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posted by Biochemie on 4:52 下午
 You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are sweet, caring, and a source of energy for everyone around you. You can inspire others with your creativity and depth, and you can keep people alive when in times of famine. People love you...or at least the way you taste.
Which Biological Molecule Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Biochemie on 5:43 下午
You will know how *influential* you are when you carry viruses around.....
I've never known that me and my friends are SO CLOSE that I have such a great influence on them......
I infected almost everyone around me: Juma, William, Amy, Tim, and Ricca...I guess....
After 3 cups of Panadol a day, I sleep like a pig every single night, and can't study at all. I'll see if I can catch up some reading before I take off for Canada.
posted by Biochemie on 5:12 下午
Here comes the stupid tax form again......
I hate forms!!
posted by Biochemie on 8:28 下午
Humm....I should really consider to switch my major to drama. (Yes, you read me right, drama. Or I should think about going TVB or sth...)
I had my oral test this morning (with my duck-like voice) without any prep at all. (Bad Mimi. Bad bad, bad!!) All of us got assigned partners 5 min right before the test, then we took turns to go up front of the class, and performed the "monkey show". (BTY, that Stoneman-san looks like Richard so much....)
Anyway it was me and my partner, Mitchel-san's turn. So we walked up there, played it stupidly, made sure we finish the stupid conversation, then we're done. After all of us finish the test, Kobayashi-sensei gave us some commends, where we all say wrong, and stuff we all did good. Then~~ here comes the funny part: She invited *me and my partner* go up there and do the monkey show again, becuase our conversatin is the only one that flows~~ (keyword: *flow*, not Japanese, not vocabs) So we did it again. And the TA was so funny that she "STOP" us as if we are acting on TV, and analyse the word we choose, the *gesture* we had.... After the analyzation, we went back on the conversation. And she stop us again, and the analyzation........ That was the funniest oral test I've ever had in my entire Japanese educ so far. (God I like Kobayashi-sensei so much.....She's just funny!!)
Alrighty, time to go for meeting......
posted by Biochemie on 5:05 下午
Hey guys, go check the TOSA link under "Schools", you will find something interesting~~
posted by Biochemie on 8:14 下午
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posted by Biochemie on 1:18 下午
YES!! I'm done with the TOSA member database!!!
(真的眼睛都花了....想不到我竟然自告奮勇要做database, 以後打死我都不做了!!)
Went to Chinatown with Connie and Ricca tonight, and we were followed by a nigro on the way home. He is so !@#$%^&*, and didn't even get our hint. *buzz off!!* He followed us on the bus, Jumped on Connie and faced her SO CLOSE...... GOD!!
I'm talking to Mom online right now, so...I'll get back to you later!!
posted by Biochemie on 12:26 上午
It must be a curse.... Must be... Must be....
I was EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED after the New Year's hotpot last night with a whole bunch of poeple. I was planning doing something fun after coming home, but hey!! I was so run-over-by-a-car that I really couldn't do anything.
I was in such a mess even my stupid herpes simplex pops out.....
Creepy New Year.....
posted by Biochemie on 7:58 下午
Interviewed by NTDTV @ Seattle
by Wesley
Eckstein Middle School, Seattle
我想, 被電視台訪問的機會
原來訪問都是這樣, 下一次我也要回答的很飄渺才行!!
posted by Biochemie on 10:44 下午
Haven't been updating my blog since my coming back for Winter quarter....
I've been in a severe jetlagged, + jaded appetite + flu for days and it might will have to take a long time for recovering....... Mimi's schedule is now totally up-side down as you can observe.
Anyways...... Lots of things happened during the past few weeks, both academic and life. P-chem becomes exetremely challenging in the 2nd quarter, and Japanese turns into a show'n'tell type of thing. Ohta-sensei is boring as usual, but he'll give us tests in this quarter. Plus, I'll have to catch up the internet course's reading soon..... Things are like just in such a chaos totally, and to be caught off my guard.
Too many things are troublesome. Purely vexatious. Maybe I should just put them aside, and wait until the right time comes.
Interesting news:
I went for an event like streetfair Saturday night as a member of TOSA, abd the VP and I had an interview with Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television. We were so nervous cuz none of us had this kind of experience at all. And all the other officers were busy taking our photos.......(made us looks like superstars...) And, I finally meet the "air-headed super sisters" ---- Jennifer and Jennifer. (yes, you read me right, they have both the same first name and last name.) It was really........surprising...(astonished, floored.)
The last but not the least, I had a great day with Rhonda, VI, and Trinity, playing XBOX for all day..... :P I'll see them again soon!!
posted by Biochemie on 5:25 上午
外星人解剖錄影帶 震憾天文界
posted by Biochemie on 11:45 下午
I don't even know if what I have is jetlag........
1. I have NO appetite at all
2. I puke
3. I xxxx a lot
4. semi-fever
Those med-people, what's wrong with me anyway?
Vince says that he has jetlag still too, and upload some of the photos we took in Taiwan, so here they are.......
This is where Vince lived 13 years ago, and I visited there so often that I can still remember what it used to look like.
The photo was taken at 大湖公園 somewhere near Vince's old place.
竟敢偷拍我!! 訥命來!!
We don't see each other often, but we hangout for like everyday when we both get back to Taiwan. Shall we go to night-markets again next time?
posted by Biochemie on 1:50 上午
It snowed, it snowed!!!
Classes are cancelled today due to the weather condition in Seattle, and we went on campus for a HUGE snowball fight this afternoon!!
It's so cold that even the fountain was frozen, and some of us were so eager to stand on the ice in the fountain, but I didn't dare to do so. :P
We took a lot of great pictures, and I will pull them up here once I get them.
I got up like around 5:00am today, (I was gonna call my friend up, but I gave up cuz might get killed...) and somebody named Vincent has jetlag too, so we had a nice long chat on MSN in my early morning. Man~~ too bad that I won't be able to go to Europe with the Pau family this May. Have fun, Vince!!
Chatted with Jason tonight too, and he told me something I was thinking about too. Something quite shocking. But hey, thanks for telling me those, Jason!!
And Yang, confess to liking Poyen!! Otherwise I will do something for you!!
Snow is melting at this moment, really wish it kept snowing, and school can be cancelled again!!
Side note: I can never understand why I checked M0508521 up, what were I thinking anyway?
posted by Biochemie on 10:49 下午
Everything is fine here except it's FREAKIN' COLD back in Seattle, and I can hardly type with my frozen fingers!!!
And be prepared, cuz I have a lot of stories to tell!!
posted by Biochemie on 3:55 下午