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Rosetta Stone


posted by Biochemie on 9:02 下午 0 comments

嗯~~~ 發現自己好像有預測天氣的"潛力"!! (是潛力喔~~不是能力) 根據雲層分佈來看......到週末都是好天氣!! 嗯嗯..就是這樣.....(天氣好,心情就好喔!!!)

posted by Biochemie on 2:39 下午 0 comments

今天的天氣真好~~ 要不是明天有stupid o-chem mid-term, 我一定出去晃..... 今天晚上a friend會來sleep over,不過我想我們也不會睡了吧~~ 因為睡一覺, chem也忘光啦~~~~

posted by Biochemie on 2:35 下午 0 comments


WOW~~ 今天才發現自己蠻會"放電"的嘛~~~ 只不過不是電帥哥...是自己飯筒去電到"金屬門框".....!@#$%^&*......歹命呀.....(其實是天氣太乾燥吧,我想)

posted by Biochemie on 2:40 下午 0 comments

我現在應該是在教室上課的,但是我一夜沒睡好,因為我一直想打嗝.....媽媽說我是昨天晚餐吃太多才會這樣....真慘... 還有,我今天完全不記得是我register的日子,不過還好,我的課目前都沒人要上,所以3分鐘就選到了. 剛剛吞了顆胃藥,希望會舒服一點............... :(

posted by Biochemie on 7:38 上午 0 comments

Don't know if I can respond to those questions in the guestbook.....I'll just reply them here...... Operon is a unit of genetic function common in bateria and phages, consisting of coordinately regulated clusters of genes with related functions. And不知道九份有沒有蛇, but I was told 會淹大水...>.<

posted by Biochemie on 2:06 上午 0 comments

我太失敗啦~~~ 一次又一次地被question........ A: "攝氏3度 枯樹 杯子 我"是妳寫的嗎? 我還以為是從哪裡抄來的.....B: 妳還會寫斑駁喔......C: 是真的叉燒嗎???.............我.......sigh.....ok~~ A: 是的,是我自己寫的,我知道看起來怪怪的,但是國文課本不都是怪怪的嗎?? B: 我記得我還在台灣念過大學吧.....(中文程度被質疑....慘...) C: 叉燒很簡單啦,我下次回去教妳, hee hee........

posted by Biochemie on 2:01 上午 0 comments


You know what, I'm having my dinner right now. (I know it's kinda late...that's why I called my life a upside-down one.)
And I baked myself 叉燒~~ Yay!! It worked!!!! I'm gonna share it with Yang and my next-door neighbors who make me fat....><

posted by Biochemie on 10:04 下午 0 comments

WOW!!! Can you believe this!? One friend I met when I took college preparation program at BCC will become a UW student!!! This is the SECOND time that I meet friends whom I first met in 1998 here in Washington. 所以說啦...人不能做壞事.....到哪裡都會遇到朋友.....

posted by Biochemie on 4:52 下午 0 comments


忽然找到那天跟Makeda她們去吃Chinese food的fortune cookie的紙條. 我的fortune cookie竟然有2張: You are the master of every situation. You are sociable and entertaining. 無聊吧~~ 但是.....如果加上 "in bed" 就不一樣囉~~Check these: You are the master of every situation IN BED!! You are sociable and entertaining IN BED!!! OMG..... hahahahahaha.....................

posted by Biochemie on 9:55 下午 0 comments


posted by Biochemie on 12:35 下午 0 comments


攝氏3度 枯樹 杯子 我

posted by Biochemie on 9:46 下午 0 comments

我又要去Sea-Tac啦~~ (奇怪...怎麼最近外務特多...)

posted by Biochemie on 4:41 下午 0 comments

好想住到九份那種地方,把衣服晾在窗戶外,簡陋斑駁,門還會嘰嘰叫的小木屋(oops~~沒去過九份..但是我想像中的九份是那個樣子的啦~~),過著與世無爭的生活.(如果還能懸壺濟世就更讚啦~~) 晚上去屋頂看星星,靠著我僅存的記憶,說出星星的故事. 沒有星圖,沒有光束,沒有單筒,沒有compass. 只有我,聽著Jazz. 晚上要睡在屋頂的帳篷裡,camping. It'll be so much fun!! 也許我在逃避什麼....因為....啊啊啊~~~mid-terms are coming, o-chem, and math are all coming together....geez....我要去九份!!

posted by Biochemie on 2:46 下午 0 comments

唔知點解,我每個Friday都覺得累個半死........卻又不甘心那麼早睡....weekdays都2:00am左右睡,Friday怎麼可以那麼對不起自己10:00pm就睡了咧?? 今天晚上去了Sherry和Fred的casual engagement party, kinda fun. I left earlier (oops...sorry...) in order to see the movie --- "Return to Neverland" with my friends, but they blamed me that it was too late to go. So, 4 of us started to do some crazy + stupid things....... We ICQ a lot after one of my friends went home, and I had a fight with my neighbor coz he said something really silly (he called me....nevermind...), 最後我不幸戰敗....掉到床下去啦~~~~ouch!! Anyways, I guess we can always find some new ways to entertain ourselves. That's how life become enjoyable, isn't it?

posted by Biochemie on 2:07 上午 0 comments


"運動休閒鞋" 喜歡穿運動及休閒鞋的女性,表面上看來大而化之,容易相處,但是她非常會保護自己,警覺心很強。外表好像很容易和男生打成一片,其實她們都把這些男生當成同性朋友一般,反而對於心裡喜歡的那一位,保持距離敬而遠之。一般朋友比較難看出她的心事,在堅強的防衛之下,其實她有非常脆弱的情感。
I guess that's me.......

posted by Biochemie on 6:09 下午 0 comments

I finished my very own acid-base extraction purification procedure in 40 minutes!!
Thank God!! I'd better go take a shower....and do some bedtime readings....
(What's wrong with me? It's 2am right now...and still need a shower...and then some READINGS???
Not to mention that the chem lab is 8:30 THIS MORNING....)

posted by Biochemie on 2:09 上午 0 comments

My life is totally upside-down.....what a vicious circle......
It's 1:25am now...and I'm still working on my stupid chem prelab.'ll take forever to get it done.....

posted by Biochemie on 1:27 上午 0 comments


Can't believe that I now have my diary online!!
Thank you, Tim!!!!

posted by Biochemie on 1:10 上午 0 comments


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