己的家,以前去也沒住很久, 確有種壓抑不住的興奮.... (難道是*第二外國語*作祟, 覺得跟那個國家很貼近!?)
Humm.....該去"渝景灣"找房子好, 還是"Repulsive Bay"好咧? (<--Mimi發瘋中)

雖然"今天"該交的HW還沒生出來, 但是現在的Mimi還是興奮到不行!!!

posted by Biochemie on 12:44 上午 2 comments



A 冬天 TO 2
B 夏天 TO 5
C 不分季節 TO 11

1. 你喜歡沾醬料吃嗎?
A喜歡 TO 2
B不喜歡 TO 5

2. 你的醬料裡面會加雞蛋嗎?
A會 TO 3
B不會 TO 6

3. 如果你吃到一半,發現裡面有一小截的煙蒂,你會怎麼辦?
A跟老闆吵架,要求換一鍋新的 TO 13
B不吃了,直接付錢走人 TO 10

4. 你選擇火鍋店的標準是什麼?
A很有名氣 TO 7
B價格便宜 TO 8

5. 火鍋店推出一種你完全沒看過的新式火鍋,你會勇於嚐試嗎?
A會 TO 6
B不會 TO 8

6. 你喜歡幾個人一起吃火鍋?
A兩三個知心好友 TO 9
B一大群朋友 TO 3

7. 店裡已經坐滿了人,你會一直在那邊等、還是不想等,馬上換一家?
A 等 TO 11
B 換一家 TO 12

8. 你喜歡加什麼樣的配料?
A加麵條 TO 9
B加冬粉 TO 7

9. 你會先喝湯、還是先吃完所有的料再喝湯?
A先喝湯 TO 10
B先吃料 TO 12

10. 如果老闆告訴你火鍋裡必須加某 種奇怪的配料才會變得很可口,你願意試試看嗎?
A願意 TO 17
B不願意 TO 13

11. 你會不會在吃完熱騰騰的火鍋之後,來一碗清涼的剉冰?
A會 TO 15
B不會 TO 14

12. 吃火鍋的時候,你喜歡一開始就放肉、還是最後再放?
A一開始就放 TO 15
B最後才放 TO 11

13. 你喜歡把配料通通丟進鍋子裡面煮,還是一樣一樣慢慢煮?
A一起煮 TO 17
B一樣一樣煮 TO 16

14. 你喜歡配什麼飲料?
A烏龍茶 TO 16
B烏梅汁 TO A

15. 你喜歡在家吃火鍋、還是喜歡在外面吃火鍋?
A家裡 TO 16
B外面 TO 14

16. 你快吃飽時,如果有下一個客人在後面等位子,你會在意嗎?
B不會 TO C

17. 你已經吃的很飽了,這時老闆突然說要再免費送你一鍋,你還會吃嗎?
B不會 TO 16
A 涮涮鍋
你的個性內向、有點自閉你的性格比較孤僻一點,喜歡一個人安安靜靜地待在家裡,對你來說,跟不認識的人交談是很困難的事,所以朋友並不多,不過還是會有一些知心朋友,你要好好珍惜這些關心你的人,不能因為是好朋友就疏於付出? 你對自己的事情比較有興趣,一旦立定目標,就會一步步完成,即使再苦也沒關係。不過別把自己關在象牙塔裡,有些事情就算自己再有實力,沒有周圍的幫助,仍然無法完成,要學著打開心罪,跟不同的人交往,如果能認識人脈很廣的朋友,也可以增加與人接觸的機會喔!與人交往,不要覺得厭煩,應該主動示好,一般人都會炊然接受你,透過這些往來,說不定你會發現一個全新的自己正破殼而出呢!

B 麻辣鍋
個性有點偏激,喜惡分明你的性格比較火爆一點,好惡分明。遇到你喜歡的事情會馬上採取行動,一旦覺得討厭,就想馬上脫身。由於你先入為主的歡念,因此交友類型往往偏向某種人,不過一旦成為朋友,就會跟對方深入地往來。你很豪爽,當朋友遇到困難時,會馬上伸出援手,朋友都非常依賴你。因為你的個性陰晴不定,有時可能會因為一點小事而跟朋友鬧得不愉快,或在五分鐘熱度後改變初衷,這些情形都會讓你失去朋友的信賴,最好學習有條不紊地處理事情,堅持到最後。在與人相處的時候,不妨試著跟原本覺得合不來的人交往看看,而不定會因此發現對方的優點,這樣的嘗試可以慢慢增加你的朋友類型,讓你自己變得更 有魅力、更受歡迎。

C 日式火鍋

D 鴛鴦鍋

posted by Biochemie on 9:55 下午 1 comments


Alert!! Alert!! End-of-Quarter Warning!!

Starting from this week, I'll be *extremely* busy all the way 'til the end of the quarter. Please don't attempt to MSN me, call me, or invite me out unless you get a call from me. (Otherwise you will see me not responding at all.) However, this board will still be functioning, and I'll still come up and leave messages here. And you are all very welcome to leave your message here as well :)
I'll make another announcement when this stupid alert is off, approx. 3/13. We'll see.
(Not trying to be rude, but just want to let you know that I really hate this quarter and need some time to wrap things up before the quarter ends.....)

posted by Biochemie on 11:00 下午 2 comments


this is an audio post - click to play

posted by Biochemie on 11:03 下午 3 comments


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